The White privilege to terrorize

As far as the mental harm - many of the people in this chat are SELF HATING WHITES that have been brainwashed into self hatred. Then some of them are like YOU - that want to GASLIGHT white people into thinking they are NOT being turned into minorities in their own countries and it's all an illusion that "nazis" are making up... and if you OBJECT to it - you are also a "nazi"'re trying to stop me from genociding my own feelings?? I really appreciate your help. I'm a little critical of myself sometimes, but I always thought that was the path to refinement. You're saying I should be like you, where I think I'm awesome even though I have no real reason to feel that way? Kind of like a meritless superhero? I have to admit, I'm feeling a little awesome already..
you openly argue in favor of forcing policies on to whites that destroy their race - and then harass and slander whites who object


Project much?, you into BTE oils?'re trying to stop me from genociding my own feelings?? I really appreciate your help. I'm a little critical of myself sometimes, but I always thought that was the path to refinement. You're saying I should be like you, where I think I'm awesome even though I have no real reason to feel that way? Kind of like a meritless superhero?

Basically im just using you to make my points - you are trying to convince white people they are NOT being turned into minorities in their own countries, it's just an ILLUSION that evil racist people made up! Then you deliberately posted the wrong definition of GENOCIDE when you already knew you were lying

Basically im just using you to make my points - you are trying to convince white people they are NOT being turned into minorities in their own countries, it's an ILLUSION. Then you deliberately posted the wrong definition of GENOCIDE when you already knew you were lying


Anytime you have a naturalization process, you're going to affect the ethnic makeup of the nation. It's funny how we used to hate on the Italians, the Irish, but we don't seem to care anymore about white immigrants and only notice the brown ones. You know, I think we're really dropped the ball on our bigotry game and need to kick it up a notch and stop being so visual or color oriented when it comes to rejecting certain groups. Which reminds, me...where the fuck are your ancestors from??
There is nothing leftists can do about global warming because 90% of the worlds pollution comes from non-White countries and you say it would be RACIST to tell them to stop/// so instead you scream at white kids about it and scream at nuns about misogyny/// you all are utterly WORTHLESS on every single topic you PRETEND to care about
Armchair Activists. They've probably never even filled out a W-2 much less been out of the ivory towers to see how the real world works. George Carlin sums things up perfectly. "They're worried that some day in the future they may be personally inconvenienced"
Anytime you have a naturalization process, you're going to affect the ethnic makeup of the nation. It's funny how we used to hate on the Italians, the Irish, but we don't seem to care anymore about white immigrants and only notice the brown ones. You know, I think we're really dropped the ball on our bigotry game and need to kick it up a notch and stop being so visual or color oriented when it comes to rejecting certain groups. Which reminds, me...where the fuck are your ancestors from??

By YOUR logic, Jews that objected to genocide just had some kind of anti-germanic bigotry.
By merely objecting to Tibetan Genocide, the Daila Lama is a TIBETAN SUPREMACIST that hates everyone that isnt Tibetan!

By YOUR logic, Jews that objected to genocide just had some kind of anti-germanic bigotry.
By merely objecting to Tibetan Genocide, the Daila Lama is a TIBETAN SUPREMACIST that hates everyone that isnt Tibetan!


These Jews you mention, not sure who they are, but were they genocided as bad as you? Because, while that sounds terrible, at least you have some people out there that you can confide in your ethnic plight.
These Jews you mention, not sure who they are, but were they genocided as bad as you?

I would say the ongoing genocide of 600 million is probably the worst genocide in human history

One that you openly support and try to gaslight white people into believing they are NOT being turned into minorities in all of their countries due to policies
I would say the ongoing genocide of 600 million is probably the worst genocide in human history

One that you openly support and try to gaslight white people into believing they are NOT being turned into minorities in all of their countries due to policies

I hope I'm not overstepping here, because I understand that your genocide situation is difficult, but this decimation might not have been quite as effortless as we were initially lead to believe.
I would say the ongoing genocide of 600 million is probably the worst genocide in human history

One that you openly support and try to gaslight white people into believing they are NOT being turned into minorities in all of their countries due to policies

How bout we make it safe for them to go home?
I hope I'm not overstepping here, because I understand that your genocide situation is difficult, but this decimation might not have been quite as effortless as we were initially lead to believe.

Even IF you want to be deceptive on the genocide issue - you still acknowledge you are pushing the denial of self determination of whites and that the LAST PEOPLE ON PLANET EARTH THAT SHOULD EVER TALK ABOUT RACE ARE NON-WHITES VOLUNTARILY LIVING IN WHITE COUNTRIES

So having you admit to being in favor of human rights violations was a good start in your journey to becoming a human being
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By YOUR logic, Jews that objected to genocide just had some kind of anti-germanic bigotry.
By merely objecting to Tibetan Genocide, the Daila Lama is a TIBETAN SUPREMACIST that hates everyone that isnt Tibetan!

Oh good, RobCat tagged in, now rabbit can take a break...whew!

These Jews you mention, not sure who they are, but were they genocided as bad as you? Because, while that sounds terrible, at least you have some people out there that you can confide in your ethnic plight.

These Jews you mention, not sure who they are, but were they genocided as bad as you? Because, while that sounds terrible, at least you have some people out there that you can confide in your ethnic plight.
On Family Guy Lois Griffins real name use to be HewbrewBurg MoneyGrabber. just learned that this week
what group do you want to get rid of? and from where?

ohhh you are asking me for a solution to White Genocide?

#1 - finally allow whites to have FAIR OPEN HONEST DISCUSSIONS ON THE ISSUE rather than suppressing censoring slandering and threatening whites. The conversation should include allowing those of us who don't hate whites to have a voice and make our case, and you anti-whites can publicly make asses of yourselves & tell us why you feel white kids deserve the genocide you have been pushing on to them & you can call white people slurs for objecting to it.

#2 - self hating whites and (more importantly) your brainwashers will debate & decide on a solution to your fuckup that we find acceptable - you will plan it, fund it, and carry it out. I'm sure whatever you all choose to do will be fair and humane right?

This is the only reasonable way to handle it to where ALL parties are satisfied

So there is good news and bad news for you
The good news is you will get to back up everything you've claimed to believe your entire life
The bad news is you will get to back up everything you've claimed to believe your entire life.
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ohhh you are asking me for a solution to White Genocide?

#1 - finally allow whites to have FAIR OPEN HONEST DISCUSSIONS ON THE ISSUE rather than suppressing censorring and threatening whites. The conversation should include allowing those of us who don't hate whites to have a voice and make our case, and you anti-whites should be allowed to publicly speak on why you feel white kids deserve the genocide you have been pushing on to them & call white people slurs.
#2 - you self hating whites will have to figure out a solution to your fuckup - you will plan it, fund it, and carry it out. I'm sure whatever you all choose to do will be fair and humane right?

This is the only reasonable way to handle it
No. Read again. Make Putin proud!