The White privilege to terrorize

I am very tempted to reach out to one or two of the vaccination scientists that are tied to her and ask them what sort of shit has been happening to them over the last year. It might be illuminating.
btw man, your ma is lucky to have you looking out for her.

And I would love to hear about how that conversation goes if you do reach out to the victims of identity theft. I wonder what would happen if you pulled the thread on those victims names across social media. And see how they respond to what you find.

Greetings from the county fair.

I told them I would take a Trump flag if they had more of those raggedy-ass, dirty, ripped American flags. They laughed. They knew where I was coming from. I think they agreed but a buck is a buck.
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What does that have to do with you believing the bullshit propaganda that you have so fully embraced that is being pushed by them?

Yeah them and the Republicans are hand in hand, that is for sure.
Why is only one side a problem.

If your agenda was to pass unobstructed, would it fix America?
Why is only one side a problem.
Because it is the Republicans that have been using propaganda as their political agenda and the Democrats have not.

If your agenda was to pass unobstructed, would it fix America?
By 'your' I am guessing you mean the Democratic agenda? It would sure get a lot of the lifting done.

I am all for two parties though. It is just the Republicans have abandoned reality and have played with a ever escalating hate mongering platform that has halted our ability to get the things done that we need to start operating as close to 100% efficient as possible.

How so? I'm immune to Covid.
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