I am not confused dude and i also know that father xmas is a myth,lmfao.
My point is just that if you know where the universe came from and who or what actually made it please let me know because i am not saying that you personally have a small brain i am saying that the universe is so vast we could never hope to be able to take in all of the information even if we could see it all at once and i think being able to see it all at once is the only real way we could understand it properly and even then it would take an eternity and by then it would have changed again.
Also i am not saying there is an all powerful god being that floats on a cloud with a trumpet waiting to judge us all and send us to hell,what i am saying is that life the universe and everything that we know must have been begun by some kind of intelligent entity that exists outside of our existential plain because something like a universe cannot come from nowhere and nothing and does not just pop up like the tooth fairy.
I personally am not a member of any kind of organized religion but i do believe that something created everything.
I am also pretty sure that it would not have time or the inclination to watch us all the time and make judgments over us and i agree that the bullshit that they spiel is probably the first attempt at a big brother is watching you society to create control as you said.
However i do believe in physics and i do believe that a universe doesn't just pop up out of nowhere and nothingness,my common sense and logical progression leads me to believe that it is something that was created for whatever purpose i do not know,but it must have been created.
This obviously leads us again to the term "The Creator" and before your back comes up i must agree with you about this fact that there are as many gods for as many different creatures that exist throughout this galaxy and they all think that their god is the real god and the rest of us must be heretics.
So my real point is that i think there is probably one supreme being that does exist that created everything and is completely beyond our realm of understanding or even our dimension.
It is highly likely that our universe is a by product of his/her/its experimentation with energy's and matter and it is also highly likely that he/she/it has little or no knowledge that we even exist.
As to the matter of dying i believe in physics and physics states that you cant really destroy energy and i think that my willpower/personality is transmutable and made up of energy and that all though my body will certainly perish my persona/id/soul whatever will move on,probably to another body,because this is where the id/persona energy lives,in minds.
I don't believe that it really matters what brain,human,pig,cow,sheep just a bit like moving your data from an old hard drive to a new one.
Anyway this is just my personal beliefs and observations and i don't wish to shove it down anyones throat like some kind of doctrine it is totally up to the individual what he or she chooses to believe