The White privilege to terrorize

White folks INVENTED terrorism
Yep, we did. The modern version.

There have been others in other cultures. Ghengis Khan, the Maya and Aztecs. They all used terror. But institutionalized terror, police states and scapegoating minorities then exterminating them. Yep, that's our invention.
Three men plead guilty in plan to attack power grids to advance white supremacist ideology
Christopher Brenner Cook, 20, of Columbus, Ohio; Jonathan Allen Frost, 24, of West Lafayette, Indiana, and Katy, Texas; and Jackson Matthew Sawall, 22, of Oshkosh, Wisconsin, all pleaded guilty to the charge of conspiring to provide material support to terrorists.

According to the Department of Justice (DOJ), Cook and Frost met in 2019 through an online chat group, where Frost shared his plan to attack a power grid as a way to achieve white supremacist goals.

Cook recruited Sawall to the conspiracy, providing him with readings that promoted white supremacy and Neo-Nazism, the DOJ said.

The three men each assigned themselves to a power grid in different parts of the country, which they planned to attack using rifles.

The defendants discussed their hopes that the power grid disruption would cost the government significant amounts of money, leading to unrest. Based on their conversations, authorities determined they hoped to cause a race war precipitated by the power being out for months.

Frost gave Cook an AR-47 in 2020 and both men trained at a shooting range in Columbus, Ohio.

At the same meeting in Columbus, Frost gave his co-conspirators fentanyl necklaces that were supposed to be ingested if any of the three were caught. All of the defendants expressed a willingness to die for their white supremacist ideology.

The men attempted to recruit others for their plan in Columbus, flying a swastika flag that read “Join the Front.” Sawall swallowed his fentanyl necklace when the group was derailed, but he survived.

“These three defendants admitted to engaging in a disturbing plot, in furtherance of white supremacist ideology, to attack energy facilities in order to damage the economy and stoke division in our country,” said Assistant Attorney General for National Security Matthew G. Olsen. “The Justice Department is committed to investigating and disrupting such terrorist plots and holding perpetrators accountable for their crimes.”

The defendants face a maximum sentence of 15 years for their crimes.
Three men plead guilty in plan to attack power grids to advance white supremacist ideology
Christopher Brenner Cook, 20, of Columbus, Ohio; Jonathan Allen Frost, 24, of West Lafayette, Indiana, and Katy, Texas; and Jackson Matthew Sawall, 22, of Oshkosh, Wisconsin, all pleaded guilty to the charge of conspiring to provide material support to terrorists.

According to the Department of Justice (DOJ), Cook and Frost met in 2019 through an online chat group, where Frost shared his plan to attack a power grid as a way to achieve white supremacist goals.

Cook recruited Sawall to the conspiracy, providing him with readings that promoted white supremacy and Neo-Nazism, the DOJ said.

The three men each assigned themselves to a power grid in different parts of the country, which they planned to attack using rifles.

The defendants discussed their hopes that the power grid disruption would cost the government significant amounts of money, leading to unrest. Based on their conversations, authorities determined they hoped to cause a race war precipitated by the power being out for months.

Frost gave Cook an AR-47 in 2020 and both men trained at a shooting range in Columbus, Ohio.

At the same meeting in Columbus, Frost gave his co-conspirators fentanyl necklaces that were supposed to be ingested if any of the three were caught. All of the defendants expressed a willingness to die for their white supremacist ideology.

The men attempted to recruit others for their plan in Columbus, flying a swastika flag that read “Join the Front.” Sawall swallowed his fentanyl necklace when the group was derailed, but he survived.

“These three defendants admitted to engaging in a disturbing plot, in furtherance of white supremacist ideology, to attack energy facilities in order to damage the economy and stoke division in our country,” said Assistant Attorney General for National Security Matthew G. Olsen. “The Justice Department is committed to investigating and disrupting such terrorist plots and holding perpetrators accountable for their crimes.”

The defendants face a maximum sentence of 15 years for their crimes.

The scrub was such a loser he even failed to kill himself.
This little sheathed got what was coming to him and hopefully doesn't get a dime from his (deservedly) getting his ass kicked a little.

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I was curious what was on the douche bag's shirt logo, so looked it up.

Looks like another d-bag right wing freak flag shirt on some shit who is trying to get on Tucker or Rogan IMO.

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California Man Charged With Making Online Threats To Merriam-Webster About LGBTQ Community

good, hope they lock his ass the fuck up till he's too fucking old to hold a pistol or a knife anymore...fucking online terrorism is still terrorism, and these ignorant fucks have to learn that there is no anonymity from the authorities if you do this shit
good, hope they lock his ass the fuck up till he's too fucking old to hold a pistol or a knife anymore...fucking online terrorism is still terrorism, and these ignorant fucks have to learn that there is no anonymity from the authorities if you do this shit
They need to change that, the only real hole in the system of accountability are burner phones and you should have to show ID and have your picture taken if you buy one, a sim card or a cellphone. There was a reason you often couldn't call into a payphone and everybody was held to account, we were more free than today.

Threats to everybody from politicians, to school board members, to public health and local officials has gotten out of hand. Citizens and volunteers are threatened and intimidated to such a degree it is driving good people from the system and America is only getting radicals holding even minor posts, like counting the vote. It is becoming such a problem that the sheer volume of it is destroying the fabric of civil society and the institutions of democracy.

