There comming down any idea on final yield ??

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I don’t own my Cali property anymore, I sold and moved..when prices got down to 900/unit that was the last year..When I started I got 2800/unit..and I grow my own medison in my little 4by8 in my house..I give most away I usually harvest around 4-5lbs every couple of months in that space, I maybe smoke a once a week the rest is literally given away, on the rec/commercial side the trimmers can smoke all they want drink all they want, listen to music as loud as they want, it’s a chill atmosphere.. but that product is to sell’s not medicine per day..
well at least I can respect some of that. id be giving as much as I didn't need if I had that much. some people are just greedy
it ruins life for the rest of us
It’s a passion for me but I would be lieing is money wasn’t a motivating factor.. in my 20+ years of growing I’ve realized everybody thinks they have that magic pixie dust, like there’s some magical way of growing a crop. In the end, Your pot and their pot are probably both decent if they put any care into it. You wanna think you got that magic pixie dust and that your pot is the best, hey man the tooth fairy and Santa isn’t real and neither is that pixie dust..
You might be getting carried away a little. Gardening is so easy.
You might be getting carried away a little. Gardening is so easy.
On what scale? A closet grow? A 10 plant count in your backyard? Sure. A little garden can be therapeutic..Take that garden and times it many times and it’s now a farm, a full time job, more then one man can take on. That is pot FARMING not gardening.
at what scope are you even talking about? You are over complicating everything I think.
Farming isn’t easy no matter what crop you work with..It’s a lot of work, a lot of long hours. You can streamline and become pretty efficient but it’s not glamorous work, it’s hard work.. anyone that says otherwise is talking sideways out their ass and have no idea what they are talking about.
On what scale? A closet grow? A 10 plant count in your backyard? Sure. A little garden can be therapeutic..Take that garden and times it many times and it’s now a farm, a full time job, more then one man can take on. That is pot FARMING not gardening.
Farming is growing crops or keeping animals by people for food and raw materials. So technically granny growing tomatoes in her yard for her spagetti sauce is farming but now we are just talking semantics. I would think there is a ton of work to keep a large scale grow doing well but would also figure on most of that work being more tedious than difficult. Trimming buds or plants 10 hours a day would be allot of work but not the same as using a jackhammer for those same hours.
3 greenhouses impress you? Dude where I lived in Cali, my only 2 other neighbors were growers and I was the small kid on the block compared to there’s a different culture in Cali, even the cops don’t give a shit. You get your med card and hide behind prop 215, because there isn’t a said limit, plant count, it’s left up to the discretion of the officer..and even then you lawyer up and beat it in court. You know what is impressive? Go to humboldt county and look at some 15 greenhouse propertys... I’m sorry you think 3 green houses is impressive..I tell you what google earth powerhouse rd/haul rd in colfax ca you’ll see 3 property’s with green houses, mine was in the middle...pan out and go to greenhorn creek and you bet, zoom in and you’ll see over 50 sq miles dozens of property’s just like mine...
I'm semi erect but then again I live up north

I was growing out seeds before you were born

Kicked lawyer ass and rednecks as well till i made it

I hide behind a card ? Sure but not 50 plus years ago

Sure, you know what? Weed is a weed. Give it sun, water, soil, stress the fuck out of it treat it like a dirty used whore..she will grow.. all these weed snobs, wannabe botanists, closet growers are a joke. Acting like there’s some magic pixie dust to harvesting a crop. Lol..anyone can grow, and sure you learn and pic up things along the way to dial in and improve..people talking shit about Cali greenhouse’s the best greenhouse weed in America and probably the world..what your trying to control indoors with your environment, your mimicking what parts of Cali naturally has. Your outdoor/greenhouse swag is junk admit it.
You're really settling in well here.

I was one of those "talking shit" on Cali greenhouse/outdoor. I stand by my statements. It is what it is - mids, usually. Sometimes, somebody will randomly knock it out of the park, but that's not the norm.

Indoor Cali weed / Outdoor Cali weed

It's just a fact. I have a bunch of friends who do local greenhouse/outdoor/light dep operations, and all of them agree with me on this.
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You're really settling in well here.

