The White privilege to terrorize

Really? I think the racist trolling is less dangerous than the anti-vaccine trolling, and I haven't seen anyone booted because of that.
True, although I don’t know how dangerous either is around here. Both get slapped around a lot and eventually leave on their own.

Except for peej, of course. Those rodeo clowns are tough as hell and can surely take a beating.
I’m surprised he’s been allowed to spew his racist bullshit this long, frankly.

One second you all are pretending you are "kicking my ass" by agreeing with all my points and screaming slurs about about people

The next minute you are wondering why I havent been BANNED for casually and effortlessly destroying your worldview.

I told the admin in private that if you all ALLOW me to continue dismantling leftist scams/frauds/hoaxes... NO LEFTIST WILL WANT TO DISCUSS POLITICS ON HERE

All you want is SOME kind of room to push your lies frauds hoaxes and scams without ALWAYS getting BTFOd, i give you no quarter.
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He types like a 75yo lifetime NRA member and thinks of himself just as highly, but uses slightly more lower case letters.

These guys are really modernizing.
Or the 20 something 'true believers' that think they are slick with spouting the same nonsense that they should have left in the closet with their pappies clan robes.

If you want to hear someone wipe the floor with all these propagandists points Roland Martin did a nice job with this want to be nazi.

Or the 20 something 'true believers' that think they are slick with spouting the same nonsense that they should have left in the closet with their pappies clan robes.

If you want to hear someone wipe the floor with all these propagandists points Roland Martin did a nice job with this want to be nazi.


rabbit ears spent a whole lot of time studying Spencer. Then tried the same stuff here. Same result. Came off as a dumbass.
If you want to hear someone wipe the floor with all these propagandists points Roland Martin did a nice job with this want to be nazi.

If you want to see a white nationalist wipe the floor with "anti-racists", make them admit they are brainwashed batshit looney genocidal anti-whites that do nothing but laugh at white kids and scream slurs about them - SCROLL THRU THIS THREAD
ME: "If you look at the law on genocide - it's pretty obvious that the ongoing program of mass immigration + FORCED assimilation on to EVERY & ONLY WHITE COUNTRIES clearly meets the definition of genocide. Along with numerous OTHER human rights violations.

ANTI-WHITES: "yah well im glad its happening cuz white kids deserve it for history! and also its not happening,and if you don't want it to happen you are a NAZI and hate all the non-Whites! You should STFU and be threatened and censored! I'm glad white kids are being turned into hated minorities and i can't believe that you think im ANTI-WHITE. You re CRAZY! Tired of getting proven wrong yet?"
If you want to see a white nationalist wipe the floor with "anti-racists", make them admit they are brainwashed batshit looney genocidal anti-whites that do nothing but laugh at white kids and scream slurs about them - SCROLL THRU THIS THREAD
lol keep on selling troll. Your shit is weak, and really just sad man. I feel bad that you have to keep pretending that you are actually believing the shit you spew when you really don't do anything but spam the talking points and can't actually have anything even close to intelligent that is off script.

Your projection of how you are doing so well is just lame, and it must be hard to keep trolling for those dimes man. I really hope you get a better job and warn your friends and family in real life about how full of shit you propaganda hate trolls are. Be best.

ME: "If you look at the law on genocide - it's pretty obvious that the ongoing program of mass immigration + FORCED assimilation on to EVERY & ONLY WHITE COUNTRIES clearly meets the definition of genocide. Along with numerous OTHER human rights violations.

ANTI-WHITES: "yah well im glad its happening cuz white kids deserve it for history! and also its not happening,and if you don't want it to happen you are a NAZI and hate all the non-Whites! You should STFU and be threatened and censored! I'm glad white kids are being turned into hated minorities and i can't believe that you think im ANTI-WHITE. You re CRAZY! Tired of getting proven wrong yet?"
Nobody is 'anti-white', no matter how much you try to troll it into something.
It's weird how nobody that matters agrees with you.

As we ESTBLISHED - the DALAI LAMA agrees with me - so does the man with the highest IQ in the world

And again YOU ALL HAVE HAD VIRTUALLY NO DISAGREEMENT WITH ME - for the most part you just explain why i am CORRECT and try to justify your hatred of white kids

ME: "If you look at the law on genocide - it's pretty obvious that the ongoing program of mass immigration + FORCED assimilation on to EVERY & ONLY WHITE COUNTRIES clearly meets the definition of genocide. Along with numerous OTHER human rights violations.

ANTI-WHITES: "yah well im glad its happening cuz white kids deserve it for history! and also its not happening,and if you don't want it to happen you are a NAZI and hate all the non-Whites! You should STFU and be threatened and censored! I'm glad white kids are being turned into hated minorities and i can't believe that you think im ANTI-WHITE. You re CRAZY! Tired of getting proven wrong yet?"
What is their connection to US legislation?

Atrocities are happening against whites and whites are in charge, soooooo.....?
If you want to see a white nationalist wipe the floor with "anti-racists", make them admit they are brainwashed batshit looney genocidal anti-whites that do nothing but laugh at white kids and scream slurs about them - SCROLL THRU THIS THREAD

You don't even see whites as fully human. White Nationalist Corporations & bankers told you to be angry. You're on a Witch Hunt and not telling the real story.