The Universe

I think the big bang came from another star collapsing creating a black hole where everything was compacted so small and explodes into plasma which gave the energy for the big bang
Yeah maybe,but where did that first star come from?
People have asked me how I can KNOW there are no gods, and I have told them the truth is within me, as it is within us all. All we need to do is ADMIT it.

It is always a mistake to say that you know anything as you are far to small to know as you cannot see the big picture:leaf:

How do you know?

Now im not saying anything about religion or gods but i am saying that we are incapable of comprehending the real beginnings of life the universe and everything because it is just to big:weed:

Now, I believe you are confused. So, either we are too small to KNOW ANYTHING, or we can know things. I know there are no gods just as I know there are no fairies (don't know how many times I've said that on these boards), or monsters under the bed/in the closet. I also know there is no Santa Claus.

Peopla are afraid of death, this is the main driving force behind belief in gods and their various heavens. Someone dies, we want to believe they are somehow still around. Either playing a harp in heaven, or just hovering about as a ghost, making sure everyone's alright.

I live my life by common sense, it rules me. Like I said, I KNOW magical creatures (in as much as fairy tales and religion would have us believe) do not exist... We all know.
The Universe!, there is constantly stars and galaxies collapsing and creating plasma beam that shots out from the center where gravity is so dense that everything comes together in a fusion of all matter making energy.
Now, I believe you are confused. So, either we are too small to KNOW ANYTHING, or we can know things. I know there are no gods just as I know there are no fairies (don't know how many times I've said that on these boards), or monsters under the bed/in the closet. I also know there is no Santa Claus.

Peopla are afraid of death, this is the main driving force behind belief in gods and their various heavens. Someone dies, we want to believe they are somehow still around. Either playing a harp in heaven, or just hovering about as a ghost, making sure everyone's alright.

I live my life by common sense, it rules me. Like I said, I KNOW magical creatures (in as much as fairy tales and religion would have us believe) do not exist... We all know.

I personally think it has to do with social control, because the time Religions started popping up when man kind started to make some what of societies and wouldn't take long to see that with out fear of judgement when your died many would murder and rape because they had no police force until later on.
I personally think it has to do with social control, because the time Religions started popping up when man kind started to make some what of societies and wouldn't take long to see that with out fear of judgement when your died many would murder and rape because they had no police force until later on.

That's about it. It was about clever MEN wanting to control less intelligent men more easily. Even today, belief in this god is wielded by our governments in an effort to control the masses.

Although they have other methods today, something far more powerful... even than religion. That enemy, is the media.

You are the newspaper you read.
I am not confused dude and i also know that father xmas is a myth,lmfao.
My point is just that if you know where the universe came from and who or what actually made it please let me know because i am not saying that you personally have a small brain i am saying that the universe is so vast we could never hope to be able to take in all of the information even if we could see it all at once and i think being able to see it all at once is the only real way we could understand it properly and even then it would take an eternity and by then it would have changed again.

Also i am not saying there is an all powerful god being that floats on a cloud with a trumpet waiting to judge us all and send us to hell,what i am saying is that life the universe and everything that we know must have been begun by some kind of intelligent entity that exists outside of our existential plain because something like a universe cannot come from nowhere and nothing and does not just pop up like the tooth fairy.

I personally am not a member of any kind of organized religion but i do believe that something created everything.

I am also pretty sure that it would not have time or the inclination to watch us all the time and make judgments over us and i agree that the bullshit that they spiel is probably the first attempt at a big brother is watching you society to create control as you said.

However i do believe in physics and i do believe that a universe doesn't just pop up out of nowhere and nothingness,my common sense and logical progression leads me to believe that it is something that was created for whatever purpose i do not know,but it must have been created.

This obviously leads us again to the term "The Creator" and before your back comes up i must agree with you about this fact that there are as many gods for as many different creatures that exist throughout this galaxy and they all think that their god is the real god and the rest of us must be heretics.

So my real point is that i think there is probably one supreme being that does exist that created everything and is completely beyond our realm of understanding or even our dimension.
It is highly likely that our universe is a by product of his/her/its experimentation with energy's and matter and it is also highly likely that he/she/it has little or no knowledge that we even exist.

As to the matter of dying i believe in physics and physics states that you cant really destroy energy and i think that my willpower/personality is transmutable and made up of energy and that all though my body will certainly perish my persona/id/soul whatever will move on,probably to another body,because this is where the id/persona energy lives,in minds.
I don't believe that it really matters what brain,human,pig,cow,sheep just a bit like moving your data from an old hard drive to a new one.

