The Universe

You just have to teach yourself to be able to let go of everything and everyone then you may see that souls and god are just comforting tools to give people meaning in there routine lives

Actually i am talking about physics and the fact that you cant destroy energy.
Surely you would agree that my energy is also energy so how can i be destroyed if its not possible in this universe to destroy energy?
Please note that i am not a religious flake i base my thoughts and opinions on the facts that are available as well as any spiritual needs that i may or may not have.

And to be honest i think that most of the people that choose to believe that there is nothing do so because it is actually them that is scared.
They is shit scared of an afterlife and what may or may not happen to them.

It is so easy to go around thinking that you can do whatever you like with no consequences and all though i don't believe in the hell concept as depicted by the bible and other such material i do believe that the universe balances itself because it is made up of energy that requires a perfect balance,most people call this karma,i just call it cause and effect,if you keep adding negative to others balancing scales negative will be added to yours,eventually:mrgreen:
So no im not making up philosophy's because im scared of death its just that i really believe that we do have souls for want of a better word and i hope that mine will carry on,i like to think that maybe we are reincarnated as what we need to be and i like to think that when we are in a state of in between that we choose this ourselves as we are the only ones that really know what we need to experience and learn,whether this be as the spider catching the fly or the fly being eaten it is always relative to what we need to learn,probably lol:shock:

Sweet. I'd like to think all that too. Have actually said to myself that I'd really love to be able to believe in this kind of thing.
I am just as afraid of death as the next man... it's a shame, it really, really is... but there is no life after DEATH.
Sweet. I'd like to think all that too. Have actually said to myself that I'd really love to be able to believe in this kind of thing.
I am just as afraid of death as the next man... it's a shame, it really, really is... but there is no life after DEATH.
I like the way that you have highlighted my words to make me look like a flaky religious knob.

As i said before no one can profess to know anything,unless of course they are arrogant,assuming and presuming kinds of people.
I say hope because saying i know is also presumptuous,i say i like to think for this same reason.

Saying i know would make me a preacher which is exactly what you sound like,the only difference is that you are preaching total atheism and i am just having a conversation about what may or not be:mrgreen:
It is so easy to go around thinking that you can do whatever you like with no consequences and all though i don't believe in the hell concept as depicted by the bible and other such material i do believe that the universe balances itself because it is made up of energy that requires a perfect balance,most people call this karma,i just call it cause and effect,if you keep adding negative to others balancing scales negative will be added to yours,eventually:mrgreen:

Now this is where I'm at. KARMA.

This isn't some extraneous force. This is our own conscience, but more our subconscious minds. KARMA is us, our dreams... our guilt. We WILL bad things to happen to ourselves, in an effort to repay our 'sins'.

The mind is EVERYTHING. I believe that the most powerful thing on the planet is the human brain. I enjoy too, the notion that energy never COMPLETELY dissipates, as it sits well with my all empowering human-brain theory.

Have you ever felt a connection (mentally) with another human being? Almost as though for brief moments you are inside their head? Maybe a line? Some sort of energy line that passes through the air from mind to mind. We just need to tap into it, learn how to, teach ourselves. What I'm suggesting is tantamount to mind-reading, yet more akin to empathy.

Also, I go further with the power of the human mind. I believe we can use it to cheat death. Our minds are in control of every part of our body. Our bodies in fact are merely just a house (a temple, if you will) for our mind. As without the body the brain is too weak to survive. Yet while we control our arms, legs and whatever else at mere whim, we tend to forget about the rest of our bodies.

With your brain you have the power to see inside yourself. I believe too that we can even control how we react to certain illnesses. I believe, that if you believe you are going to die, then you will.

The brain is always the last thing to die (in normal circumstances), all we really need is a new body. You just haven't got long to get put in one (as our brains can't move on their own), and then get all wired up. Maybe in the future, you'll be able to buy new body shells just as you would a house.
Now this is where I'm at. KARMA.

This isn't some extraneous force. This is our own conscience, but more our subconscious minds. KARMA is us, our dreams... our guilt. We WILL bad things to happen to ourselves, in an effort to repay our 'sins'.

The mind is EVERYTHING. I believe that the most powerful thing on the planet is the human brain. I enjoy too, the notion that energy never COMPLETELY dissipates, as it sits well with my all empowering human-brain theory.

Have you ever felt a connection (mentally) with another human being? Almost as though for brief moments you are inside their head? Maybe a line? Some sort of energy line that passes through the air from mind to mind. We just need to tap into it, learn how to, teach ourselves. What I'm suggesting is tantamount to mind-reading, yet more akin to empathy.

Also, I go further with the power of the human mind. I believe we can use it to cheat death. Our minds are in control of every part of our body. Our bodies in fact are merely just a house (a temple, if you will) for our mind. As without the body the brain is too weak to survive. Yet while we control our arms, legs and whatever else at mere whim, we tend to forget about the rest of our bodies.

