The UK Growers Thread!


Active Member
quick update on the iso......damn that alcohol evaporates fast only been 3 hours or so

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looks like i'll get the bit for a joint or 2 i was hoping for and maybe a little extra for a wee bong :bigjoint:
Ur too fuckin right m8, this debate comes up all the time on here and I reckon folk selling it at 160 odd are selling it at that cos they can't get no more for it. Even at 250 for bulk the guys can put it out in bags and make back them ther makin the same as the grower without the hassle and time it takes to grow it. I could pass it on in bulk at 250 knowing that this guy has someone picking it all up once I leave for 300....IMO prices need to go up more lol
And in this attitude is where lies the problem, it's an unsustainable business model.
We got a recession off the back of a very similar money lending framework.

The price will continue to rise steadily at the rate of greed (not natural inflation) until the market potentially crashes, nobody will realistically be able afford to pay the over inflated prices the growers are charging for the poor quality they are getting. Then naturally there comes a stalemate, either the price has to come down again or folks are stuck with stockpiles of product because other folks simply refuse to buy.

Then we have the snow ball effect of people saying no, buying a cheap setup and thinking they can knock out shite and charge the same money.
This then adds further to a market flooded with overpriced yet substandard weed, which is exactly how the situation is now.


Active Member
And in this attitude is where lies the problem, it's an unsustainable business model.
We got a recession off the back of a very similar money lending framework.

The price will continue to rise steadily at the rate of greed (not natural inflation) until the market potentially crashes, nobody will realistically be able afford to pay the over inflated prices the growers are charging for the poor quality they are getting. Then naturally there comes a stalemate, either the price has to come down again or folks are stuck with stockpiles of product because other folks simply refuse to buy.

Then we have the snow ball effect of people saying no, buying a cheap setup and thinking they can knock out shite and charge the same money.
This then adds further to a market flooded with overpriced yet substandard weed, which is exactly how the situation is now.
err okey dokey
i will agree the price is rising coz of greedy cunts, but as i have said beofre people round my way pay 200+ for shite yet moan when i charge more than 160 when they have happily agreed mine in the best about!

well got told that a lad (so called pal) was in pub on friday saying he had seen me carying a box of wee dinto a garage,, first of it wasent weed and 2nd it was equipment, anyways i got told this in confidenc the night beofre last, then the next day the old man ocmes round and says sum1 tried getting in his garage,

im like for fuksake i cantcatch a break,, needless to say equipments been moved again,, duk about man, lad was menna be a pal and hes trying to rob me, if not trying to rob me hes opened his mouth in the pub to the expent of sayingw hat he saw and sum1 else tried

fuking priks! hope this exchange goes thru i want OUT!




Active Member
hope you pick axe handle his head and fingers ice
yeh not fucking happy, the thing is, do that to sum1 round here hed prolly get me nicked, and im not going thru the system again, i retired yrs ago and thats hw its staying,,, plus im a nice guy! lol

fucking suks tho, this is why i dont bother with na cunt!
well got told that a lad (so called pal) was in pub on friday saying he had seen me carying a box of wee dinto a garage,, first of it wasent weed and 2nd it was equipment, anyways i got told this in confidenc the night beofre last, then the next day the old man ocmes round and says sum1 tried getting in his garage,

im like for fuksake i cantcatch a break,, needless to say equipments been moved again,, duk about man, lad was menna be a pal and hes trying to rob me, if not trying to rob me hes opened his mouth in the pub to the expent of sayingw hat he saw and sum1 else tried

fuking priks! hope this exchange goes thru i want OUT!


You need to be up and gone sharpish now that the entire estate knows you're a grower mate, you'll catch no peace with every set of scroat eyes watching you.


Active Member

You need to be up and gone sharpish now that the entire estate knows you're a grower mate, you'll catch no peace with every set of scroat eyes watching you.
i know mate, they all know i got robbed luckily so think i havent got nowt going, i had no choice but to get sum guys involved when it went missing, and now every cunt knows

anwyays thers a few options atm so hopefully this lassy who came for a loo round with her chap (never noticed my room) she was like upstairs ohh its lovely and warm house and im thining yeh coz thers 1k of hid lighting 6 inches from you LOL

so was in a second hand shop and saw this thing for 30 qwid its about the size of them old calor gas fires yer nan used to have and u fill it with water, it freezes it then blows a fanover it, hence cool air, thinking of getting it for me attick, i know it wont be glowing, but for peace of mind,,, stick it on a timer so it starts wen the lights do

for 30 qwid its a good deal i think, plus be great for summer


Well-Known Member
And in this attitude is where lies the problem, it's an unsustainable business model.
We got a recession off the back of a very similar money lending framework.

The price will continue to rise steadily at the rate of greed (not natural inflation) until the market potentially crashes, nobody will realistically be able afford to pay the over inflated prices the growers are charging for the poor quality they are getting. Then naturally there comes a stalemate, either the price has to come down again or folks are stuck with stockpiles of product because other folks simply refuse to buy.

Then we have the snow ball effect of people saying no, buying a cheap setup and thinking they can knock out shite and charge the same money.
This then adds further to a market flooded with overpriced yet substandard weed, which is exactly how the situation is now.
I find it best to just take the fukin money and let them work out id they can make a profit, u don't really understand the market if you think £160 is a fair price for your weed.....but u think you do


Active Member
I find it best to just take the fukin money and let them work out id they can make a profit, u don't really understand the market if you think £160 is a fair price for your weed.....but u think you do
diffrent strokes zed, round here only the pakis n shit are charging the mad, prices, im in same boat as bertie really, would love to get 2's on me shit but just dont have a buyer, i pass mine at 150 all in one, same guy, but he pays 170-190 ove rin wer hes from and hes like my childhood pal, but na,, i put my prices up to 170 with teh physco last run an dthey all kicked a fit, fukem anwyays, it is what it is, remeebr wer me and bertie life has more grows than any other area in the country, so wer kinda swamped.


Active Member
just smoking the hard earned fruits of my labor and i must say im more than happy with the result im mashed, only got enough iso for a joint and a bong off about 6 gram of trim but its the strongest ive tried so far, wish i had more, nursing the end of this J lol


Well-Known Member
that's an arty picture don, the sort you would catch your missus frigging her self daft to, I swear birds are all secret lesbians. too vanilla for my worn taste buds

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
i'm on the watch list with certain mods. had a few warnings about nudity. too vanilla?! lol you want to see her with 4 toes in her mouth and a plastic dinosaur up her arse you filthy degenerate!?


Well-Known Member
just smoking the hard earned fruits of my labor and i must say im more than happy with the result im mashed, only got enough iso for a joint and a bong off about 6 gram of trim but its the strongest ive tried so far, wish i had more, nursing the end of this J lol
its nice stuff hay. what did you do smear it over a rizla? if you have a nice lump of it can keep it in the freezer take out and break lil chunks of well that is until your fingers warm it up and it sticks to them, last time i made it i say i was a friend actually, i gave up couldnt handle the fumes lol used i think 5-6 oz of popcorn bud and good trim dunno what it weighed in total at the end but i sold a henry of it, gave me mate some and me of course prob got roughly a Q of iso, but same as anything you soon get sick of it more so the fucking sticking to everything than the smoking lol