Anyway this is just my personal beliefs and observations and i don't wish to shove it down anyones throat like some kind of doctrine it is totally up to the individual what he or she chooses to believe:blsmoke:
"I personally am not a member of any kind of organized religion but i do believe that something created everything."
And that's it, laziness I'm hoping there is something controlling whats about to happen in me and everyone else.

We have scientists that are looking farther then ever before and what if God Is The Universe but not all powerful maybe it's kinda like how the native indians believe but on a much grander scale.
That's about it. It was about clever MEN wanting to control less intelligent men more easily. Even today, belief in this god is wielded by our governments in an effort to control the masses.

Although they have other methods today, something far more powerful... even than religion. That enemy, is the media.

You are the newspaper you read.

And now days they use TV to control us also, I was watching this network FX over here and they show all the time cop shows and car chases, what do you think that does to people mind, pretty much i think why they have cop shows it to make the masses think that the cops can get every crime and criminal which we all know is Bullllllllllllllllll Shitttttttttttt
That's about it. It was about clever MEN wanting to control less intelligent men more easily. Even today, belief in this god is wielded by our governments in an effort to control the masses.

Although they have other methods today, something far more powerful... even than religion. That enemy, is the media.

You are the newspaper you read.

Skunk every thing u do in your life is through control , the clothes u were and the image u choose for your self all comes from the tv or some music image the food u choose to eat u are taught to like and also the things u dislike are taught to you at a very young age the sports football ect if u were an american kid you would be taught to like baseball or somthing every thing so that must make every 1 stupid huh :confused:

Skunk if you seem to be so sure that theres no god you should be the smartest man in the hole world through generations ,,,,

This 1 might start trouble but if i was born into a relgion that some crazy king made his own virson so he could get married again i wouldent believe it eather ,,, but all the other accent wise men tell the same tail in there books with the same people followed from every race ,,
Ive no reson to believe in god becoz of some of the bad shit happened to me but u get what ya give and like u say u just know theres no god ,, well i just know there is strange but true ,,,,
As to the matter of dying i believe in physics and physics states that you cant really destroy energy and i think that my willpower/personality is transmutable and made up of energy and that all though my body will certainly perish my persona/id/soul whatever will move on,probably to another body,because this is where the id/persona energy lives,in minds.
I don't believe that it really matters what brain,human,pig,cow,sheep just a bit like moving your data from an old hard drive to a new one.

OK. So this would indicate that their are no new personalities. If all the old ones never die and turn into pigs and shit, maybe even plants... why do you eat bacon, etc?

New personalities are born every day just as old ones die, just as yours will too one day die. Scary thought, I know... but that's life, or rather, death .

But to think that my dogs personality, (maybe he was a human being in a previous life, maybe he was JFK, or maybe he was an ant) is anything other than the personality of a dog is ridiculous.

If it were the case that animal personalities could be born into different animal shells this world would be in chaos.
OK. So this would indicate that their are no new personalities. If all the old ones never die and turn into pigs and shit, maybe even plants... why do you eat bacon, etc?

New personalities are born every day just as old ones die, just as yours will too one day die. Scary thought, I know... but that's life, or rather, death .

But to think that my dogs personality, (maybe he was a human being in a previous life, maybe he was JFK, or maybe he was an ant) is anything other than the personality of a dog is ridiculous.

If it were the case that animal personalities could be born into different animal shells this world would be in chaos.

Look your dog in the eye and tell me he is not alive:idea:
Look your dog in the eye and see that he has feelings.
Look your dog in the eye and see that he is the same as you in a different skin,alive with feelings and needs.

The world is in chaos and i do not profess to know how new personalities may be born or where they may come from but i do know of many old souls.

I think you are an old soul but you are angry/frustrated about something.

I never meant that we turn into pigs as such but i suppose in life the only real way to learn anything is to do and be everything that is.
As to eating meat i agree i am a yin and yang person i beleive that whether we like it or not there are both energys in this universe positive and negative both are required or space would simply explode as would your tv if you removed the negative or positive wire.

Look at your plug,negative,positive and earth these are the 3 that are needed for life to exist.

