Well-Known Member
You just have to teach yourself to be able to let go of everything and everyone then you may see that souls and god are just comforting tools to give people meaning in there routine lives
Actually i am talking about physics and the fact that you cant destroy energy.
Surely you would agree that my energy is also energy so how can i be destroyed if its not possible in this universe to destroy energy?
Please note that i am not a religious flake i base my thoughts and opinions on the facts that are available as well as any spiritual needs that i may or may not have.
And to be honest i think that most of the people that choose to believe that there is nothing do so because it is actually them that is scared.
They is shit scared of an afterlife and what may or may not happen to them.
It is so easy to go around thinking that you can do whatever you like with no consequences and all though i don't believe in the hell concept as depicted by the bible and other such material i do believe that the universe balances itself because it is made up of energy that requires a perfect balance,most people call this karma,i just call it cause and effect,if you keep adding negative to others balancing scales negative will be added to yours,eventually