
Well-Known Member
green crack ... I do believe that is on the list .... uhmm ..uhmm ... yea yea yup ... its there ... whew ... wouldn't wanna stray off into something NOT on the list .... right ok ... that was drivel ... many thanks for the invite seems like it might be coming soon? ....could be...stranger thingsd have happened ... the what is still a mystery ....
for how close you are, and how much you travel, i'm surprised you haven't been here yet. :eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member
no excuses ... just haven't made it priority at a time when it was appropriate for who was traveling with me ... but yea ... I shoulda, coiulda, woulda ....buts that's all bullshit ... so ... I'ma leabving it as one of these daysd ... lol! ***and another fine stocky earthy blast of DQ****NOTETOSELF: DO NOT under any circumstances consider smoking a full doobie of this ..... it will alter your existence, permanently ... wait ... maybe I need that ... ponder .to think some more *****


Active Member
they just got watered after nothing all weekend..... SS runt and PPP sure are looking bout ready :).......

Loaded I have heard that when its about harvest time maybe the last week you should let the soil dry out more than usual. Because plants will produce more resin glands??? have any thoughts?


Well-Known Member
thats pretty accurate..... when the season changes dramatically like it just did here over the last week, the plants change dramatically as well... they are all going to hurry to finish up now, and the season change is a sign of the end of the cycle to the plant, so it pushes as hard as it can to finish production, including calyx swell and resin production, :)..... letting the soil dry out is part of the season change as well, as less heat causes less transpiration, shorter days provides for less photosynthesis, etc using less water so spreading the waterings out a bit more, but they still suck up those nutes, which is why higher consentrations further into flower can become necessary, :)


Well-Known Member
compared to last year.... I haven't taken half as many pics...... got some good ones last year..... man...... damn....... need to get a new camera good for bud shots close ups..... any one have any recomendations???? I go cost effective ;)

here is what I am talking about... PK pics last year..... Nikon somethin or other camera can't remember... there are like 80 pictures in the set from this day (October 26th) and sets were taken 2-3 times a week!....... decent quality pics eh??



Well-Known Member
What up TLD.
Ya descent pic's. LMAO
Man those are some beautiful photo's.
I would suggest buying the samne camera that took those.


Active Member
Loaded those are some great pics from last year. Man should of kept that camera. Im glad to hear I am on the right track with knowing about harvest and all. When do you expect the ladies to come down??


Well-Known Member
I was just thinking about that myself...... weather holds I will stick to the plan I posted a while back.... luckily it'll be a staggered harvest starting very soon.... when I was looking yesterday it looked like something took a small bite off one of the Sensi Stars..... no other damage to report as yet.... bud worms might start turning up as well! so I am keeping an eye out for that...... getting cold at night...... 40's....... supposed to pic up a little bit for a couple of weeks...... PK won't be ready till halloween time ;).... everything else will be down before then :).....

two plants are being flushed right now......

The first two pics are of PPP she is being flushed (possibly worms going for her, will check)

In the third pick, the one in the background is also being flushed......

And in the fourth pic, front bottom left, that one is next to go after those two ^^



Active Member
Sorry for all the questions but on the first pic there of the PPP She has lost most of her fan leaves is that due to the flowering process or did you trim her up? I know you should prune about a month before you throw them into flowering so you dont end up with a bunch of pop corn bud. Since most of my 400w wont penetrate the canopy. Thanks again loaded. wouldn't mind trying some of the PPP:weed:;-)


Well-Known Member
Indoor and outdoor are different as far as technique goes.... that PPP has been through a HUGE ordeal and very hard season.... she went back and forth from flower to veg all summer, and got hit by spidermites after I harvested the Matanuska..... the spider mites caused some of the fan leaves to come off..... going back and forth too.... and I trimmed some or a few off..... it has caused a somewhat prolonged flower.... the spidermites have gotten under control thanks to the weather and lady bugs :)..... that PPP won't be ready till the 15th or so since I just looked at her a minute ago (had a Hawaiian visitor in the garden today :) )...... the Sensi Star runt will come down just before the PPP.... she is right on schedule for the 12th-14th sometime :)..... going to have to take one of the Sensi Stars after harvest (or a couple) and try to reveg them to get a good mother.... I took a couple PK clones and hopefully they root in the next week as well.... I REALLY REALLY don't want to lose either of the strains..... I love them soooo much :)...... should be able to get pretty good daytime pics in the weekly updates :).... using a good friends camera/s. I added some more support lines today as well.... only a couple more support lines should need to be put in for supports :).... Im getting the drying area ready.... not doing it in the bathroom this time so it should be interesting..... I expect a really good dry and cure, and have plenty of smoke to last through till then.... Thanks to a very kind and good hearted person :)....

PPP will get full strength bio bloom feeding with its next watering, 1/4 strength FF TB (she is in a small pot/grow bag that quickly leeches nutes from the soil) as I just passed a t least three times the volume through the medium yesterday...... then two waterings of just water before the harvest of her (over six-8 days)

Sensi Star Runt just gets water from here on out......

two more feedings for some of the other SS..... just one for a couple and then the same flush method as for the PPP for all of them..... putting harvest on the rest of the SS from the 16th or 18th-24th or 25th :)........

Im thinking three good feedings for the Purple Kush she is really starting to fill in very nicely..... I will do what I can to go see the mother sometime in the next two weeks and get some pics..... :)......

Weather should hold out perfect at least for the next 14 days..... not sure about after that.... I am guessing a good storm will pass through before most of the Sensi Star comes down..... and probably 2 or 3 good storms will come through before the Purple Kush comes down.... I will just put up some fiberglass panels to block the rain and take them down once the storms pass....

no storms have been predicted yet by the forecaster that I am aware of.... just planning it in there just in case..... night time temps have levelled out pretty good..... no purpling as yet..... night time temps are supposed to be in the low-high 50's for the next two weeks.... and dip into the high 40s probably the two weeks following that..... looking at a really good finish if things go as I have described..... :)...... I am pretty sure the next pics will be of even better quality than the last set :D

Hope you are all as pumped and stoked as I am :)

:peace: and Love and bongsmilie for all :)


Active Member
wow!!!!TLD that shit is looking diggy dankster!!!omfg!!!if you need a hand my lungs and brain are ready!!!lol...


Well-Known Member
hehe...... I hear Im having a harvest party this year :P.... nah Im just gunna get wino drunk and blither on bout the stars and good people lol...... master kush, yummy :)


Active Member
Very nice LD, I did a Sensi star indoor a few years back and miss it terribly.. Super stuff!


Well-Known Member
Hey, Just figured I come by and take a look. Boy was I surprised. You have lots of tricks up your sleeves, what do you usually harvest in an outdoor grow like this?
Awesome shit


Well-Known Member
have no idea what harvest weights will be like....... just took pictures.... they are going to have to come in two sets because I don't have time to upload them all right now.....



Well-Known Member
have no idea what harvest weights will be like....... just took pictures.... they are going to have to come in two sets because I don't have time to upload them all right now.....
Looking Good!
I like the A.M. shots better then the P.M. shots. The sun really brings out the "Frostieness" in them. Going to be a nice Halloween!