
Well-Known Member
yes Im glad you came around.... was wondering what happened to you the other day.... :)...... good to see your still alive kickin..... and growing? Whats up with that?


Active Member
I've been following your journal - question: you said you aren't worried about the rain coming in a day or two. I'm in Nevada County, Calif. The weather reports say we are supposed to get hammered with 7 inches of rain over just a couple days, with super high winds. Why doesn't that make you want to pull now on this gorgeous Sunday??
Thanks for your sage wisdom ~


Well-Known Member
I had wind issues i dealt with last year (up to 50 mph on a daily basis)...... and figured out how to buffer it with 4-6 ml clear plastic structured around the plants with slits cut in it, if need be...... if you look at the pics you can see that the ones outside the greenhouse are all caged up with supports...... you can also see that they are framed in by lumber, and that I have extra fiberglass greenhouse paneling lying around...... tomorrow, at the first signs of "storming" I will go out and put the panels up to protect the girls from the rain...... and some netting or plastic to help buffer the wind (I still have the plastic left over from last year :) )..... the girls in the greenhouse..... well... they are in the greenhouse, what do I have to worry about? :)


Active Member
Mondo impressive!! My plants look all bonsai in their containters compared to yours, heck, compared to anybody's. Thanks for the pics, the great explanation, and the 'what, me worry?' attitude. I think I'll follow suit.


Well-Known Member
I had to deal with wind before last year a couple times.... but nothing like it was where those plants were ^^^ I did worry a little bit....... 50 mph winds is no joke to a plant, it can devastate a whole crop! I wouldn't have the "no worries attitude" if I hadn't been through it before and found a solution ;)....... the clear plastic does distort the light a little bit, and I wouldn't leave it up full time if I don't have to ;)

but you did bring up a good point!

MOST of my plants are a little more than two weeks off..... they won't be harvested early at all!

But the Sensi Star Runt...... she is only a couple days away...... and the weather thats coming isn't going to further development at all..... because of that.... she just took a bumpy ride with me and now sits waiting to be trimmed up and hung..... I was hoping to snap some glorious close ups of her before the harvest.... but the "really nice" camera took off right before we got here :(...... this is what I got though.... sorry its not the greatest picture...... but I was hoping for some feedback before I chop ;)... what do you guys think? The close up is from 3 days ago......



those look awesome.

storm supposed to hit here tuesday and my c.j. is out in the open. i wish i had a shelter such as yours, been hard to keep her tied up when the wind hits. was thinkin of pullin her a little early but i'm gonna try and ride it out.


Well-Known Member
hehehe.... the PK in the tires will be like that soon enough..... and thanks Slayer420... the best of luck to you and your lady/ies


Well-Known Member
So sick TLD. That sensi star is amazing even for a runt. I love it. I really want to do an outdoor grow. I really like your wind remedy. Im thinking greenhouse.


Well-Known Member
35-45% amber, 40-50% milky, and 10-25% clear ;) .... thats how I like it....... looks fantastic under a microscope (its about 60% amber 30% milky) :D..... wish I could take some macro pics for you.... if I get an oz out of her then I will be super stoked..... as it is, looks like some where round 3/4 of good solid buds, the top cola will probably weigh 5 or 6 grams..... and maybe 1/4-3/8 popcorn nuggets.........

Im building a greenhouse :)..... decided to not put a permanent roof on it though..... ;)


Active Member
Wow that green house should be f*ckin awesome for the work that I have seen you do with the girls and all.

Every damn time I post something you are right behind me posting LOL never catch up with you or ur gorgeous plants


Active Member
I love how you have it all set up for drainage the whole 9 yards lol .. You must be a glutton for punishment lol..back breaking work..Love the strains your going for just add Trainwreck in that mix of Bubblegum kush and you will be so happy lol peace out Headband707