With your brain you have the power to see inside yourself. I believe too that we can even control how we react to certain illnesses. I believe, that if you believe you are going to die, then you will.

The brain is always the last thing to die (in normal circumstances), all we really need is a new body. You just haven't got long to get put in one (as our brains can't move on their own), and then get all wired up. Maybe in the future, you'll be able to buy new body shells just as you would a house.

Woohoo lol something i totally agree with,almost:mrgreen:
How big is the biggest thing and how small is the smallest thing,how big are you really?
I like the way that you have highlighted my words to make me look like a flaky religious knob.

As i said before no one can profess to know anything,unless of course they are arrogant,assuming and presuming kinds of people.
I say hope because saying i know is also presumptuous,i say i like to think for this same reason.

Saying i know would make me a preacher which is exactly what you sound like,the only difference is that you are preaching total atheism and i am just having a conversation about what may or not be:mrgreen:

Your first paragraph is completely off the mark. I underlined your words to emphasise that you like to think these things just as everyone else does, as I do too.

Your second paragraph, do you KNOW santa claus does not really drop presents down people's chimneys? Do you KNOW that there is no tooth fairy? Do you know you're alive? Do you KNOW that a chimpanzee can use tools, and hunt with tactical deployments of troops? That they hunt for meat? Do you know what the date will be tomorrow? Does KNOWING all of this make me a preacher?

So what if I am preaching total atheism? The conversation is not about preaching. To my mind the conversation thus far is about belief in the fandangled.
thanks for banning me 4 a day skunk so i couldent say my piece lol

But every thiing that you say in just input that u let into your brain a theory that you choose to believe that you, have heard ............

And the post i deleted just says you winn skunkl

Becoz u think every thing u say is right becoz u are a mod and mybe had a few Successful grows that dont mean shit your just a dope smoker like us all puff that joint up there maan and spin some more crap lol

If Albert Enstine dident no im afraid you dont eather ya wanna get of that ego trip mann or your just going 2 fall harder when the time comes

all your doing is trying to make people believe what u have watched on tv its only your poin of view man so why are u so sure ???
thanks for banning me 4 a day skunk so i couldent say my piece lol

But every thiing that you say in just input that u let into your brain a theory that you choose to believe that you, have heard ............

And the post i deleted just says you winn skunkl

Becoz u think every thing u say is right becoz u are a mod and mybe had a few Successful grows that dont mean shit your just a dope smoker like us all puff that joint up there maan and spin some more crap lol

If Albert Enstine dident no im afraid you dont eather ya wanna get of that ego trip mann or your just going 2 fall harder when the time comes

all your doing is trying to make people believe what u have watched on tv its only your poin of view man so why are u so sure ???
You were banned for talking?
Oh well i wont bother anymore then:shock:
Actually i am talking about physics and the fact that you cant destroy energy.
Surely you would agree that my energy is also energy so how can i be destroyed if its not possible in this universe to destroy energy?
Please note that i am not a religious flake i base my thoughts and opinions on the facts that are available as well as any spiritual needs that i may or may not have.

And to be honest i think that most of the people that choose to believe that there is nothing do so because it is actually them that is scared.
They is shit scared of an afterlife and what may or may not happen to them.

It is so easy to go around thinking that you can do whatever you like with no consequences and all though i don't believe in the hell concept as depicted by the bible and other such material i do believe that the universe balances itself because it is made up of energy that requires a perfect balance,most people call this karma,i just call it cause and effect,if you keep adding negative to others balancing scales negative will be added to yours,eventually:mrgreen:
yes you can't destroy energy but it can get pasted on by the circle of life, you die your body decomposed the grass eats your remains some animal eats the grass :shock:
And the post i deleted just says you winn skunkl

Becoz u think every thing u say is right becoz u are a mod and mybe had a few Successful grows that dont mean shit your just a dope smoker like us all puff that joint up there maan and spin some more crap lol

If Albert Enstine dident no im afraid you dont eather ya wanna get of that ego trip mann or your just going 2 fall harder when the time comes

all your doing is trying to make people believe what u have watched on tv its only your poin of view man so why are u so sure ???

In regards to the first part I have underlined: I know, and I said thankyou. I can read your deleted posts.

To the second... WTF?

To the 3rd, Einstein didn't know a lot of things.

The last: I do not watch TV, or at least very, very little. I actually cannot stand the thing, it makes me ill.

I did not ban you shoot2kill, what makes you think you were banned? Could it have been when rollitup was changing to a new server?