So yes i do things that i know are negative,i have to eat so i kill smaller/dumber mammals that cannot complain and have no rights.
If is see a bug on my plants,he just was starving and wanted a few bites to eat yet i kill him for it like scum when he was just hungry.
I kill my maryjane plants so i can set fire to them for my own benefit.
All of these things are negative things that i knowingly do everyday but this is life and im of the belief that we all go through it
No skunk a personalitie is not born mann

You learn that or are taught it at a very young age also, just like how you are taught how 2 speak english becouse of were u were born ,

Your personallitie is also taught to you at a young age from parents bro,s sis,s friends and tv
No Every person in every society has a diffrent personilty from what imput goes in there brain from the people they look up 2, father, pop idol ,sports star local thug lol and when kids mingle with other kids they learn personility scence of humor peoples personilty forms as thing they do and things that happen to them and will constantly change untill then :fire:

One things for sure we are all from the 1 race and that is The human race no 1 would have any of these thoughts, theorys, beliefs, ect unless we have heard it , taught it or what ever and every 1 has there choice of the views. No one has right or wrong answer just are thought views and beliefs :clap:

One day we all all find out thats another thing 4 sure but untill then im going 2 smoke a few fat 1s and chill da fuk out :weed:

Keep it safe .................... :leaf:
Shoot :leaf: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:
I understand how various societies help create the personality we have... but let's forget about human beings, and lets concentrate on the creature that used to be a monkey but is now a dog.

If it is the case that personalities NEVER die, what about the poor dog that remembers being a monkey (it happens all the time with humans, where they remember other lives)? This is the chaos I was referring to. For it wouldn't just happen to one animal at a time, but millions, maybe even billions (when you count insects) all over the world. I'll admit it is often the case where humans appear to have maybe been amoebas in a previous life, but to think that it actually happens doesn't stand up to common sense.

A shark, meandering along in the ocean suddenly remembers its past life as a horse, what's going to happen. Would this change the shark? What would it do with this memory? Sharks are not as intelligent as we are. Something like that (if it were real) happening to billions of life forms all over the planet... this is the chaos to which I refer.
I understand how various societies help create the personality we have... but let's forget about human beings, and lets concentrate on the creature that used to be a monkey but is now a dog.

If it is the case that personalities NEVER die, what about the poor dog that remembers being a monkey (it happens all the time with humans, where they remember other lives)? This is the chaos I was referring to. For it wouldn't just happen to one animal at a time, but millions, maybe even billions (when you count insects) all over the world. I'll admit it is often the case where humans appear to have maybe been amoebas in a previous life, but to think that it actually happens doesn't stand up to common sense.

A shark, meandering along in the ocean suddenly remembers its past life as a horse, what's going to happen. Would this change the shark? What would it do with this memory? Sharks are not as intelligent as we are. Something like that (if it were real) happening to billions of life forms all over the planet... this is the chaos to which I refer.

I understand your theory but i cannot ignore physics,i do not believe that you really take your memory with you,your personality is not your memory your memories are not who you are.

The best way i think i can describe it is that the part of you that carries on is that small diamond that makes you you and dejavu is possibly caused when your Id sees something it has seen before but its not a real memory just a faded feeling from your self of being there before.

I do not profess to know what is really true its just a bit of philosophy combined with a little bit of science and to be honest with you every bone in my body aches living seems to be the hardest thing to me,dieing is easy apart from the emotional pain for those i will leave behind not to mention my own emo pain when i have to say that final goodbye to them.

So no im not making up philosophy's because im scared of death its just that i really believe that we do have souls for want of a better word and i hope that mine will carry on,i like to think that maybe we are reincarnated as what we need to be and i like to think that when we are in a state of in between that we choose this ourselves as we are the only ones that really know what we need to experience and learn,whether this be as the spider catching the fly or the fly being eaten it is always relative to what we need to learn,probably lol:shock:
I understand your theory but i cannot ignore physics,i do not believe that you really take your memory with you,your personality is not your memory your memories are not who you are.

The best way i think i can describe it is that the part of you that carries on is that small diamond that makes you you and dejavu is possibly caused when your Id sees something it has seen before but its not a real memory just a faded feeling from your self of being there before.

I do not profess to know what is really true its just a bit of philosophy combined with a little bit of science and to be honest with you every bone in my body aches living seems to be the hardest thing to me,dieing is easy apart from the emotional pain for those i will leave behind not to mention my own emo pain when i have to say that final goodbye to them.

So no im not making up philosophy's because im scared of death its just that i really believe that we do have souls for want of a better word and i hope that mine will carry on,i like to think that maybe we are reincarnated as what we need to be and i like to think that when we are in a state of in between that we choose this ourselves as we are the only ones that really know what we need to experience and learn,whether this be as the spider catching the fly or the fly being eaten it is always relative to what we need to learn,probably lol:shock:

You just have to teach yourself to be able to let go of everything and everyone then you may see that souls and god are just comforting tools to give people meaning in there routine lives