The United States, One Of The Most Gun-Friendly Countries In The World


Well-Known Member
IMO, restricting guns from law abiding US citizens will likely have little to no impact on street violence.
When gun control proponents support their arguments by using statistics misrepresented by using gang violence, they are misleading (lying) to the public. Take out suicide and gang related murders by guns and that leaves approximately 2,200 gun related murders in the US.

For a country of over 310,000,000 people, that's miniscule.

"There are roughly 32,000 gun deaths per year in the United States. Of those, around 60% are suicides. About 3% are accidental deaths (less than 1,000). About 34% of deaths (just over 11,000 in both 2010 and 2011) make up the remainder of gun deaths. Sometimes the 32,000 and 11,000 figures are used interchangeably by gun control advocates. Clearly, the 32,000 figure is a far more dramatic number and is often used for impact. These numbers are also regularly compared to other countries' gun statistics. But are they true? Here, we will examine some of the most common gun control arguments used and put those figures into perspective."

Gang Violence Driving Force of Gun Violence

"To hear gun control advocates speak, one would be led to believe that gun violence is a widespread problem whereby the mere existence of a gun is as much a problem as the person who intends to wield it. But the reality is that gun homicides are overwhelmingly tied to gang violence. In fact, a staggering 80% of gun homicides are gang-related. According to the Center for Disease Control (CDC), gang homicides accounted for roughly 8,900 of 11,100 gun murders in both 2010 and 2011. That means that there were just 2,200 non gang-related firearm murders in both years in a country of over 300 million people and 250 million guns."

Suicide Rates

"Suicide is often a secondary reason gun control advocates use for wanting to "control" guns. It is true that roughly half of suicides in America are done by use of a firearm. Gun control advocates argue that suicides are often a momentary impulse and the availability of a gun makes people more likely to act on those impulses. Japan is probably the opposite of the United States in regards to a gun culture. With few guns and gun-related deaths, Japan is one of the most heavily cited countries by gun-control advocates. But while the cultural differences between Japan and the USA (and resulting gun violence comparisons) make a gun control argument hard to realistically swallow, one thing stands out: the suicide rate in Japan is more than twice the United States' suicide rate. The US suicide rate is about the same as Great Britain, Canada, Denmark, Switzerland, and Iceland and well below France and Greenland. In reality, suicide rates seem to have little to do with the availability or accessibility of guns."


Well-Known Member
I feel bad that over 80 people have read your thread, or started to read it, and did not respond. Like Zab Judda, I think you've been knocked out before the fight even started.

And it appears you've been 1 starred a few times. I feel bad for that as well. I'd like to contribute.

Good day.


Well-Known Member
So the three stooges are anti 2nd amendment, who didn't know that.
The fact remains, we are getting lied to when anti gun proponents misrepresent gun violence statistics in this country.

Which only confirms that democrats cannot win on the issues, they have to lie to the people, to get them on their side.


Well-Known Member
So the three stooges are anti 2nd amendment, who didn't know that.
The fact remains, we are getting lied to when anti gun proponents misrepresent gun violence statistics in this country.

Which only confirms that democrats cannot win on the issues, they have to lie to the people, to get them on their side.
95% of americans support universal background checks.

70% of americans support a national gun registry.

60% of americans support a ban on high capacity magazines.

50%+ of americans support an assault weapons ban.

when toomey joined manchin to propose background checks, his poll numbers shot way up.

when ayotte spat in the face of 90% of her constituents by voting against it, she plummeted in the polls like a stone.

all the measures above are consistent with the second amendment as per the heller decision.

that's called reality dick-slapping you in your face, mahsistah.

you gonna cry or something?


Well-Known Member
95% of americans support universal background checks.

70% of americans support a national gun registry.

60% of americans support a ban on high capacity magazines.

50%+ of americans support an assault weapons ban.

when toomey joined manchin to propose background checks, his poll numbers shot way up.

when ayotte spat in the face of 90% of her constituents by voting against it, she plummeted in the polls like a stone.

all the measures above are consistent with the second amendment as per the heller decision.

that's called reality dick-slapping you in your face, mahsistah.

you gonna cry or something?
I'm sure many people will support something that is misrepresented, and your point is?


Well-Known Member
I'm sure many people will support something that is misrepresented, and your point is?
i'm sorry, did you actually have a rebuttal?

doesn't look like you did.

maybe cite another white supremacy group or something, they generally have rebuttals. bad rebuttals, but rebuttals nonetheless.

try harder, socky McFistuptheass.


Well-Known Member
i'm sorry, did you actually have a rebuttal?

doesn't look like you did.

maybe cite another white supremacy group or something, they generally have rebuttals. bad rebuttals, but rebuttals nonetheless.

try harder, socky McFistuptheass.
So if the majority of people are for or against something, it makes it right?


Well-Known Member
So if the majority of people are for or against something, it makes it right?
if it's constitutional and the majority of americans are for it, what's the problem besides that it makes your sphincter sore?

i encourage you to keep ignoring what the vast majority of americans want, it worked so well for ayotte.

it seems like you're the one who can't win on the issues, and thus must resort to disenfranchisement and lies to even stand half a chance.


Well-Known Member
The fact remains, we are getting lied to when anti gun proponents misrepresent gun violence statistics in this country.
You think?

All these limp-wristed pole smokers crying about guns seem to miss the fact that gun "violence" is EXTREMELY localized and most abundant in jurisdictions with THE strictest firearms laws in the nation.

Funny how that works.

Which only confirms that democrats cannot win on the issues, they have to lie to the people, to get them on their side.
They ALL lie. Every last one of them.

However, they do tend to have "favorite" lies they try to sell the retards in their ranks.

There's a reason why our founding fathers included the right to keep and bear arms in the constitution, and the nation WILL find out why, some time in the not so distant future. As it stand now, the feds can snatch a motherfucker up and detain him.....forever....without having to charge him with a g'damn thing.


Well-Known Member
You think?

All these limp-wristed pole smokers crying about guns seem to miss the fact that gun "violence" is EXTREMELY localized and most abundant in jurisdictions with THE strictest firearms laws in the nation.

Funny how that works.

They ALL lie. Every last one of them.

However, they do tend to have "favorite" lies they try to sell the retards in their ranks.

There's a reason why our founding fathers included the right to keep and bear arms in the constitution, and the nation WILL find out why, some time in the not so distant future. As it stand now, the feds can snatch a motherfucker up and detain him.....forever....without having to charge him with a g'damn thing.
did you ever isolate the lazy degenerate gene?

because i'm pretty sure a case study on you would lead us right to the dumbass gene.


Well-Known Member
95% of americans support universal background checks.

70% of americans support a national gun registry.

60% of americans support a ban on high capacity magazines.

50%+ of americans support an assault weapons ban.

when toomey joined manchin to propose background checks, his poll numbers shot way up.

when ayotte spat in the face of 90% of her constituents by voting against it, she plummeted in the polls like a stone.

all the measures above are consistent with the second amendment as per the heller decision.

that's called reality dick-slapping you in your face, mahsistah.

you gonna cry or something?
Lets see some proof of these polls of yours, since you're always on other posters asses for not citing their claims.