The White privilege to terrorize

White countries = the ONLY countries on planet earth that are told they must have open borders and destroy themselves with diversity or they are (as UncleBuck said) "NAZI RAYSISMISTS!!!"
Is this some white supremacist (oh wait I am sorry is it 'nationalist' now?) snowflake, I call bullshit on your 'open borders' nonsense.

Also white people can and do go everywhere they want doing whatever they wish all the time.

Like these rich assholes.

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ONLY white countries are told they must be drowned in a sea of "diversity" while asia remains asian and africa remains african.

In White countries FORCED integration (a human rights violation) is FORCED by LAW. So if whites tried to set up their own town in England, then somalians are by law allowed to come take it over - and it would be a CRIME to object to it.
Cool story bro.
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ONLY white countries are told they must be drowned in a sea of "diversity" while asia remains asian and africa remains african.

In White countries FORCED integration (a human rights violation) is FORCED by LAW. So if whites tried to set up their own town in England, then somalians are by law allowed to come take it over - and it would be a CRIME to object to it.
Sounds rough. Nazi
So far - NOBODY has any disagreement with
Also white people can and do go everywhere they want doing whatever they wish all the time.

White people and ONLY white people are forbidden from having their own territory and the human right to self determination.
Europe is calculated t be turned non-White - same with America - if whites OBJECT to this obvious program of genocide then anti-whites scream "nazi!" "supremacist" "raysist!!!!!"

At least you all don't deny BLACK PRIVILEGE is much better than whatever this "white privilege" is

I'd like to note that most of you don't even DISAGREE WITH ME

You just try to justify your hatred of whites and justify why i am correct ;)
So, execution is still okay with you, as long as it fits your definition of humane? What's worse than ceasing to exist? Just curious. Is it spending life behind bars?

When we have these conversations, being for/against the death penalty is typically a moral argument. I'm for it in a moral sense under certain parameters, but I don't support the modern day legal system application of the death penalty.

Worse than dying is living a life inflicting pain onto others.

Spending your life behind bars isn't enough information to determine whether or not it's worse. Plenty of people still do good things with their lives in jail, like helping others.
So far - NOBODY has any disagreement with

White people and ONLY white people are forbidden from having their own territory and the human right to self determination.
Europe is calculated t be turned non-White - same with America - if whites OBJECT to this obvious program of genocide then anti-whites scream "nazi!" "supremacist" "raysist!!!!!"

At least you all don't deny BLACK PRIVILEGE is much better than whatever this "white privilege" is
I deny your bullshit black privilege nonsense.

And your snow flaking about white genocide or 'turning non-white' is played out and is just as much bullshit now as it has ever been.

There will be more white people in Europe (and everywhere else) tomorrow than there were yesterday, don't worry your delicate little white fragility.*

*assuming your not another in the endless line of paid trolls pushing whatever your handlers want birthed to hide whatever very real trouble they are in.
So far - NOBODY has any disagreement with

White people and ONLY white people are forbidden from having their own territory and the human right to self determination.
Europe is calculated t be turned non-White - same with America - if whites OBJECT to this obvious program of genocide then anti-whites scream "nazi!" "supremacist" "raysist!!!!!"

At least you all don't deny BLACK PRIVILEGE is much better than whatever this "white privilege" is

I'd like to note that most of you don't even DISAGREE WITH ME

You just try to justify your hatred of whites and justify why i am correct ;)
So far - NOBODY has any disagreement with

White people and ONLY white people are forbidden from having their own territory and the human right to self determination.
Europe is calculated t be turned non-White - same with America - if whites OBJECT to this obvious program of genocide then anti-whites scream "nazi!" "supremacist" "raysist!!!!!"

At least you all don't deny BLACK PRIVILEGE is much better than whatever this "white privilege" is

I'd like to note that most of you don't even DISAGREE WITH ME

You just try to justify your hatred of whites and justify why i am correct ;)
I call BS...
There will be more white people in Europe (and everywhere else) tomorrow than there were yesterday, don't worry your delicate little white fragility.

WRONG - white deaths outnumber white births

Which wouldnt be such a big problem IF white people were not ALSO being subjected to GENOCIDAL policies of MASS immigration and FORCED integration.

China, Japan, Taiwan, Korea all have low birth rates - but they are NOT being subjected to genocidal immigration and assimilation policies
WRONG - white deaths outnumber white births

Which wouldnt be such a big problem IF white people were not ALSO being subjected to GENOCIDAL policies of MASS immigration and FORCED integration.

China, Japan, Taiwan, Korea all have low birth rates - but they are NOT being subjected to genocidal immigration and assimilation policies
Sure it is cuck.
WRONG - white deaths outnumber white births

Which wouldnt be such a big problem IF white people were not ALSO being subjected to GENOCIDAL policies of MASS immigration and FORCED integration.

China, Japan, Taiwan, Korea all have low birth rates - but they are NOT being subjected to genocidal immigration and assimilation policies
Link to the the claim made in the second "paragraph"
WRONG - white deaths outnumber white births

Which wouldnt be such a big problem IF white people were not ALSO being subjected to GENOCIDAL policies of MASS immigration and FORCED integration.

China, Japan, Taiwan, Korea all have low birth rates - but they are NOT being subjected to genocidal immigration and assimilation policies

"have more babies if you dont like genocide" is not a solution to genocide
You say that word yet don't know what it means.
"have more babies if you dont like genocide" is not a solution to genocide
White genocide is not happening. Nobody is rounding up white people and murdering them as a policy.

First of all you are NOT here for an honest good faith conversation - but I will pretend that you DO care about facts (when im pretty sure YOU DONT)

You mean that white woman are having babies with non white men at a larger rate now that it is not cool to beat the minority male to death?


ps, it really doesn't matter man. Humans are humans. The only ones that give a shit are fragile little racists that think somehow their pink nipples make them better or at the somehow different.