You could call me names, I'd merely argue back... I wouldn't ban. Some other mod' would come along and close the thread. That's it. This is an over 18 forum, we're all adults. I would not ban anyone for saying anything. That's just plain ridiculous.
Ok Skunk It Might Of Been The Server This Time But U Usually Ban Me And Check Up My Ip Addy Once Ya Dont Get Your On Way Lol As Ya Do

Ya Dont No Nothing So Stop Actting Like Some Big Shot Lol
Yesss All Your Theorys Are Just Input U Let Into Your Brain And U Think That Its Right No Maan That Dont Make It Right Just Becoz U Are The Smartest Maan In The World And Watched Some Scenceoligy Prog On Tv

Yip Its For Over 18.s And To Me U Seem Bearly Over 18 With Them Bullshit Theorys And Your Bullshit Attidude That Think He Knows Every Thing About Every Thing

Puff That Joint Up There Man

Einstine And Every Onther Genis Throught History Counld Explane God Or Write Him Of But U Can Do It Lol
Ok Skunk It Might Of Been The Server This Time But U Usually Ban Me And Check Up My Ip Addy Once Ya Dont Get Your On Way Lol As Ya Do

Ya Dont No Nothing So Stop Actting Like Some Big Shot Lol
Yesss All Your Theorys Are Just Input U Let Into Your Brain And U Think That Its Right No Maan That Dont Make It Right Just Becoz U Are The Smartest Maan In The World And Watched Some Scenceoligy Prog On Tv

Yip Its For Over 18.s And To Me U Seem Bearly Over 18 With Them Bullshit Theorys And Your Bullshit Attidude That Think He Knows Every Thing About Every Thing

Puff That Joint Up There Man

Einstine And Every Onther Genis Throught History Counld Explane God Or Write Him Of But U Can Do It Lol

What's your problem shoot2kill? I banned you once for 48 hours, that's it. And that was because you had multiple handles. I warned you first, then you join up again under a different handle no more than 48 hours after I warned you. ONCE, for a transgression. Where do you get usually from?

I checked you out because you were using a new handle to send me fucked-up pm's. That's when I investigated this new guy, and found out it was you.

Usually? Does one time count as usually?

There isn't anything, someone like yourself, could say to me that would make me ban you. Saying things is not breaking the rules. Not to my mind, anyway. A couple of the other mod's would ban you in a second.

The part I underlined... I seem barely over 18? ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
My problem was you saying what people believe in is full of crap thats what annoyed me and thats the reason why i say you just over 18 becoz thats when ya think you know every thing and the generations b4 know nothing like you know and all the other thing u think u just solved that no 1 else can ........ thats why i think so

If people believe in god let them im sure even if they are wrong its a better way 2 live your life why must some 1 tell them that they are full of crap becouse they choose to live a better life than half the scum running about

skunk u banned me about 3 times becoz of your girly ego fits and the message i sent u was wind your neck in becoz of ur crying like a girl again lol and u asumed i was a jail bird for saying them words so u wanted to check my ip addy
My problem was you saying what people believe in is full of crap thats what annoyed me and thats the reason why i say you just over 18 becoz thats when ya think you know every thing and the generations b4 know nothing like you know and all the other thing u think u just solved that no 1 else can ........ thats why i think so

If people believe in god let them im sure even if they are wrong its a better way 2 live your life why must some 1 tell them that they are full of crap becouse they choose to live a better life than half the scum running about

skunk u banned me about 3 times becoz of your girly ego fits and the message i sent u was wind your neck in becoz of ur crying like a girl again lol and u asumed i was a jail bird for saying them words so u wanted to check my ip addy

3 times? Oh, I see, you're counting the extra handles too.

the rest of your post is pure anger, anger at not being able to explain your belief in this god of yours, angry because deep, deep down YOU KNOW it's all bullshit.

If people in these threads can profess belief in these gods, then I too can help show them how, logically, they are wrong. I look for common sense, for logic... there is no logic in believing fairy tales are real. This is why people like yourself will never be able to debate properly on this subject. So instead of debate, you resort to telling me how I shouldn't do this or that. Pathetic.

I understand TRUTH, many people hide from its abrasiveness and it's highly honed cutting edge, but I prefer to face it... no matter how raw it presents itself. The truth is very unforgiving, it cares not what you really want to believe. You may be able to hide yourself from it, create a shield to protect yourself from ever facing it full-on... but it will rest, right there in the pit of your stomach... the next time you crush a bug, think about whether it is going to a heaven to live on as an angel bug. Think about the question carefully, for the truth is within you.
Im not angry at all man your the angry 1

Tell me then whats the truth and how do u know its true ?

So i search with in myself and i find out if theres a god or not .. or is it what i choose to make of it and what i will believe in .??

skunk thats just the same bullshit your saying over and over it still dont prove shit just becoz u went into deep thought after a smoking session dont mean jack

As i keep saying all that is , is input that u let into your brain and thats what you want to believe

the only thing im sure of is bullshit crap you keep typing and thinking u are so sure i never says im 100% sure there is a god and i dont want no 1 to believe in 1 coz i says so .. so how can u be sure ..