The United States, One Of The Most Gun-Friendly Countries In The World

Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member
it took the combined efforts of several nations on an all out scale to take down the nazis. air, sea, and land.

didn't matter how many guns the jews had.

learn to history, nitiwt.
In a post to me once, you said you weren't that into history and knew little of it. The Nazi and Japanese history books written before they both lost and thought they'd win was much different than our books. How Teddy Roosevelt sold us out to Japan and helped fund their Korean invasion is left out of our history books. The Koreans were beating the Japanese. The Japanese wouldn't have had the resources to attack Pearl Harbor without Teddy's help.Then there's Iran Project Ajax, funding Bin Laden against Russia, School of the Americas, Fast and the Furious... Maybe it's you who needs to learn to history. Oh and Plano Real from Brazil you seem to think Marxist Keyesnian works so well.


Well-Known Member
Defending? Try again, sweets. Hearing facts stated in a concise fashion just totally bums you out, huh?
But wouldn't it be hard to defend anyone with fiction?
Sorry bro, he was defending Hitler, that's a fact, sorry for your loss.


Well-Known Member
But wouldn't it be hard to defend anyone with fiction?
Sorry bro, he was defending Hitler, that's a fact, sorry for your loss.
Hitler that shit up, bruh...that way, no matter what anyone says, all you have to do is, drop a genocidal dictator's name, and then it all goes away. Come at me with an original thought, and we'll talk.


Well-Known Member
Hitler that shit up, bruh...that way, no matter what anyone says, all you have to do is, drop a genocidal dictator's name, and then it all goes away. Come at me with an original thought, and we'll talk.
You're a racist from storm front, how's that?
Seems you have no problem with this strategy.


Well-Known Member
Is this the part where you defend racist assholes' right to post bullshit? Or is this the part where you blindly attack my character? No jimmies rustled here, bruh. But, keep at it. I like your spirit.


Well-Known Member
You'd have to be a mindless imbecile to make a remark the Hitler expanded guns rights, while completely ignoring the fact he banned them from an entire race, then went on to exterminate millions because of it. You are quite a gem mr buck.
hitler did expand gun rights, and the jews were not exterminated because they had no guns.

as has been pointed out, it took a totalitarian effort from several countries whose fighting forces far outnumbered the jews by millions and millions and millions.

your version of history is something a retard would come up with.

in the warsaw ghetto the jews stood the Nazis down what would have happened if all jews had guns? and all had resisted? no WW2 that is for certain
wow, you are literally making up history as you go.

tell me again about how the jews in the warsaw ghetto stood down the nazis, instead of the actual events that history records wherein the jews were crushed by the nazis.

jesus fucking christ.


Well-Known Member
I find it unbelievable for a guy who accuses everyone on this site of racism and being a white supremacist, to defend Hitler with such vigor.
i'm defending historical fact from racist revisionist fucktards like you and dopeydog, who thinks the jews won the warsaw ghetto uprising.


Well-Known Member
Is this the part where you defend racist assholes' right to post bullshit? Or is this the part where you blindly attack my character? No jimmies rustled here, bruh. But, keep at it. I like your spirit.
Bro, that's the second time you've avoided a simple question.
Actually this is the part where you stand on your own, or not.
Me asking you a question, is hardly attacking your character, I'm just testing it.