So law and regulation are required, make threats from home on email and they will nail your ass right away. Sell a sim card or cellphone used to make a death threat against a public official or candidate or their family and you'd better have a picture and a valid ID to go with it on file or you will do mandatory time. Technology can also be used to voice print voice threats, the sound quality of phones has increased quite a bit. A robot can call a list of suspects looking for a match from the region where the call came from and automatically bullshit them on the phone. Every time the cops bust a wingnut, get a set of finger prints and a picture, they get a voice sample too and a computer and experts can do the matching. It will at least nail down who they are. I think only a small minority of assholes are responsible for the vast majority of this problem, bust one and you solve a lot of cases and perhaps on multiple platforms.
They need to change that, the only real hole in the system of accountability are burner phones and you should have to show ID and have your picture taken if you buy one, a sim card or a cellphone. There was a reason you often couldn't call into a payphone and everybody was held to account, we were more free than today.

Threats to everybody from politicians, to school board members, to public health and local officials has gotten out of hand. Citizens and volunteers are threatened and intimidated to such a degree it is driving good people from the system and America is only getting radicals holding even minor posts, like counting the vote. It is becoming such a problem that the sheer volume of it is destroying the fabric of civil society and the institutions of democracy.

So law and regulation are required, make threats from home on email and they will nail your ass right away. Sell a sim card or cellphone used to make a death threat against a public official or candidate or their family and you'd better have a picture and a valid ID to go with it on file or you will do mandatory time. Technology can also be used to voice print voice threats, the sound quality of phones has increased quite a bit. A robot can call a list of suspects looking for a match from the region where the call came from and automatically bullshit them on the phone. Every time the cops bust a wingnut, get a set of finger prints and a picture, they get a voice sample too and a computer and experts can do the matching. It will at least nail down who they are. I think only a small minority of assholes are responsible for the vast majority of this problem, bust one and you solve a lot of cases and perhaps on multiple platforms.

Or I mean you could just move to China. They’ve got all that set up and working swellingly. Cops bust “wingnuts” all the time and there are no troublemakers against the the state - or they’re quickly dealt with.

Utopia awaits
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Uh oh, DIY ...

you've triggered a wing-nut!

I hope he doesn't go postal. :lol:


Yea sorry it must be the cannabis enthusiast in me that disagrees with advocating for a surveillance state. I also like the idea of places like RIU existing. Remember the state thinks we’re all wing-nuts and imprisons people for “destroying the fabric of a civil society” because we grow, smoke, and question the laws. Still schedule 1 isn’t it? We are bad.

How do you distinguish what is and isn’t acceptable speech in an ever changing society?

The first amendment exists to protect unpopular speech. Laws already exist around threats, violence, and harassment. The supreme court (you know, one of those pesky institutions of our democracy) has ruled “hate speech” isn’t a legal term in the US and cannot be regulated (see Matal v. Tam.)

So if it’s hate speech it’s hate speech, and if it’s a threat it’s a threat. Why create an opportunity for restricting freedom anymore than that?
Or I mean you could just move to China. They’ve got all that set up and working swellingly. Cops bust “wingnuts” all the time and there are no troublemakers against the the state - or they’re quickly dealt with.

Utopia awaits

cry me a river.

The shoe is on the other foot when it comes to Republican white terrorism

Republican hypocrisy on surveillance
Despite the clamour made by Republicans on government surveillance, they are reticent when Arab Americans are targeted.

The Republican Party – including the lawmakers who have complained loudest about the NSA’s pervasive electronic monitoring – has voiced no objection to widespread practices targeting Arab Americans and American Muslims not suspected of any wrongdoing.


cry me a river.

The shoe is on the other foot when it comes to Republican white terrorism

Republican hypocrisy on surveillance
Despite the clamour made by Republicans on government surveillance, they are reticent when Arab Americans are targeted.

The Republican Party – including the lawmakers who have complained loudest about the NSA’s pervasive electronic monitoring – has voiced no objection to widespread practices targeting Arab Americans and American Muslims not suspected of any wrongdoing.

Im completely against that though @Fogdog it’s hypocritical and exactly my point. The initial intentions of that policy would be just as justifiable as @DIY-HP-LED post on paper, and someone probably made a similar style argument when advocating for said surveillance.

I can’t vote for perfect people as they do not exist. I think I’ve told you this before but my personal beliefs are not represented clearly by either party. The Republicans have fucked shit up in terms of surveillance - I do not disagree with you. Democrats have gone right along with it though. The war on drugs is another great example of that
Yea sorry it must be the cannabis enthusiast in me that disagrees with advocating for a surveillance state. I also like the idea of places like RIU existing. Remember the state thinks we’re all wing-nuts and imprisons people for “destroying the fabric of a civil society” because we grow, smoke, and question the laws. Still schedule 1 isn’t it? We are bad.

How do you distinguish what is and isn’t acceptable speech in an ever changing society?

The first amendment exists to protect unpopular speech. Laws already exist around threats, violence, and harassment. The supreme court (you know, one of those pesky institutions of our democracy) has ruled “hate speech” isn’t a legal term in the US and cannot be regulated (see Matal v. Tam.)

So if it’s hate speech it’s hate speech, and if it’s a threat it’s a threat. Why create an opportunity for restricting freedom anymore than that?
Because it isn’t working. Fully a third of our adult fellow citizens have been fed utter crap at the trough of GOPropaganda disguised as journalism, and clamoring for more. The lie mills are a clear and present danger to the republic.

cry me a river.

The shoe is on the other foot when it comes to Republican white terrorism

Republican hypocrisy on surveillance
Despite the clamour made by Republicans on government surveillance, they are reticent when Arab Americans are targeted.

The Republican Party – including the lawmakers who have complained loudest about the NSA’s pervasive electronic monitoring – has voiced no objection to widespread practices targeting Arab Americans and American Muslims not suspected of any wrongdoing.

Struck dogs yowling about crt