The White privilege to terrorize

Ding ding ding we have a winner. Careful though - there is no grey area here.

R = Trumptard insurrectionist. D = the saviors of mankind and all things good, moral, and true
Oh you poor baby. You can't deflect our attention to the tiny minority of Republicans who swallow and toe the line even though they accept that Trump and his Republican cabal of GOP leaders tried to overthrow an election. The vast majority supported Trump when he tried to do steal an election after he lost it. Virtually all Republicans oppose the investigation of the Jan 6 insurrection. 80-90% saying they oppose the investigation is enough to be able to say the GOP opposes US democracy.

But you go ahead and focus on the few who manage to swallow and support the insurrectionist party even though they admit it is. I can't say which is worse. What to you think? Is it better to deny the facts and state the big lie as fact? Or is it better to admit the big lie but support the leaders who deny it? Defending Republicans nowadays must be hard to do.
but what vehicle or institutions would you task with enforcement? Are you suggesting new laws? Everything you’ve described is either legal or illegal at a certain point. Where is the fix while also adhering to things like the 1st and 4 amendments? Catching lunatics is extremely vague and would flow with the wind between whatever administration is in power.
The only thing I'm suggesting is a federal law to identify those who purchase cellphones and sim cards, you do it anyway when you buy one for legitimate purposes. Buying a burner phone or a sim card should require ID and a picture and it should be constitutional to do so, likewise doing voice samples on death threats is not an issue, neither is calling up assholes and asking questions to get voice samples, machines do it everyday. I doubt anybody would be convicted by a court by a voice sample, though they do send people away over a finger print and video evidence.

I figure it's desirable, legal and constitutional to cut down on the number of technologically enabled death threats to be uttered without accountability. I figure the courts will agree and a majority in congress shouldn't have too much of an issue with it either, since they and their staffs are often on the receiving end. It can happen and should.
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I did; see above.
Where do you get your news?

This is pimping for the Right?

I'm a Brit, mate. You're all fucking traitors :lol:

eta: and BTW, I'm not pimping for anyone and I'm certainly no fan of the Trumptard. I'm only saying it's not healthy to view half your country as traitors just because they vote differently from you.

or is it this?

Just keep proving me right, brother. I'm a lefty as it it happens, though a very rare one in this current climate - I fight for workers rights.

If you say so, champ.
Republican's make up around 24% of the electorate, about 36% are democrats and the rest independents, though most lean right. The poll was of republican party members and Trump distilled them down to their essence.
Then why did they vote en bloc to thwart the impeachments and the 1/6 probe?

GOP leadership censured the two Republicans who voted their consciences.

For a moment you have to consider these millions of people you’re referring to, myself included, give two shits about January 6th. It means absolutely nothing in the scheme of things and daily life in my opinion. People are even allowed to think the election was rigged! The horror I know! That doesn’t make them right - or Inherently bad people either. You’re not allowed to limit them from believing or talking about something that may not be true (see organized religion)

Nothing those people chose to do at the capital has anything to do with anyone else in my opinion. If someone breaks a law it’s their own choice. A few thousand citizens breaking in to a building in DC with selfie sticks and baseball bats was going to somehow overthrow democracy? What exactly was their master plan? If that were the case don’t you think the Pentagon would have had an actual response ready? My perspective comes from former service.

The capital building isn’t the republic - we are

If the 74 million citizens who voted for Trump and who vote for republicans really are what you say they are - there would have been an actual over throw of government. Except there wasn’t. We all just went along living life, while a few thousand people made a choice to do what they did. Pretty shitty attempt if you ask me considering the whole bring a bat to a gunfight scenario
That not all Republicans support Trumptard to the bitter end.
Not all republicans want Trump as POTUS again, I believe around 52 to 60%, the last I heard and they only make up around 12 to 15% of the electorate. However the radicals in the republican party vote in the primary elections and thus Trump has a lot more power than among the public. I some places, candidates are either all in with Trump or are primaried and in a general election, if Trump walks his base out of the party or tells them to stay home, the republicans will lose, even with cheating and trying to rig the system.

The empire of white supremacy will use violent means to try and stop inevitable change, all empires do, just like the Russians are doing and for the same reasons. Most empires are empires of the mind and exist in the minds of men, like religion and the two are often conflated.
Thank you for proving my point. They are an entertainment site dressed up as a news site. They are a principal source for the disinformation keeping most of the GOP fed with the lies being used to promote an antirepublican agenda with so far frightening effect.

Breitbart: Questionable Source.


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That not all Republicans support Trumptard to the bitter end.
That kind of poll doesn't matter. The only poll that matters is an election poll. The kind that puts people in power.

AFTER the Jan 6 insurrection. Just hours after the Capitol Building was cleared of violent brutal crowd, 147 Republican lawmakers voted to overturn our election. The Republican base are overwhelmingly supporting those same people. There are new ones just like them who are challenging Democrats in contested districts. These are the same lawmakers who are re-writing voting laws that make it harder for Black people to vote. They are the same Republican lawmakers who are Gerrymandering districts in their states that cause wildly distorted elections that favor Republicans to win for US Congress. These are the same people who are writing laws that make it legal to run down protesters if they impede traffic. Not to mention the paramilitary groups like the Proud Boys that Trump told to "stand back and stand by" during a national debate. The Proud Boys led the charge into the Capitol Building on Jan 6 at Trump's urgings. Republican lawmakers then voted to throw out results of that election on Trump's say so. What happens if they take back control of Congress in 2022?

So, yes, I think the Republican Party is a threat to US democracy. I don't understand how else I should look at what they are doing.