The Weekly Bud featuring Sub's New Cam

When Shooting in jpeg the files are only 5 mp I assumed the cam was cropping due to the sigma but that was in jpeg mode next shoot I will fire in Tiff and I am hoping I see the full 12 mp file size.

Good info on Raw, Tiff, and jpeg:

I also have a 12mp nikon and I always shoot in jpeg mode with aperture priority. I always like to shoot in that sweet-spot of my lenses which is usually f5.6-f9. Also, shooting in jpeg allows me to utilize the setting I've customized internally (contrast, saturation, sharpness, etc). My files are usually about 4-7mp and I could never tell the difference either way. The factory default on sharpness may be a little soft. If you play around with some of those settings (menu -> set picture control -> VIVID or STANDARD -> Quick Adjust), you should be able to tweak your pics to your liking.

If your lens isn't an FX lens, your camera maybe cropping automatically which could affect the quality of your pics. In general, it's fine to use FX lenses on DX bodies, but when done the other way around, you'll get subpar results.
Yeah My Sigma 105 MM 2.8 Macro is listed as Full Frame but Sigma tells me it may need new firm ware I just am not sure yet if I fire in Tiff and its 12 mp I will know these days the magazines want huge files for covers and thats my target these days :)

Thanks so much for all your help and feel free to type up as much as you want the thread can become a photo class as well I have no prob with that.
I dig you shoot with the same rig and yes I am already shooting in Vivid but I didnt know I could fiddle with other settings as well I have ordered a DVD on the cam so I can watch it while I trim hehe

Nice to meet ya Homebrewer

Yeah My Sigma 105 MM 2.8 Macro is listed as Full Frame but Sigma tells me it may need new firm ware I just am not sure yet if I fire in Tiff and its 12 mp I will know these days the magazines want huge files for covers and thats my target these days :)

Thanks so much for all your help and feel free to type up as much as you want the thread can become a photo class as well I have no prob with that.
I dig you shoot with the same rig and yes I am already shooting in Vivid but I didnt know I could fiddle with other settings as well I have ordered a DVD on the cam so I can watch it while I trim hehe

Nice to meet ya Homebrewer


Shit can i sign up right now i got my waiver and fee already!!! lol
Sub, much respect. I remember you from Overgrow as I believe you helped out one of the growers I admired most back then; BOG. I think he uses some of your strains in his own crosses?

I've had several years to practice on my dSLR and found the camera will do everything you want it to do, it's just a matter of figuring out how. If you want big files, Raw is usually the way to go, then tweaks are made in photoshop (i don't own PS).

You'll get bigger files by tweaking these too, which may come standard already, I can't remember:

Menu -> Shooting menu -> image quality-> fine

Menu -> Shooting menu -> image size -> Large
Sub are you planning to run Mr.Nice genes anytime soon? I'd be interested in finding out how they perform in your super soil. Last I heard from one of your videos you sounded kind of eager to try black widdow.
shoot in RAW!!! trust me once u learn it you will never go back.

why not try and shoot side by side with your d50 to help you? or look at old files u shot with the d50 and look at the meta data (right click > properties) and you can view the fstop/shutter/mm ect of the photo you took and try and mimic that.

also when working with macro its great to have a remote shutter or timed delay... your finger press can actually move the cam and make it a little blurry.
I have been doing some research and reading and I think I am getting closer to perfection. I am very happy with most of these but I have to be honest I tossed 40 shots with wrong settings but every one taught me a bit more

Vortex Day 55


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Now that's some high powered sh!t! no pun
Sub, it looks like each individual color is illuminated separately!
Very Nice, and thanks for sharing. All the Best!

Would love to see some 3D...
Wow Sub

those Vortex pix are undoubtablyt the best shots I have aver seen.I love the colors man

Slowly figuring it all out


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wow sub, looks like you got the new cam down! so crisp and such vibrant colors.
would love to see those pics in all 12mp glory
new stuff is looking good man! so is the old thread on this dead??? and any thoughts as to how to get my piddly little insta-pix to take a worthwhile macro shot??? it is not anything special, but it takes a fine regular shot, but the macro looks like poop... thx