The zoo

the flu this year is pretty bad. Just getting over it. Didnt effect my kids too bad. they barely showed any discomfort. Slight cough for my kids and no fevers. Took me 4 days to shake the fever sweats and chills. First 2 days was bad. Think im gonna start getting flu shots lol. Getting older i guess. Normally would not even consider a flu shot, think the flu is gonna take me out when i get older.
Tested positive for covid, not the flu. Whatever version that was is a strong one. Gonna kill a bunch of people for sure. Was almost as bad as the original, not quite but almost. Toronto area, Canada.
Energy levels finally coming back up. Growing becomes the last thing i care about when i get sick. Barely smoked any weed while i was sick. Now the will to grow is back. The neville skunk lime testers smell weird, strong cheesey and something else.
My headies jar, nevilles skunk , flavours like nothing else. So unique curing up really nice in the flav dept. Some instant headies first few puffs, and flavourville. Kinda mild batch imo, kinda early. Still super nice variety to have, got my heart thumpin now lol. Havent smoked this in a week or so. Feels extra nice when you wait. Shouldnt call it mild i think, just different to the last batch. Prob a difference of 2 to 3 weeks harvesttiming i think. Think i like the headieness of this batch a little more. 16698079071033864604122067079918.jpg
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Cookie dough sundae, around 30 days
Changed the amounts and timing of my feeds. Also 5 gallon pots, lots of new changes seem to be working out. Feeding according to my local organic shops schedule. Is a weekly feed, seems to work much better.
Nevilles skunk, mr nice. So looking forward to someting different today. Indica soo blah all day. Really starting to detest the indica blahs. 20221204_034547.jpg
Def hit the sweet spot in cure now, shit is amazing. Such kine effects and heady. At 12 weeks is quite blissfully heady and kine. Just enough stoned behind the eyes. The way homegrown organic feels on your lungs compared to street is so medicinal. Felt like it cleared me up vs the heavy gunky feeling in my lungs from the street weed. Health matters to me more than pretty much everything. Makes music so nice. Love this weed, but growing it is a bitch.