Well-Known Member
Are you the skinhead or the dad?
'The Media' is a bullshit troll.Do you seriously buy all that bullshit? You never hear about the shoe on the other foot because the media never blows up police shootings unless they can milk them for outrage.
You are the one saying that they are hiring people unqualified because that fits your bullshit narrative. And it is wrong and just a white male snowflake that makes them feel all good inside when they didn't get hired and had to put out a couple more applications.You are going to tell me a company will hire somebody unqualified instead of qualified based on race or gender? That only happened with affirmative action.
Have you ever done anything at a secretary of state in a real city?As far as the voting goes if they require the same rules for everybody then how is it racist? I’m 100% for voter ID!
Of course you are, it doesn't fit the narrative you are regurgitating here. But your snowflake feels are not a good enough reason to disregard reality.I’m 100% for voter ID! I’m also for not bringing up race and treating others as fellow Americans instead of this divisive race baiting shit.
Starting now? Isn't that a lot like someone who cheats in a relationship agreeing to not cheat 'starting right now', because they are just coming back from their side pieces house?I’m a Nazi because I am tired of this divisive bullshit? I’m saying treat everybody the same.
By being black and having the audacity of being elected as POTUS?We were headed towards that then Obama started inciting people.
Literally every racist nazi talks about that.Nobody talks about that
Good for you. Next you should learn that white washing is also racist so you are aware of what is racist.I’m not racist and I don’t like people being racist either.
'All' is a snowflake absolutism that is a troll designed to get people who want to cry 'reverse racism' some bullshit justification for shutting down their brains.That includes whites that always try to make all white people look evil or racist.
Correct. Nobody (that is not a troll) is saying that 'all' white people are evil or racist (or making them look that way).That’s not true.
Correct. That is what trolls do.That’s just stokes the flames.
Correct once again you are on a roll. There is also trolls pushing sexism, classism, regionalism, religion shit, etc. It is all used to divide us up with whatever the internet data of that person says once it is all inputed into a data analysis program, compiled, and tells the AI what to troll that person with to get the best impact on their feels.There are good and bad white black brown yellow whatever. But everything is not about racism.
Ah, bummer you were doing so well but fell back into your lazy absolutism to try to act superior. There is plenty of critical thinking, and non-knee jerk reactions, it just gets ignored because the spam trolls in the 'media' like Tucker, Mark Levin, Bannon, Epoch Times, OANN, Fox, Hate radio, Facebook, any other social media website or comment section across the internet (even spam propaganda trolls here on RIU), drown out the people that are reporting facts. That is why I highly recommend that people stick to AP news to be sure they don't fall into a 'feels' trap.There is no critical thinking anymore. It’s all knee jerk reaction to events without even knowing the details
Charges to be filed against woman who threw soup in restaurant manager’s face
Police are investigating an incident in Texas where a woman who complained about her soup being too hot threw the cup of soup in a restaurant manager’s face. A local NBC affiliate reports that investigators say a woman called Sol De Jalisco restaurant in the city of Temple to complain about
fuck this goddamned entitled cunt, teach her and all the fucking karens watching this shit that their actions have consequences...i hope this turns into her getting fired and becoming the pariah she deserves to be...this shit has to fucking stop, and stop now.![]()
Charges to be filed against woman who threw soup in restaurant manager’s face
Police are investigating an incident in Texas where a woman who complained about her soup being too hot threw the cup of soup in a restaurant manager’s face. A local NBC affiliate reports that investigators say a woman called Sol De Jalisco restaurant in the city of Temple to complain about
They would be shot cause gunsLock her ass up for doing that. But this isn’t just a white things this is an asshole customer issue. I would like to see laws that protect employees who fight back during an assault or robbery from prosecution,lawsuits or losing their jobs. Maybe if people like this bitch got jumped or those assholes walking out with armfuls of items had a wine bottle busted over their head this wouldn’t happen.