I was one of those "talking shit" on Cali greenhouse/outdoor. I stand by my statements. It is what it is - mids, usually. Sometimes, somebody will randomly knock it out of the oar, but that's not the norm.

Indoor Cali weed / Outdoor Cali weed

It's just a fact. I have a bunch of friends who do local greenhouse/outdoor/light dep operations, and all of them agree with me on this.

The market is over saturated in Cali. From someone who has grow in climates coast to coast. The quality of herb vs cost, Nor Cal is your location as a consumer. Supply and demand. It’s dirt cheap, wholesale units going for $900, that a few states away go for nearly 5k. (Idaho) Clientele, come to Cali from all 4 corners fill up vehicles and drive home and a month later are back again. That is such a blanket statement to say most Cali greenhouse/outdoor is junk.. What state are you comparing it to? I don’t have my pulse on the market anymore besides a few people in the hip hop industry and a few others and they are loving price drop the quality..One of these guys only bought my skywalker and tahoe og and chem dog, said it was the best. I kind of doubt the quality of most of these small 2 or 3 greenhouse operations have gone to shit. I had one guy that would pick up from me drive to sac town pick up more from another grower go down to la, over to Las Vegas, up to Salt Lake City and slang it everywhere in between and back to grass valley every 10 days or so because nor cal had the best weed at the best prices. Although I can’t directly speak on the “average quality” of Cali herb because it’s been 3 years, I kind of don’t believe it’s just magically gone to “mids”. But whatever I don’t give a shit anymore.
Sure, you know what? Weed is a weed. Give it sun, water, soil, stress the fuck out of it treat it like a dirty used whore..she will grow.. all these weed snobs, wannabe botanists, closet growers are a joke. Acting like there’s some magic pixie dust to harvesting a crop. Lol..anyone can grow, and sure you learn and pic up things along the way to dial in and improve..people talking shit about Cali greenhouse’s the best greenhouse weed in America and probably the world..what your trying to control indoors with your environment, your mimicking what parts of Cali naturally has. Your outdoor/greenhouse swag is junk admit it.
Again I don’t do outdoor. No one other than processors buy outdoor weed. Dispensaries won’t touch it most times. I feed simple I just make sure everything is perfect. I do strains that are colorful, tasty and potent. I honestly wouldn’t want to go to Cali anymore theres shit everywhere literally The cost to do business and live is far too high. The term ”best“ is subjective honestly. people that buy my weed and the test results are stellar. Most guys around me barely hit 2% terpenes where as I hit much higher than that easy.
I will share one story as a teen I was over a friends house and he invited me over to his neighbors. It was some old hippie dude, we smoked a few fattys and he showed us his couple of plants growing around the corner, they were in vegetative state, no flowers..he gave me a large ziplock bag of “grass” as what he called it. It looked to be shoot clippings not even sweet leaf but was properly dried with the right smokable level of moisture. I took it home and looked it over and thought WTF this guy gave me this bunk ass shit..I almost threw it in the trash but decided to just smoke a little....holy shit I had never been so high, I wasn’t expecting such a unappealing bag of grass could light me up like that. To this day I still can’t explain it other then this guy had a really unusual potent cultivar..It’s these cultivars growers will give their left nut for..the plant is mysterious and still surprises me to this day.
Any pics of your last 5 pound run in your 4x8? Just curious to compare because that’s what I literally just pulled out of the shit house, joke, closet grow.

Just looking to see if I’m on par with a self proclaimed master grower yet is all.
nah ur the master debater...
You know, my California property with the 3 greenhouses were soil grows. I have never commercially grown hydroponically only on a hobbiest personal level. What I like about hydroponics is the speed of growth, automation, and the ability to finely tune what the plants receive, how often and when. So in that respect I am a noob. I do not pretend to know it all, but with the tens of thousands of years experience collectively on this site, it is a good resource for everyone at any level-

I think that is why the majority of plant stewards hangout here. Some hangout to measure dicks and put people down but for the rest we all can contribute collectively in our own way. For every “BK” on here there are ten respectful growers who are willing to offer their wisdom instead of their arrogance..View attachment 4784785
Natural light pics when askin for help man.
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