The Weed Nerd~

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hay sub im having yield problems i do DWC hydroponics.what strains are heavy feeders i grow querkle and vortex i have only been gettn 2 to 3 zips a plant please help me sub .im a perpetuel grower i harvest 4 plants every month. i use r.o. water i clone for 4 weeks veg 24 hours under floresent for 4 weeks flower for 8 weeks. i use general hydroponic nutes and i use hortulex 1000 watts 2 of em and 2 sun system magnetic ballest. i use a 30 gal resavuare hooked up to eight five gallon lows grey bucket the only kind you can use for dwc lows is out of all of there gray buckets cus of the marijuana industery thats what the manager said to me us growers do alot for the econamy and people dont realise it.any ways i need some advise i do hy dro cus its clean and my care giver doesent whant a mess at his house when i get my own place im going to do a test hydro vs super soil to see what is better. whats yor advise​

Really? Again?

The same post over and over..... anyone want to ban him?
looked like you twisted your back when you fell. glad it was just a scratch. you kinda sounded like me now, when trying to get up off the floor. i suffered a fall in 2005 and my back aint been the same since.
Go to your local hydro store and talk with them YODA. Your in the wrong place askin bout hydroponics justa heads up. Any supersoil questions we gotchu. Keep it dank
bongsmilieThis is the time for the mf caps lock nerds......OUCH....Sub that hurt my back just watching it.....OUCH....definitely could have been way bad. I must say you looked quite baked at the moment, should we blame Matt Rize for the fall ?:?: ? Feel better fast man...OUCH:weed:
Loving the new place Sub. I would never ask where it is, but can you (or if it's already been stated and I missed it, someone else) tell us how many acres you're on? And at the risk of asking a rude question, how much? :) I don't mean to be nosey, I'm just into real estate and prices always make me curious. I'm always looking to buy property up north and depending where you look prices can be pretty good right now.

Anyway, thanks for the show and sharing. Being a native Californian I do like it when other people like this state enough to relocate to it. (OK, I'll be honest, it depends on the person.) So welcome home.
sup nerds.....,having problems in the growroom can a PH of 7.6-8.0...cause early fading and blackspots...bought PH kit today hope i have solved the problem...thanks..DIRTY......
sup nerds.....,having problems in the growroom can a PH of 7.6-8.0...cause early fading and blackspots...bought PH kit today hope i have solved the problem...thanks..DIRTY......

are you using SS? hydro...what's your medium. if you are using SS you can get fade too early if the plant is a heavy feeder. tbh with a properly amended soil pH of water isn't really that big of a concern as the soil acts as a buffer
Measured the pH of my rainwater and it was 5.5-5.7. I am using a lower pH in soil now and getting great results (blue plants) :)
sup nerds.....,having problems in the growroom can a PH of 7.6-8.0...cause early fading and blackspots...bought PH kit today hope i have solved the problem...thanks..DIRTY......

Yes -- nutrient lockout from improper pH can cause any number of issues to pop up. Whenever I pH my water properly I never have pH lockout issues.

PS - if by kit you mean you bought one of those little kits where you compare the water to a color chart those BLOW and will screw you over. The proper way to pH is with a meter :)

I wonder how many nerds are pHers and how many trust their super soil to do all the work :)
thanks nerds....using supersoil,bought PH meter...thanks.i think the main part to growing is trouble just glad i got nerds who have my back...thanks again
hay sub love the ac dc WRITE ON WRITE ON MUST SAY i did not likethe smell of vortex when it was growin now that it cured a littel me and the wife love it favorite jar my ripped bubba comes down tomarrow song will be with me all day at work good day nerds and write on
Yes -- nutrient lockout from improper pH can cause any number of issues to pop up. Whenever I pH my water properly I never have pH lockout issues.

PS - if by kit you mean you bought one of those little kits where you compare the water to a color chart those BLOW and will screw you over. The proper way to pH is with a meter :)

I wonder how many nerds are pHers and how many trust their super soil to do all the work :)
Funny you should say that ,i just got done reading an article on how inaccurate the meters are (all of them) and they advised using the manual drops and test paper method.i have been using these for years 20+ in gardening and and reef keeping never had a problem. IF it's blue your going to be screwed if yellow she gonna be hellar. :roll:
Well for one thing some of us apparently have color vision issues and can't properly match the color on the chart :) i think whoever wrote that article you read doesn't know what they're talking about. Nothing wrong with manual if it works for you or a meter if it works for you.
Sup Nerds, Just thought I'd throw in that for soil gardens a cheap ph test kit(with the drops) is just fine. If you are doing hydro you better invest in a ph meter. But either is okay.......btw I've seen Sub using the drops....Peace
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