They would be shot cause guns
More vigilantes I’m sure in your worldEverybody is afraid of lawsuits. Take that away and even allowing employees to use a bat to reign in would be thieves would be good. This bullshit about just watching these assholes walk out without resistance is for the birds.
so you want employs to risk their lives to stop petty crimes? why would they do that? they get paid to do a job, not to risk their lives. that is the job of the police (contrary to the belief of a lot of officers, who seem to think their job is to keep minorities in their place).Everybody is afraid of lawsuits. Take that away and even allowing employees to use a bat to reign in would be thieves would be good. This bullshit about just watching these assholes walk out without resistance is for the birds.
so you want employs to risk their lives to stop petty crimes? why would they do that? they get paid to do a job, not to risk their lives. that is the job of the police (contrary to the belief of a lot of officers, who seem to think their job is to keep minorities in their place).
employs trying to stop criminals also leaves their employers open to civil suits and possibly criminal charges...
Lock her ass up for doing that. But this isn’t just a white things this is an asshole customer issue. I would like to see laws that protect employees who fight back during an assault or robbery from prosecution,lawsuits or losing their jobs. Maybe if people like this bitch got jumped or those assholes walking out with armfuls of items had a wine bottle busted over their head this wouldn’t happen.
Then you should really be all for the Build Back Better legislation that goes a long way to not allowing economically depressed areas to continue to fester.I’m not saying make them but give them immunity if they choose to use reasonable force to stop somebody from stealing. I’m particularly referring to small immigrant ran businesses that can’t afford to just allow people to rob them blind.
plenty of security jobs open right now tough guyLock her ass up for doing that. But this isn’t just a white things this is an asshole customer issue. I would like to see laws that protect employees who fight back during an assault or robbery from prosecution,lawsuits or losing their jobs. Maybe if people like this bitch got jumped or those assholes walking out with armfuls of items had a wine bottle busted over their head this wouldn’t happen.
why dont you just volunteer to be security for them instead?I’m not saying make them but give them immunity if they choose to use reasonable force to stop somebody from stealing. I’m particularly referring to small immigrant ran businesses that can’t afford to just allow people to rob them blind.
You say it's OK if vigilantes beat and maybe accidentally kill this woman but vigilantes trying to stop a 17 year old mass shooter from killing more people is a case of self defense for the shooter.Lock her ass up for doing that. But this isn’t just a white things this is an asshole customer issue. I would like to see laws that protect employees who fight back during an assault or robbery from prosecution,lawsuits or losing their jobs. Maybe if people like this bitch got jumped or those assholes walking out with armfuls of items had a wine bottle busted over their head this wouldn’t happen.
Everybody is afraid of lawsuits. Take that away and even allowing employees to use a bat to reign in would be thieves would be good.
Usually someone has found a way to make money off bad laws, enough to purchase the necessary inaction by legislators.
some people here seem to deny the existence of systemic racism in the United do you explain this? almost every city in the country has some shit like this on their books, and even though these "laws" have been made irrelevant by the federal government, they still make it difficult to remove them from the books...why wouldn't they want to have these disgusting reminders of a less enlightened era removed? nostalgia? are they expecting them to become relevant again under republican leadership? maybe this era is only more enlightened for some people, while others continue to live in the past?
yeah, but these are defunct bullshit that have been made irrelevant by federal laws, it's just that a lot of cities don't seem to want to remove them from their city would think any modern, progressive city would be ashamed that laws like these were ever in their charters, and would be eager to get the racist, now illegal wording removed...but that doesn't seem to be the case, they apparently want to keep them because they're a "part of history"....if they have a reason at all.Usually someone has found a way to make money off bad laws, enough to purchase the necessary inaction by legislators.
If a law benefits nobody, it will have no sponsors. A law that harms many but benefits an empowered minority, let’s just say that any talk of changing it will be efficiently and discreetly headed off before it ends up on the chamber floor. I have faith in corruption.yeah, but these are defunct bullshit that have been made irrelevant by federal laws, it's just that a lot of cities don't seem to want to remove them from their city would think any modern, progressive city would be ashamed that laws like these were ever in their charters, and would be eager to get the racist, now illegal wording removed...but that doesn't seem to be the case, they apparently want to keep them because they're a "part of history"....if they have a reason at all.
these aren't current laws, they were written in or before the 1950s...federal law made them all defunct, they aren't enforceable, and haven't been for years...but they're still on the books, when most other laws that have the same thing happen to them get removed, for clarity if no other reason...If a law benefits nobody, it will have no sponsors. A law that harms many but benefits an empowered minority, let’s just say that any talk of changing it will be efficiently and discreetly headed off before it ends up on the chamber floor. I have faith in corruption.