The White privilege to terrorize

I guess you havent been listening so i will REPEAT

Mass immigration + FORCED integration on to EVERY & ONLY White countries is GENOCIDE plain as dayView attachment 4973515

Do you remember the post below? Would you like to denounce the Latino portion? Because I think we've sufficiently shot that down, yes?

Also, have you seen any laws which allow legalized homicide by ethnicity, or are you just being "told" stuff again?

Its a bit of a mindfuck for anti-whites to read my posts and realize THEY ARENT THE GOOD GUYS THEIR TV TOLD THEM THEY WERE

View attachment 4973484
Do you remember the post below? Would you like to denounce the Latino portion? Because I think we've sufficiently shot that down, yes?

You said you werent familiar with latin America
Im not sure how that is shooting down anything

and what does legalized homicide have to do with the conversation? Are you looking for a topic change? I can see why
You said you werent familiar with latin America
Im not sure how that is shooting down anything

Well you said Spain is a white country and I just showed you a ton of Latin America countries which have very friendly naturalization processes, so I assume you consider those white countries too?
and what does legalized homicide have to do with the conversation? Are you looking for a topic change? I can see why

You posted the meme about genocide. The definition is the mass killing of ethnic groups. How would that happen to whites here? Legally? Illegally?
This guy is reading my posts in a PANIC that his entire worldview is getting effortlessly BFTOd

He would like me shut down for the crime of not hating white people.

Global Warming gonna be a bitch on such pale skin. Take your argument to Exxon.
Global Warming gonna be a bitch on such pale skin. Take your argument to Exxon.

There is nothing leftists can do about global warming because 90% of the worlds pollution comes from non-White countries and you say it would be RACIST to tell them to stop/// so instead you scream at white kids about it and scream at nuns about misogyny/// you all are utterly WORTHLESS on every single topic you PRETEND to care about
I have already posted the INTERNATIONAL LAW ON GENOCIDE - but you say you would like me to post it AGAIN because you werent paying attention.
I have also provided a QUOTE from the man who WROTE THE LAW AND INVENTED THE WORD GENOCIDE - but you want to say HE doesn't know what he's talking about

View attachment 4973522

Okay, so you're working the "mental harm" part? Your feelings are hurt? That sucks you got genocided. Have you brought it up to the United Nations? It's weird that no legal entity seems to agree with you. Hmmm, how could we reconcile that?
OKAY so you admit YOU LIED about what Genocide means. You ADMIT you are trying to push DECEPTION on to PEOPLE

For DECADES you anti-whites have OPENLY BRAGGED you are guilty of pushing PART C on to white kids in Europe/America

why are you suddenly ASHAMED of your worldview and wanting to deny EVERYTHING you've ever stood for in your life?
There is nothing leftists can do about global warming because 90% of the worlds pollution comes from non-White countries and you say it would be RACIST to tell them to stop/// so instead you scream at white kids about it and scream at nuns about misogyny/// you all are utterly WORTHLESS on every single topic you PRETEND to care about

Russia is very pro white and you lack their numbers.
OKAY so you admit YOU LIED about what Genocide means. You ADMIT you are trying to push DECEPTION on to PEOPLE

For DECADES you anti-whites have OPENLY BRAGGED you are guilty of pushing PART C on to white kids in Europe/America

why are you suddenly ASHAMED of your worldview and wanting to deny EVERYTHING you've ever stood for in your life?

No, it means that I didn't know that it could include hurt feelings. I've never heard the word used for something so trivial before. Like I said, I'm sorry you got genocided.
Russia is pro-Russian - and that upsets you - because they look white to you

you have no problem with Pro-Ugandans, Pro-PAkistanis

you just HATE WHITES.... why? WELL... because when you were a child you saw anti-white hollywood propaganda about raysisms, and it made your feelings sad... you havent emotionally evolved since
No, it means that I didn't know that it could include hurt feelings. I've never heard the word used for something so trivial before. Like I said, I'm sorry you got genocided.

As far as the mental harm - many of the people in this chat are SELF HATING WHITES that have been brainwashed into self hatred. Then some of them are like YOU - that want to GASLIGHT white people into thinking they are NOT being turned into minorities in their own countries and it's all an illusion that "nazis" are making up... and if you OBJECT to it - you are also a "nazi"
Grandpapy is white. I don't hate him at all. Seems like a cool guy.
Then Grandpappy is a good example of the MENTAL HARM whites have endured - he actually believes it would be RACIST if he doesn't want to force his own race into destruction.

brainwashed 003.jpg
Russia is pro-Russian - and that upsets you - because they look white to you

you have no problem with Pro-Ugandans, Pro-PAkistanis

you just HATE WHITES.... why? WELL... because when you were a child you saw anti-white hollywood propaganda about raysisms, and it made your feelings sad... you havent emotionally evolved since

I dont hate whites, wait, what color skin were you draped with at birth?
I dont hate whites, wait, what color skin were you draped with at birth?
you openly argue in favor of forcing policies on to whites that destroy their race - and then harass and slander whites who object
