The Vault’s Skywalker Auto Comparative Grow - in association with Mephisto Genetics


Well-Known Member
I've never herd of that before either, sounds like it would kill the plant, that shit is toxic you can bleach your hair with it!! I don't think anyone should put peroxide on a plant what help would that do?


Well-Known Member
Hey guys I had 5 break ground only 4 survived, I started them in poo pots, then transplanted into 3.75 gal pots using layers of different compost for stages of growth with a couple worms that escaped the tumbler. Under t5 for a week or so then under my new 1000 watt dimmable ballast, I scratched the led light and going with a dimmable ballast 500 watts would be easier on the wallet then my old ballast. As for fertilizer I have numerous freebies gonna be a mix of rx green solution and the general hydroponic go box. the ones in the first 2 pics are the Skywalkers and the other pic is of their roommates View attachment 3793922 View attachment 3793926 View attachment 3793927
Hey, how 'bout that! I am experimenting with a tying down plants as they grow too! I love the tie down idea that you illustrated on one of your pics! That's brilliant! I'm using fishing line and fishing hooks for my grow. I know, fishing line is strongly discouraged but that is all I have for now. I'll post pics of it when my Skywalker run takes off; in about a week or two. It is seriously dragging behind the others, so I am going to see what happens when I try to let it bloom/flower in MH light when I start my Skywalkers...just a experiment.


Well-Known Member
put 3 ml of 3% hydrogen peroxide in a quart of 6.0 ph'ed water, put it in a spray bottle, and spray your plant and the soil around it pretty good, not completely drenched but good and wet, once a day, for two or three days. its worked for me more than once.
I know for a fact that if you have an older seed that you are trying to germ that just doesn't want to germ, and you soak it in hydrogen peroxide that the peroxide will soften the outer shell of the seed and thus will allow the nutes to get into the seed to make it germ. I've done this and it works great. I've also read that peroxide will supply oxygen to the roots/soil and will help the plant to grow better as a result of the additional oxygen...for what it is worth. Good luck and let me/us know what you did and how you fixed this.

Mr black thumb

Well-Known Member
Hey, how 'bout that! I am experimenting with a tying down plants as they grow too! I love the tie down idea that you illustrated on one of your pics! That's brilliant! I'm using fishing line and fishing hooks for my grow. I know, fishing line is strongly discouraged but that is all I have for now. I'll post pics of it when my Skywalker run takes off; in about a week or two. It is seriously dragging behind the others, so I am going to see what happens when I try to let it bloom/flower in MH light when I start my Skywalkers...just a experiment.
Hey uni hope all is green my friend. I use masonry line and usually I tie off the branch and duct tape the string to the side of the pot then you can easily open the canopy up I like using the cheap nursery pots can put holes anywhere you need them.


Well-Known Member
Hey uni hope all is green my friend. I use masonry line and usually I tie off the branch and duct tape the string to the side of the pot then you can easily open the canopy up I like using the cheap nursery pots can put holes anywhere you need them.
I'm experimenting with the same concept, just with smartpots. My method is to use fishing line and fishing hooks, but it's the same concept! I really like your idea a lot better though. That is totally way too cool!


Well-Known Member
Be careful with the fishing line as it can cut into the plant flesh quite easily
Yep, well aware. No problems yet surprisingly enough. I read that there is something called "planter's tape" that was strongly recommended rather than fishing line. I plan on getting some of that someday soon to replace the fishing line. Fishing line is all I had on hand at the time and just never bothered to get the planter's tape.


Well-Known Member
got any aquarium tubing? cut a piece and use it as a collar between the fishline and your plant
Hey that's a really good idea! I read that "planter's tape" is what I am supposed to be using, so I will try to pick some of that up someday soon to replace the fishing line, but excellent idea on your part! Thanks for the tip!


Well-Known Member
I get this stuff
at my local $1 store, it works great for tying down :) I just cut to length and bend the end of the wire to hook on the pot lip
Thanks GuyLeDuche! Is that ground wire or is that the actual planter's tape that I should be looking for? If it's ground wire, I'll consider that too. If it's the actual planter's/gardener's tape, thanks for showing that to me, now I know what I am looking for.


Well-Known Member
You know what I've used in the past and worked real good was that plastic trail marking tape your suppose to use when hunting ( speaking of hunting opening day of bow season was yesterday here)
Never heard of trail marking tape; we're not hunters or outdoorsy type people. Thanks for the tip. I've seen where people have used, of all things, waxed dental floss for tie downs too with really good results.