The Weed Nerd~

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what did the #weednerds think about the story Sub read in the last episode? The one about bad BHO making this kid sick and possibly giving him cancerous growths in his lungs?
what did the #weednerds think about the story Sub read in the last episode? The one about bad BHO making this kid sick and possibly giving him cancerous growths in his lungs?

I thought it was very interesting, especially since high times just did a huuge spread on bho in the latest issue...they said it was harmless :roll:
what did the #weednerds think about the story Sub read in the last episode? The one about bad BHO making this kid sick and possibly giving him cancerous growths in his lungs?

I think people who lack the proper training and qualifications, that use chemicals to make plant extracts that will ultimately be consumed by others are idiots of the highest order. I liken BHO makers to meth cookers.

Personally, I stay away from concentrates unless I know 100% that it's either mechanically seperated, or is a clean CO2 based concentrate. I find that concentrates really hang out in my lungs, making me cough. I am not a huge fan of them in general. I mostly smoke my own flowers.

I thought it was very interesting, especially since high times just did a huuge spread on bho in the latest issue...they said it was harmless :roll:
I wonder how much High Times was paid to print that.
what did the #weednerds think about the story Sub read in the last episode? The one about bad BHO making this kid sick and possibly giving him cancerous growths in his lungs?

That shit is crazy? true story?

I think that trying to use a ignitable solvent like Butane to extract oils from a plant is kinda silly. It sure does it well, but too many people cooking shit up in their back yards thinking it's all good. I've seen some pretty nasty shit people are smoking on Youtube, all runny and fucked up looking.... There are a lot of dumb people out there.

No matter how "clean" the butane is, it's still a petroleum product. I wouldn't use "5x Filtered gasoline" either, no matter how well it did the job. Just me though. People will smoke all kinds of fucked up shit, I am sure BHO isn't the worse thing around, lol.
I wonder how much High Times was paid to print that.

Thats what I'm saying, I'm going to have to re read it, I only picked it up yesterday...but they pretty much claim smoking butane vapors should irritate your lungs no more than breathing normal outside air lol...
I can see the connection and decided that I will stay away from them and make some ice hash. I don't like the idea of blowing myself up cause I am prone to accidents. ;)
i thought the HT article was least they quoted Grinnspoon who pretty much said fuck BHO....BHO is not medicine in my mind........and if you think about much of the MMJ movement is powered by the belief that chem phama drugs are killing we chem extract hash? WTF...whats the diff?.......the only part about BHO that i want to research is the possibility that solvents extract more potentially bennificial constituants of the plant grain alchohol may be the best for thing is for sure BHO, good, bad, indifferent is good for high times, so that should be kept in mind..........that being said....i believe whole-heartedly that chemicals cause cancer...period....but the real shame is BHO users may not see the detrimental effects for many years.....bums me out really.
made my first RIZE method of ice water bubble last week...i cant see any other method...there is not alot of BHO down here...and the shit that is down fucking nasty and you have no idea what your its bubble for me...especially now i have learned how to do it right...
never consumed BHO. where i am from and with the circle i run in, no one has or does BHO....

do people that use it really think its not harmful? they are aware of the chemicals required to make it? im not sure what the debate it...its as black and white to me.

its simply the BHO heads rationalizing their behavior and love of oil
properly made BHO wouldn't have any chemicals in it. yes you use a chemical to extract but it does evaporate just as water would evaporate. I've personally never used it, I make my oil with alcohol to make edibles. I've been curious to try BHO but living in an apartment its not feasible no possible way to ventilate that much nasty gas.
I have a bio-chem degree and most everything is touched by organic solvents these days. It is all about using the cleanest solvents and taking your time to remove all contaminants from the final product.

Most of us city dwellers are breathing car exhaust and tire dust that is much more toxic than most BHO. My whole house air filter is covered with a quater inch of black dust after six months.

I would still rather be smoking Matt's full melt bubble though :)

Here is an update of the Malawi Gold:


properly made BHO wouldn't have any chemicals in it. yes you use a chemical to extract but it does evaporate just as water would evaporate. I've personally never used it, I make my oil with alcohol to make edibles. I've been curious to try BHO but living in an apartment its not feasible no possible way to ventilate that much nasty gas.
i disagree is hard for me to believe anything that is extracted with a petroleum based fuel, wouldn't have matter how refined....there are also zero regulations or an industry standard when it comes to the "purification" process of butane..... it could say purified 22 times on the can, and it wouldn't mean a damn thing.......then they are combusted, and enter your body.....gross.
Petroleum is organic. Hydro carbons=hydrogen and carbon. When it burns cleanly it makes H20 and CO2. Peanuts have more toxic compounds than clean butane.

The bad part is when people use cheap propane that has contaminants. These contaminants when burned are highly toxic.
Petroleum is organic. Hydro carbons=hydrogen and carbon. When it burns cleanly it makes H20 and CO2. Peanuts have more toxic compounds than clean butane.

The bad part is when people use cheap propane that has contaminants. These contaminants when burned are highly toxic.

Mo bro, I don't think that's all there is to it. Even with relatively good butane (Vector) and careful extraction, the couple of bho batches I made didn't seem quite right to me. By careful extraction, I mean I stirred and ran a fan over the fresh oil quite awhile, and then vacuum extracted it, running it through the vac machine several times. I used a stainless steel tube and stainless screen...actually kinda proud of how well the tube worked. But the product still had problems both times: it got me fucked up for sure, but left some headaches. I had some wierd respiratory shit the month after that, but I don't know that it was connected.

It made me think: what if the butane solvent changes the chemistry of thc and other cannabinoids...and why wouldn't it..I believe the butane is breaking chemical bonds in the plant tissue including the cannabinoids, not just physically breaking trich stalks. And who knows what you get when you start changing the chemistry of the cannabinoids around? nothing I want in me :spew:

by the way, I'm no biochemist, wish I had learned more of that, +rep to you for knowing that field. I do know tho that some peanuts are very toxic--if there are aflatoxins in the shell. Also--the car exhaust and other toxic body burdens we face--true dat, but it's not about the comparative risk. It's about the cumulative risk. It all adds up. Right in the fat tissue and the gonads, the lungs, liver and kidneys, and brain. FTS.
properly made BHO wouldn't have any chemicals in it. yes you use a chemical to extract but it does evaporate just as water would evaporate. I've personally never used it, I make my oil with alcohol to make edibles. I've been curious to try BHO but living in an apartment its not feasible no possible way to ventilate that much nasty gas.

I have a patient of mine that lives in a apartment and he is an oil head! always making oil on his balcony, so if you have a window you can do it next to or a patio/balcony you can def do it.
I have a patient of mine that lives in a apartment and he is an oil head! always making oil on his balcony, so if you have a window you can do it next to or a patio/balcony you can def do it.
Yikes please be careful this shit is very dangerous and the fumes are heavier than air. They sink and pool... then boom. If you have to hide it, don't do it.
Yikes please be careful this shit is very dangerous and the fumes are heavier than air. They sink and pool... then boom. If you have to hide it, don't do it.
matt, i am sure your opinion on BHO is well documented somewhere, but could you enlighten us your view on butane......does clean butane exist? it possible to make clean BHO?.......would grain alcohol be a good alternative?...does butane change the cannabiniods and terpenes chemically?........i would love to hear the solventless wax-masters opinion on solvent.....nugs
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