The UK Growers Thread!

fukin respect to those lads with the hash heating the knife up to cut it lmao......more memorys from bk in the day......

were they not doing hot knives off the fire?? i like the bit when it goes "yea theres about 40 off us"....."yea mate were driving"...."driving? fuckin flying mate"
fucking good question??

im going on the hunt for a psu for pc? only getting a tiny one this time 400 or summert, 850 is too much for my shit rig :(

Only got s 650 for sale, but it comes with a whole xomouter :-P

Why are you replacing your 850 though. Resale value for PSUs are generally shit, and your computer only takes what it needs, so if it only needs a 400w PSU, it doesn't matter if you havean 850w, its not using 850w. Just stick with what you have.
im the same tho lad I fukin hate bein round ppl the missis is bad enuff.......but bak in the days poped few es and was heven........but boy did I swet..........don't get me wrong my ends im well known rep cos of my fam well was me old man one hard cunt had to follow in his footsteps.......hit 30 had me boy whos 4 now and I couldn't give a fuk about no one or cunt out long as my boy ok.......ill fight anyman toe to toe.....if I get done then fair play.....but the gypsyboys will get ya later lol.......but to be honest Rambo what the fukin world is thesedays and the cunts in it is a piss money business is for my boy so he aint got to put up with the shit......
yer but u a fukin proppa bloke.....fukin kids and whatnot don't kno shit aint fukin lived...and try and chat fukin shit like thay betta man.......fuk
im who i am imc i dont lie or like bullshitters, and ive travelled and lived alot of life mate good and bad...........
duno how stoned you are but this gets me every time when im fucked and alone. (boss speakers are needed or great ears lol)


not a banger but its worth 2.30mins of shit for the end drop! lol

dont say who he is imc i might know him lol....

fuck the pikeys mate, look up pugilism, we taught them how to bear knuckle box! but your right, they will come back norm mob handed and at the very least with there mate stanley!!

it seems the "man" is no longer welcome in modern life, the bear chested, raw meat eating, dont look at me or ill fuck you monster men, have been replaced by the men of today who moisturise and borrow there lil sisters jeans.

p.s come near me with moisturiser and ill bite ya!! lol
fukin dropin missis off at town otherday pulled over indicator on ect.....fukin car with (kids)...behind me as I stoped looked in me mirror I saw him call me a me door open opend his door and made him look like a rite cunt infront of his mates he was driving a bmw.......well end of it told him to fuk off quick b4 I took his car off
I would give my left testicle for a track list to this set, I was 12 and at high school when I got a hold of this set tape.

Too many tunes from this set I need in my life!


Molly me up and bust the piano's loud!

They just don't make em like they used to.

fukin dropin missis off at town otherday pulled over indicator on ect.....fukin car with (kids)...behind me as I stoped looked in me mirror I saw him call me a me door open opend his door and made him look like a rite cunt infront of his mates he was driving a bmw.......well end of it told him to fuk off quick b4 I took his car off

behave yourself, you got money to earn and getting nicked dont earn you shit............
yer I was 18 had me first boy then a girl at 21 and now got me 4 yearold lad.....mind u me eldest he 13 now and fukin taller than me lol....
They do that mate, makes u look at the world differently and grow up a lot, I was 19 when my 1st son was born and the wake up call was like a brick in the face, made me realize what priorities truly were