The White privilege to terrorize

I thought this was a fantastic article worthy of sharing

I fully respect your choice of prounoun, and support your transition.
People watching at the county fair.

Best t-shirt nominations:



I told the ugly little dwarf wearing this that he was right.


'Merica! We're dumb!



I told this guy I liked his shirt but that only communists and socialists use a crossbar on their sevens. His buddy had the best mullet of the day... picture to follow.


I told him "I like your hair". He was quite pleased.

There was no fair last year due to the treason of Anthony Fauci, but two years ago there were about 100 times more Trump t-shirts. This year there were quite a few but it was notable that they were almost exclusively worn by really ugly people who looked like outcasts to most of normal society that does not live in trailers.


I circled back to the flag seller and talked to the guy again. I told him that all my life, when I see campaign flags they are usually part of a fundraiser for that particular campaign and that it amused me that all the Trump stuff for sale wasn't putting a penny in his pocket. I asked if he went to a lot of fairs, he said every weekend in seven states. I asked if he ever got contacted by Trump's people to try to collect their taste. He laughed and said no. Then he said "Fuck him, this is America"
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So far - NOBODY has any disagreement with

White people and ONLY white people are forbidden from having their own territory and the human right to self determination.
Europe is calculated t be turned non-White - same with America - if whites OBJECT to this obvious program of genocide then anti-whites scream "nazi!" "supremacist" "raysist!!!!!"

At least you all don't deny BLACK PRIVILEGE is much better than whatever this "white privilege" is

I'd like to note that most of you don't even DISAGREE WITH ME

You just try to justify your hatred of whites and justify why i am correct ;)
I’m not caught up yet, but felt the need to drop in & inform you you’re an ignorant idiot
First of all you are NOT here for an honest good faith conversation - but I will pretend that you DO care about facts (when im pretty sure YOU DONT)

What, your unhinged puking of fake ‘facts’ is part of “an honest good faith conversation”? You’re not even talking - you’re just smacking everyone with the mackerel of ignorance…which you just happen to carry with you at times like these. You’re being laughed at, and your ‘arguments’ spurned - here’s an idea: why don’t you find the ones who filled you with this garbage and DEMAND FACTS FROM THEM?

Sorry, that was a trick question: you don’t do it because you swallowed their shit whole, you think they gave you *reasons*, and ammunition…but they just wound up your insecurities & your sense of inferiority, and sent you forth to be just another nutcase howling on the intarwebz. No one cares about the purity of your bullshit - nor does anyone want to treat your bullshit as if it were legitimate conversational fodder; your inability to grasp ACTUAL points of view held by ACTUAL people makes you just another trampled turd….

Not surprising.
you are on an internet forum OPENLY ENDORSING forcing genocidal policies on to white people

I'd say that makes you ANTI-WHITE
Reading comprehension: F
Respect for others: F
Listening and thinking before speaking: F
Telling the truth: F

Your reading-comprehension failure makes the rest of your shitty report card inevitable: your ass would have absolutely FAILED (all-white, completely segregated) grade school, and so would the people you depend on for your ‘independent point of view’.

Yes, in fact us white kids were GRADED ON HOW WE TREATED OTHER WHITE PEOPLE. IN SCHOOL. I have listed a few examples of the behaviors scored.

Your lack of comprehension leads to your first logical failure: a false accusation without provocation. When told that your commenter was opposed to the idea that ‘being white is better’, you called that ‘advocacy for genocide against white people’. You now have shit on your face as well as your shoes, but you keep going.

Having completely made a fool of yourself, you then summarize your error by declaring that it is “anti-‘white’ “ to prefer a system where ‘white’ people aren’t the only ones in charge or holding advantages.

IOW, *for YOU*, advocating a society where ‘white’ people are part of life’s rich tapestry (tm) and this nutritious breakfast(tm) *IS IN FACT* “forcing genocidal policies on to white people”.

Do you also believe that anti-slavery laws are genocidal against ‘white’ people? Is the economic prosperity of non-‘white’ communities also “‘white’ genocide”? Is black participation in professional sports also “genocide”? Black citizenship? Black presence with the US borders, is THAT “genocide”, too?

maybe you need to go home and think about whether your life choices are doing you any good at all
Reading comprehension: F
Respect for others: F
Listening and thinking before speaking: F
Telling the truth: F

Your reading-comprehension failure makes the rest of your shitty report card inevitable: your ass would have absolutely FAILED (all-white, completely segregated) grade school, and so would the people you depend on for your ‘independent point of view’.

Yes, in fact us white kids were GRADED ON HOW WE TREATED OTHER WHITE PEOPLE. IN SCHOOL. I have listed a few examples of the behaviors scored.

Your lack of comprehension leads to your first logical failure: a false accusation without provocation. When told that your commenter was opposed to the idea that ‘being white is better’, you called that ‘advocacy for genocide against white people’. You now have shit on your face as well as your shoes, but you keep going.

Having completely made a fool of yourself, you then summarize your error by declaring that it is “anti-‘white’ “ to prefer a system where ‘white’ people aren’t the only ones in charge or holding advantages.

IOW, *for YOU*, advocating a society where ‘white’ people are part of life’s rich tapestry (tm) and this nutritious breakfast(tm) *IS IN FACT* “forcing genocidal policies on to white people”.

Do you also believe that anti-slavery laws are genocidal against ‘white’ people? Is the economic prosperity of non-‘white’ communities also “‘white’ genocide”? Is black participation in professional sports also “genocide”? Black citizenship? Black presence with the US borders, is THAT “genocide”, too?

maybe you need to go home and think about whether your life choices are doing you any good at all
I think our racist bunny is gone now. Back to his old job, managing editor of Stormfront.