The White privilege to terrorize

Because it isn’t working. Fully a third of our adult fellow citizens have been fed utter crap at the trough of GOPropaganda disguised as journalism, and clamoring for more. The lie mills are a clear and present danger to the republic.

You cannot just write off a third of our adult fellow citizens for living and believing differently than you do though
Struck dogs yowling about crt
Not too long ago, Republicans were saying "I have nothing to fear because I didn't do anything wrong" after Trump said this?

Donald Trump urges Muslims 'to turn people in'

"If you look at it world-wide, the world is blowing up. And it's not people from Sweden that's doing the damage, okay?"
It is up to Muslims to turn in people they suspected of extremism, he told ITV.
"They have to work with the police. They're not turning them in. If they're not playing ball, it's not going to work out."

Did they know at the time that Goebbels said exactly the same thing in the 1930's? Probably not. Fascists -- the grunts in the street -- they aren't very well informed. But damn they are good at compartmentalizing to avoid dealing with contradictions in what they are told.

"It's just terrible how the police state is monitoring right wing white terrorist fascists"

"Muslims should inform on their brothers if they suspect anything whatsoever"

Did I just call them hypocrites? I think I just did.
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You cannot just write off a third of our adult fellow citizens for living and believing differently than you do though
You are right. I can't write them off -- because they are dangerous. I can oppose them when they try to disenfranchise me and the 80 million strong majority who thought Biden would be a better president. We saw them try to steal an election that they lost. We saw this happen:


You aren't stupid. You know they were Trump's Republican terrorists. Virtually all of them were white. Hence the term white terrorists. If you don't like me saying that, how about not supporting the party who supports white terrorism? It's actually easier when you face the truth and admit you are wrong. I know it feels hard to do but nothing is harder than defending Trump and his Republican Party leaders.
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You cannot just write off a third of our adult fellow citizens for living and believing differently than you do though
I sure can when what they believe is false, and how they thus vote is unalloyed treason. That is the part of the picture that you generally evade.

(edit) Fogdog is right. I cannot ignore them. What I can do is oppose them, which means paying attention to the local podunk candidates and voting in the off-cycle elections.
Yea sorry it must be the cannabis enthusiast in me that disagrees with advocating for a surveillance state. I also like the idea of places like RIU existing. Remember the state thinks we’re all wing-nuts and imprisons people for “destroying the fabric of a civil society” because we grow, smoke, and question the laws. Still schedule 1 isn’t it? We are bad.

How do you distinguish what is and isn’t acceptable speech in an ever changing society?

The first amendment exists to protect unpopular speech. Laws already exist around threats, violence, and harassment. The supreme court (you know, one of those pesky institutions of our democracy) has ruled “hate speech” isn’t a legal term in the US and cannot be regulated (see Matal v. Tam.)

So if it’s hate speech it’s hate speech, and if it’s a threat it’s a threat. Why create an opportunity for restricting freedom anymore than that?
I'm just talking about catching lunatics, not restricting their speech. Can you get an internet account without showing ID? How about a drivers license to drive a car? or even registering a car and getting plates? This just make it harder to utter threats to people, not just public officials. People are resigning from important public offices because of it, the right wing nuts who replace them don't get told, they will come to their house and cut their children's throat in front of them, if they are for masks at the school board meeting.

The SCOTUS decides what's is constitutional and this is, even calling the losers for voice samples.
As soon as you start seeing those who vote differently from you as "dangerous" or the enemy, that's when you start the hilarious journey into fascism.
Tell that to the GQP.

also, you’re incorrect. Identifying and opposing concentrations of illiberal force works in the other direction: away from fascism. I dont know what your bias is exactly, but you seem to have a dog in this hunt.
Tell that to the GQP.

also, you’re incorrect. Identifying and opposing concentrations of illiberal force works in the other direction: away from fascism. I dont know what your bias is exactly, but you seem to have a dog in this hunt.

I'm not incorrect at all. How can my opinion be wrong? My opinion is what I posted above and I stand by it. In a democracy we cannot afford to view our political opponents as the enemy because that's when it starts to get physical. That's when we start to demonise others for their political opinion which leads to some horrid shit. (eta: like that storming of the Capitol)

My "dog in this hunt" is that I see the polarisation of our society as a very bad and dangerous thing and not what democracy is supposed to be about. We cannot have a successful democracy without compromise.
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As soon as you start seeing those who vote differently from you as "dangerous" or the enemy, that's when you start the hilarious journey into fascism.
What id they are fascists who advocate the overthrown of democracy? Both sides are not the same and an inability to recognize this is more of an issue over basic right and wrong. This is not some economic ideological battle here, it's pretty black and white and concerns fascism driven by hate and fear versus democracy, it that simple. It's happing in America and it's happening in Ukraine too, though by different means. Trumps fans were Putin's fans, until recently, but those loyal to Trump are generally loyal to Putin, or don't see anything wrong with him, but they can't judge character, because they have none of their own to compare it to.
As I understand it, and forgive me I don't live in your country so I can't rightly know for sure, but not every Republican voter supported that attempted coup.
If they voted Republican they support it. Is it that hard to understand? Republicans knew what was going to happen if trump lost. They knew he was going to try and stay. Most helped him and the ones that didn’t kept quiet. (Also helping him)
As I understand it, and forgive me I don't live in your country so I can't rightly know for sure, but not every Republican voter supported that attempted coup.
About 80%-90% oppose the congressional investigation into the Jan 6 insurrection. You go ahead and focus on the ten percent. I'll focus on the threat.

We just had one of them go off and kill people in my city for the simple act of protesting against police brutality against Black people.

He is what I call a white terrorist. It's not an isolated incident. So, yeah, Republican white nationalist terrorists are a threat, they should not be ignored. And they are different from me. i don't think it's OK to violently invade the Capitol Building to interfere with a free and fair election. Nor do I feel it's OK to shoot a woman in the face if she tells me I can't intimidate her when she disagrees with my political beliefs.