The Weed Nerd~

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Hi Nerds, maybe some of you can offer some assistance.

I JUST had a major mite issue due to what I call "summer neglect" and have made the decision to press the reset button.
My garden is stripped and cleaned and will be non operational for a month or so. I culled all my strains as well which was hard for me to do as I feel very connected to those pants. However, I do not want bugs in my garden making a special appearance again. It seems easier to grow from seed again than to try and save a infested strain IMO. I'd rather not take chances and I'm not in a hurry.

So, I am Making my first batch of Super Soil during this downtime as a fun project. I've grown TGA in DWC for over a year with HnG nutes, but now I want to do the real deal and just add water.

Due to my recent experience with bug issues and watching the weednerd and hearing of Thrips and Gnats from Roots here is my question:

As a preventative step, would be a good idea to do a soil drench with azomax to the Roots Organic BEFORE I even begin mixing my supersoil. Would that help get rid or at least supress the bugs to a degree that when my soil is ready to be used I could potentially avoid these common bug issues associated with Roots?

Or should I just mix it normally and hope that Roots has made a better batch than in the past and deal with the issues as they arise? Hope this isn't considered a stupid question.
Hi Nerds, maybe some of you can offer some assistance.

I JUST had a major mite issue due to what I call "summer neglect" and have made the decision to press the reset button.
My garden is stripped and cleaned and will be non operational for a month or so. I culled all my strains as well which was hard for me to do as I feel very connected to those pants. However, I do not want bugs in my garden making a special appearance again. It seems easier to grow from seed again than to try and save a infested strain IMO. I'd rather not take chances and I'm not in a hurry.

So, I am Making my first batch of Super Soil during this downtime as a fun project. I've grown TGA in DWC for over a year with HnG nutes, but now I want to do the real deal and just add water.

Due to my recent experience with bug issues and watching the weednerd and hearing of Thrips and Gnats from Roots here is my question:

As a preventative step, would be a good idea to do a soil drench with azomax to the Roots Organic BEFORE I even begin mixing my supersoil. Would that help get rid or at least supress the bugs to a degree that when my soil is ready to be used I could potentially avoid these common bug issues associated with Roots?

Or should I just mix it normally and hope that Roots has made a better batch than in the past and deal with the issues as they arise? Hope this isn't considered a stupid question.
I would try another soil as your base. I switched from Roots to a soil called Vermifire from Vermicrop. I seems to be kicking ass. I'm glad I made the switch because the Thrips and Gnats were starting to get annoying.
aside from the name calling....i agree with both of you........but the reality is, who gives a fuck.........growing styles are an individualistic expression, and they all should be appreciated as such......same as any other dogma or belief system......just do whats right for go grow some dank, which ever way you choose...:-P

I couldn't agree more!!
HOLYSHIT thanks eastcoast22. I didn't see that yet.

Sweet. I was wondering what ever happened to that submission.

I am up against a nice shot.. could be a tough match..

Picked this up late last night, barely got a chance to flip through it yet but I saw our timewreck submission, wow just wow!
Just watched the latest... for some reason when prospect's sitting there next to sub it just reminds me of Batman and Robin -- weed nerd style :)
hey nerds, i just ordered my first tga genetics:

5x jtr
5x spacebomb
5x cherynobl

i haven't been this excited about growing since i first started. just thought i would share that with you guys.

have a dank day.
Episode 36 helped answer my question regarding per soil drench prior to mixing super soil.
Sub added spinosave to the mix as it was being stirred up. He said it was an experiment/theory........

Does anyone recall if it helped with the thrips?
I dont wanna sound like a dick or anything but subcool the fall that you took was pretty funny it wasnt really the fall that was funny it was the screaming. It looked like you busted your ass pretty good its a good thing there wasnt any stakes or anything that could have cornholed you. Wouldnt that suck getting violated by a garden stake as you fell. I would have liked to see it in slow motion you know the first scream as you were falling would have sounded pretty good with the slow motion fall. With the kidding aside im glad it wasnt anyworse you could really tear up a knee or ankle in between those beds if your leg got caught inbetween with a fall. Most def tear an ACL or MCL break an ankle possibly Not much room between the raised beds. Glad your all good keep up the good work Subcool your the shit.
Nope troll the plants were fine it wasnt a big fall just a little bump and maybe a little scuff still didnt look like it felt good. I think we have all biffed it a good time or two in the garden Ive fallen up against the wall when i was raising the light the bucket tipped over i was standing on luckily the light fell with me and pinned me against the wall instead of going down on my flowering girls.
15 years i was just looking at all your posts your the reason subcool leaves sites i mean you can have your opinion but you dont gotta come over to the subcool thread and start blowing it up with negative shit man. I was looking through all your posts and there all in the TGA threads saying how good your stuff you have is and this and that great man do something with it i havent seen any pics of something you have i dont think. Its time to like you know grow up a bit bud. Hes been teaching his ways and doing his thing hes paid his dues in the cannabis world and thats a fact.
dammmmnnn,that looked like it hurt.....get extra medicated...just goes to show how humble he really is..most of yall got to much pride and would have destroyed tha video...hope all is well bro...
That is the biggest laugh I've had in a few days. You sounded like a wookie! Sorry sub, been there and done that kind of fall myself. No fun

dude!...your really fucking lucky you just came out of that with what you did!.......that is the kind of tumble that can lay a dude up for a few weeks, if not much longer.......nice recovery!.....i have been there, and can honestly say, i didn't even come close to laughing until you shot that second piece!.........i was thinking ruptured disk!........glad to hear your alright bro.......nugs
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