Well-Known Member
Evolution does not make claims about life's origins. Evolution does not attempt to disprove god. Pay attention. Apply yourself.
Did you watch the videos I posted on phylogeny?
Here's an example from Catholic biologist Ken Miller explaining a finding in the genome that is PREDICTED by common ancestry with chimpanzees. Listen closely as he explains that evolution could have been disproved with just this one falsification.
Answer this. When will enough gaps be filled to satisfy you? How many will it take?
So to sum this whole thing up. The base for all life is unknown to man. We can not account for the origins of life. The whole premise of science is based on observation of data to reach conclusions. With such a major gap in data evolutionists must still rely on faith that life evolved spontaneously. Christians have faith that it was created. Without being able to provide data your argument falls apart in the eyes of science. This is the same concept as the big bang theory. It's not a theory until you can test it and validate it. So until we create a universe through the same means as the big bang, it is just a hypothesis.
Okay, but where is the design? Since evolution is an unguided process, which Dr. Miller will agree with, then except for the initial life that started evolving, what exactly is designed? Did God sent the Chicxulub asteroid to earth to wipe out the dinosaurs so that mammals could get going? What about all of the other chain of events that had to occur for us to be here? If you believe that there was more than a Deistic approach, that of a God that interferes in the natural order of the evolutionary process, then you aren't accepting evolution at all. Non-naturalistic evolution is not evolution, its magic. Most Catholics don't believe in a literal interpretation of the bible which is what contradicts science.mindphuk:
Dr. Miller belives as I do: I’m a Roman Catholic, a Theist… in the broadest sense, I would say I believe in a Designer but I don’t believe in a deceptive one. I don’t believe in One that would try to fool us. Therefore I think this is authentic and tells us about our ancestry …
Evolved spontaneously...you mean began, emerged? "Evolved" is what happen after life began. Evolutionists do not have to rely on faith because they do not draw conclusion about the beginning. You are arguing against a claim that evolution DOES NOT MAKE. Fact is, there is currently no scientific consensus on how life began, just proposals. Even if there was, it would have nothing to do with evolution. This fact has been explained to you over and over, why do you reject it?We can not account for the origins of life. With such a major gap in data evolutionists must still rely on faith that life evolved spontaneously.
So your problem is with certain people who make those claims, and not evolution, which makes no such claim. The flaws you found seem to be in those people's logic, a logic which did not make it into evolutionary theory. Some people see evolution and conclude that it disproves god, and I agree that concept is at best, an assumption. Thank god for the scientific method!When people make claims that evolution disproves God than I want to investigate. And during those investigations I have come across what I see as major flaws.
Creating a universe is far from the only way to gather evidence of the big bang. Also, once a theory is validated, it becomes a law. Doesn't happen very often.This is the same concept as the big bang theory. It's not a theory until you can test it and validate it. So until we create a universe through the same means as the big bang, it is just a hypothesis.
Big misconception. A scientific law is not a theory that has been validated. A scientific theory is a model of the mechanism of something and it consists of facts and laws and based on hypotheses that have been verified. It is the explanation of WHY something happens rather than just a statement about what IS. Scientific theories are considered fact and their baseline assumptions are true until they can be falsified, which is the goal of new hypotheses.Creating a universe is far from the only way to gather evidence of the big bang. Also, once a theory is validated, it becomes a law. Doesn't happen very often.
Big misconception. A scientific law is not a theory that has been validated. A scientific theory is a model of the mechanism of something and it consists of facts and laws and based on hypotheses that have been verified. It is the explanation of WHY something happens rather than just a statement about what IS. Scientific theories are considered fact and their baseline assumptions are true until they can be falsified, which is the goal of new hypotheses.
A scientific law is merely a set of rules that can be derived by observing something. Newton's Law of Universal Gravitation never attempted to explain what caused massive bodies to attract one another. It only codified observed phenomena into a mathematical model. They are accepted as is without extensive reasoning only because they are always observed to be true.
Let's give him a chance. He proposed some reasons as to why he feels life and evolution is unlikely to be a fully natural process. Evolution is not an easy subject to grasp. It is not intuitive and can be quite complex with a few areas we still don't understand. Given that not everyone is trained in science and for some the most exposure they ever had was H.S. biology where often the explanations of how we know what we know is brushed over and lost amongst the need to learn the material on the next test. It is reasonable to try to answer his objections in a calm, clear and professional manner as long as he (and anyone else) is willing to listen.
