The White privilege to terrorize

As an outsider looking in (as deluded as you think I may be) it looks as though both sides of the American politics are just as guilty for polarising. Look at your own posts to me in this thread for my evidence of such.

But sure, feel free to call (what, around 50%?) of your country as the enemy. It's them doing the polarising though, aye?

You say you are an outsider, where do you live?

I ask this because I live in a country that has access to American news platforms and it’s obvious to even a casual observer that Republicans are the party of divide and conquer. It’s obvious to anyone paying attention that they have no interest in governing in a democratic system.

The both sides are the same argument is bullshit.
That kind of poll doesn't matter. The only poll that matters is an election poll. The kind that puts people in power.

AFTER the Jan 6 insurrection. Just hours after the Capitol Building was cleared of violent brutal crowd, 147 Republican lawmakers voted to overturn our election. The Republican base are overwhelmingly supporting those same people. There are new ones just like them who are challenging Democrats in contested districts. These are the same lawmakers who are re-writing voting laws that make it harder for Black people to vote. They are the same Republican lawmakers who are Gerrymandering districts in their states that cause wildly distorted elections that favor Republicans to win for US Congress. These are the same people who are writing laws that make it legal to run down protesters if they impede traffic. Not to mention the paramilitary groups like the Proud Boys that Trump told to "stand back and stand by" during a national debate. The Proud Boys led the charge into the Capitol Building on Jan 6 at Trump's urgings. Republican lawmakers then voted to throw out results of that election on Trump's say so. What happens if they take back control of Congress in 2022?

So, yes, I think the Republican Party is a threat to US democracy. I don't understand how else I should look at what they are doing.
The other is a vote in Congress.
Disinformed. Breitbart!
Your fault. I have not crawled on my belly like a snake going to Breitbart for a long time. I did not expect much, something about Hunter's business buddy meeting Sr, so what. As compared to Trump how bad could it be? Other than that,

Trump Reveals Trailer of Explosive ‘2000 Mules’ Ballot Harvesting Documentary at Ohio Rally
Former President Donald Trump on Saturday evening played the trailer of the forthcoming explosive documentary “2000 Mules” which reveals a wide scale ballot trafficking network of ballot harvesters across several swing states. Trump played the trailer at the rally where he is campaigning with J.D. Vance, the candidate he endorsed for U.S. Senate in this year’s Ohio GOP Senate primary.

The documentary, the product of a years-long investigation by election integrity group True The Vote and produced by conservative filmmaker Dinesh D’Souza, has been long-awaited and is chock full of surveillance footage showing specific instances of people taking multiple ballots to drop boxes and making trips to several boxes around their states. The investigation has been anticipated since Breitbart News first revealed it last summer, and Trump has been hyping it for some time now in statements and commentary.

I really do not get the big deal about the ballots being collected. Are they legitimate, if the voter drove themselves to drop off the ballot would it be a valid ballot? Say some elderly people do not have a car and have no good way to get out would it not be a honorable thing to do for them?
Your fault. I have not crawled on my belly like a snake going to Breitbart for a long time. I did not expect much, something about Hunter's business buddy meeting Sr, so what. As compared to Trump how bad could it be? Other than that,

Trump Reveals Trailer of Explosive ‘2000 Mules’ Ballot Harvesting Documentary at Ohio Rally
Former President Donald Trump on Saturday evening played the trailer of the forthcoming explosive documentary “2000 Mules” which reveals a wide scale ballot trafficking network of ballot harvesters across several swing states. Trump played the trailer at the rally where he is campaigning with J.D. Vance, the candidate he endorsed for U.S. Senate in this year’s Ohio GOP Senate primary.

The documentary, the product of a years-long investigation by election integrity group True The Vote and produced by conservative filmmaker Dinesh D’Souza, has been long-awaited and is chock full of surveillance footage showing specific instances of people taking multiple ballots to drop boxes and making trips to several boxes around their states. The investigation has been anticipated since Breitbart News first revealed it last summer, and Trump has been hyping it for some time now in statements and commentary.

The trailer opens with a panel of Salem Radio Network hosts split on what happened in the 2020 election. Salem Media Group worked with D’Souza and True The Vote on the film, and the panel—which includes Turning Point USA’s Charlie Kirk and radio hosts Dennis Prager, Larry Elder, Eric Metaxas, and Dr. Sebastian Gorka—opens with them discussing how they, before viewing this evidence, were not sure what exactly happened in the 2020 election and were awaiting more evidence.