Evolution does not make claims about life's origins. Evolution does not attempt to disprove god. Pay attention. Apply yourself.
I think that people are misunderstanding my point about evolution. As stated several times, I don't refute all evolution. I only refute the claim that evolution disproves a creator. In my opinion, from the data that I have reviewed from many different sources. I have come to the conclusion that evolution falls short of disproving a creator since it fails to account for the origins of life. It only explains how life diversified once it came into being. Or as I would like to say created. I am not in any way saying that all forms of evolution are false. I fully believe that there is sufficient evidence of certain forms evolution. So with that said there are many other topics of interest on the subject of a creator such as the concept of fine tuning. Lets please move past the evolution argument and maybe try to address some of the other topics mentioned in the video's.
I would also ask that if you do not have an argument or counter argument that you refrain from posting your insults. It is really easy to just jump into a post and call someone a retard and say that there logic is wrong, but if you can't give some kind of explanation that makes that logic wrong than don't bother posting. It is just noise. There are plenty of other threads that welcome such B.S. I created on of them myself, its called "Why is it that when ever you mention God people get all but hurt". This thread was created just for you people that only want to insult and rant. So feel free to post whatever you want in that thread.
Okay, but where is the design? Since evolution is an unguided process, which Dr. Miller will agree with, then except for the initial life that started evolving, what exactly is designed? Did God sent the Chicxulub asteroid to earth to wipe out the dinosaurs so that mammals could get going? What about all of the other chain of events that had to occur for us to be here? If you believe that there was more than a Deistic approach, that of a God that interferes in the natural order of the evolutionary process, then you aren't accepting evolution at all. Non-naturalistic evolution is not evolution, its magic. Most Catholics don't believe in a literal interpretation of the bible which is what contradicts science.
Did you see Religulous?
This guy gets it.
Coyne, is as always, very good at getting points across.
Nobody here is saying evolution disproves a creator. Just that a creator is not needed to explain the complexity of life forms..
Evolution does not address a creator, in order to verify or dismiss the possibility of one. Nobody is claiming it does. You misunderstand evolution. It's not supposed to explain where life originated (abiogenesis).
You brought up evolution. I agree it has nothing to do with it, that's what I've been saying the entire time.
I am not going to spend hours watching creationist propaganda that has all be thoroughly refuted and holds no scientific merit. Tell me what you believe and why.. Then we can talk about that..
As for having an counter argument, I don't need one. I don't have to disprove anything you say. You are making the claims, the burden of proof is yours alone.
To quote the late and great Carl Sagan, "Extraordinary claims, require extraordinary evidence". Tell me what you believe, and why you believe it. And we can talk about it.
That's not the purpose of this thread. If you don't want to discuss the topics that where posted then you are in the wrong thread. There is another thread named " this is why I believe" that discussion would better fit what your asking.
It's just a shame that you elected to try to represent your views with the posting of the first videos rather than someone like Coyne.This is a very good post. I like this guy. I feel he represents a lot of my own views. +rep for this one. I have said many times before that I think that science is just a way of discovering God's work.
Well there's your problem. The people in the videos you selected DO refute evolution. They also happen to refute significant parts of astronomy and cosmology as well.I think that people are misunderstanding my point about evolution. As stated several times, I don't refute all evolution.
It's just a shame that you elected to try to represent your views with the posting of the first videos rather than someone like Coyne.
Well there's your problem. The people in the videos you selected DO refute evolution. They also happen to refute significant parts of astronomy and cosmology as well.
If you liked the Coyne video, you might really like Ken Miller's Finding Darwin's God. Here's an excerpt http://www.findingdarwinsgod.com/excerpt/index.html
I have already made my points on evolution. And since then I have mentioned another topic. If your not going to watch the video's and discuss the topics within them then don't bother. Also I have now introduced the new subject of fine tuning. If you would like to address this subject than feel free.
We have already established you were wrong about evolution, you said it can be disproved, then admitted you believe in it, So you move the goal post and start some other topic.. Please admit you were wrong before you move on.