Then the film cuts to True The Vote’s Catherine Engelbrecht who tells D’Souza, “We have been working on something big.”
“I’ve been working with Gregg Phillips,” Engelbrecht says. “He has a deep background in election intelligence.”

On screen, voters see Engelbrecht and Phillips breaking down the data and information that they have collected. “True The Vote has the largest store of election intelligence for the 2020 elections in the world,” Phillips says. “No one has more data than we do.”

On-screen graphics tell viewers that True The Vote used cell phone GPS geo tracking data across the battleground states.

“We identified in Atlanta 242 mules that went to an average of 24 drop boxes,” Phillips says. “In Philadelphia alone, we’ve identified more than 1,100 mules.”

When D’Souza asked Engelbrecht to define a “mule,” she replies by saying they are a “person picking up ballots and running them to the drop boxes.”

I really do not get the big deal about the ballots being collected. Are they legitimate, if the voter drove themselves to drop off the ballot would it be a valid ballot? Say some elderly people do not have a car and have no good way to get out would it not be a honorable thing to do for them?
coupla months ago the Stealers griped about “ballot harvesting” which is what these folks do. It’s manufacturing outrage with vague sinister-sounding phrases that do not stand up to even cursory checking.
It's like playing chess with a pigeon. Wtf are you even trying to say here? You think I'm right wing because I think both sides of American politics are just as bad as each other in the polarising aspect of it?

Nevermind, forget it. Just shit all over the board and claim victory. Kin hell, man. Have some self-awareness once in a while, it'll do you good.

The both sides are bad argument. lulz

OK, so maybe we started off wrong.

Explain how Democrats are same as Republicans. Or if not then tell us what Democrats have done that is as bad as trying to overthrow the 2020 election and then obstructing the investigation into that act.
And Democrats in office, not some mythical 'person/Dem/Lib/Lefty' (who is totally not a right wing troll cat fishing as 'the left) you heard about online or some random video. I can think of maybe one or two elected ones that I am not convinced are not just trolls like Gabbard, but even that is borderline.

Oh and no edited click bait quotes without any context please.
And what has Mr. Mosley to say about the situation in Ukraine, then?

I have no idea. I just saw that @cannabineer was determined I was right wing (even though I hadn't said a thing to suggest I was) so I posted the most alt-right news site I could think of. I don't watch/read Breitbart at all. I barely watch US news because as far as I can see it's mostly sensationalist dribble. I get my news from multiple sources and I certainly don't just subscribe to news outlets that confirm my bias. I gather as much information as I can then I make my own opinion of it.

The very fact that many people in this thread have been so determined to polarise my view is as much evidence I need to prove to me that I was right about the polarising aspect of US politics.

Of course, I don't live in the US so I have no right commenting on it. I fully expect only Ukrainians and Russians to be posting in the war thread from now on and apparently we should only comment in a thread if we have the chance to change the world in it.

Strange outlook, but I take the hint.

Continue to see the opposition as enemies. I look forward to seeing you all storm the capitol next time the Republicans win. It'll be a fucking lol-fest :lol:
You say you are an outsider, where do you live?

I ask this because I live in a country that has access to American news platforms and it’s obvious to even a casual observer that Republicans are the party of divide and conquer. It’s obvious to anyone paying attention that they have no interest in governing in a democratic system.

The both sides are the same argument is bullshit.

I'll be honest, when I speak of both left and right polarising the issue, I speak more of the voters and less the parties.

I live in a wee country called Scotland. We had a bit of a divisive vote back in 2014 where 55% of my country decided that no, they didn't want to become independent and would rather cling to the coat tails of rUK. It was all so very tempting to call the other side traitors and get very passionate about it, but there is no logic in that. Calling someone names never brings them to your side and only ever turns to violence... or in the case of nationwide politics, civil war.

I have no interest in either. I'm an old school democrat (the word, not the US party) and I believe that compromise is the route to a happy nation. Polarisation and injecting hate into politics breeds nothing but further hate and further polarisation. It's never a pretty end game.
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I believe that compromise is the route to a happy nation. Polarisation and injecting hate into politics breeds nothing but further hate and further polarisation. It's never a pretty end game.
There is only one political group in the US that is injecting hate into politics. Coincidentally, it’s the same political group that is trying to subvert the democratic process.

To suggest both political groups are the same demonstrates your lack of understanding.