• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

There Is Scientific Proof of a Creator. Evolution Can Be Disproved


Well-Known Member
Sorry, I didn't see "Religulous". I don't get my information from a stand-up comedian and failed actor with an agenda.

I simply believe that the universe is just too perfect to have happened by accident. That is my belief and there is nothing that can shake my Faith.

You folks put too much effort into this and spend an inordinate amount of time on debating "What IF's" instead of concentrating on "What IS".
So it's an argument from ignorance..
Because you don't understand something, you believe the one thing you can understand..
That's fine if you want to be intellectually bankrupt. But to be honest with yourself, you should ask yourself "what created the creator?". You will find that the creator hypothesis answers no questions, and only raises more.

Furthermore Who said it happened by accident? The scientific theories don't make that claim. Only creationist posit that claim.

When you talk of beliefs and unshakable faith, you talk of dreams and feelings. A very emotional stance on the subject in question. This of course, adds no validity to the truth value of the statement. Your feelings and preferences of the beginnings of our universe (whatever you would call the beginning most likely is not what the theory claims), do not trump the observable, testable, repeatable and proven facts of the science as we know it.

If you claim that nothing can shake your faith, you are in essence saying "I will not accept any evidence and I wish to remain willfully ignorant of all facts and apposing view points". This is the pinnacle of intellectual bankruptcy and declaration of the lack of reasoning and logic.

The only people here saying "What if" are the ones who hold beliefs unsupported by evidence. Those of us supported by evidence are talking about "what is" as we are talking about what is demonstrable. "What if" is reserved for those who make claims they cannot support with evidence and reject valid demonstrable evidence on the grounds of willful ignorance.


Active Member
who was the guy in the bible that lived in a whale for like a month or something?? someone explain that scientifically please?


Well-Known Member
dosnt life and how it got here have an explaintion? cause I think it dose, chaos theroy,,,let me explain
in this vastness and expansive universe having a certainty is nearly impossible. Im not going to go into all the details of chaos theroy, thats what google is for,, but the possiblites and probabilaties of life starting are how ever many billions to one, and chance of the conditions to be 'right for life' in this vastness are how ever many billion to one but as we can see out the window here is that one in a billion. Here is that one in a billion chance of life starting out of protiens, acids, heat, electrical charge and other parts to start those first cells and bateria.(I cant remeber the exact bits present at that time on the earth, and yes we dont know how they combined to start those first cells, but we know thay did, that one in however many).
As we can see on the earth and in the univerese, stuff can happen, even the unexplainable. here a quick example. using infra red light astrominers can see a distant ' young galaxy' (galaxy A)on the outskirts of the universe,(this means its young as we see it but at present it could be very differnt as it takes so long for light to get here) anyway they could see it in infra red, but in other optical ranges they could just see this big fuckoff galaxy (galaxy B)that was alot nearer(in galatic terms) and alot older. what they found is this big fuckoff galaxy( galaxy B) was actaully taking the light from the distant galxy into it and around it and refracting the light in such away as to focus it perfectly for us to see it,.
Now if this had been another period in time(as time is a can be used as a measure of postion/location in the universe), or we had been in a different part of space in relation to the light being refracted , and hell if they hadnt pointed this telescope in the right direction, we wouldnt have seen this awsome phenominum.
So back to my point, yeah, stuff can just happen and dose and thats my explaination for life starting.
that or god,,,hahahahahahaha/.
take it easy..


Well-Known Member
who was the guy in the bible that lived in a whale for like a month or something?? someone explain that scientifically please?
Jonah, and they didn't even say whale until more recent theologians updated bibles..
The Hebrew text of Jonah 2:1 (1:17 in English translation), reads dag gadol (Hebrew: דג גדול), which literally means "great fish."

But you have to be careful when talking to creationists and ID proponents. They simply love to claim that they aren't talking about any specific god or religion. That's why I'm constantly trying to get them to tell me what they believe and why, so I can refute that. If you make assumptions on what they believe they just say "That's not what I believe". The big problem is, when you ask them what they believe and why, they don't tell you. Why you ask? Most likely cause they don't know or they know they can't support it rationally.


Well-Known Member
who was the guy in the bible that lived in a whale for like a month or something?? someone explain that scientifically please?
sorry but you cant really dis the bible. you should be dissing the people that take it for soild fact and word. Even the pope will tell you the bible is a collection of stories passed down from 'before' christ.(I dont belive that as the romans had alot to do with what our current day bible contains and dosnt!!!) these stories have morals and lessons galore, so people can try to relate to them. This would be espically potent back in the day when life was short and shit. So some form of reward and justice for you having a hard life while the powers that be could live better and in the after life there would be equaility so in this life you shut up and get on with it. During the middle ages alot of the bible was editied to justify killing, gencide, witch killings, ethinc cleansing and others, to name afew, and these parts are still in there!!!.
so back to my point, its not the bible, its the people who interprt it,,,
On another point, there was actually a man called jesus who was stuck on a cross and he dose have a grave!! read on if you want.
basically jesus was a buddist, a religon older than christianity, but which gives alot to the teaching of jesus. when the buddist are going to get a new dali-lama(sorry for spelling) they send 3 elders to follow a star to find the new born dali lama.(sounds familar dosnt it???haha but itsa true) so these men find a new top dog, when hes a baby and are to take to him gold,merr,francisens. they will then leave the child and return when the child is about 7 to take him to be trained in the art of buddist purtiy. Hence why there is nothing on jesus from the age of seven till adulthood.
when the child has been trained he is then sent back out as a learned man to preach the teaching of buddisum. hence why jesus rocked up saying peace and love. (you can find the simialrites pretty easy) anyway so the romans , muslims, christian and jews all have records of a man called jesus who said he was a religous leader, , anyway they hang him up on a cross, that was a tryed and tested method to kill people was crusification. what it dose os while they are up there there feet arnt surrported just nailed on, with hand, this wieght and postion actually crushes the subjects lungs with each breath, however jesus had a foot bar underneath and so just lost alot of blood and seemed to be dead. Now when he was take into that cave they took in some 'imbaring oils' infact from recent texts discovered tend to suggest they where infact revivail fluids and wond healing herds. so when he rose again he wasnt dead just passed out and dying slowly. anyway so hes back then goes again, now buddist teachers like jesus when they have done there 'duty' they return back to Nepal to become the dila lama, In nepal there are these two graves one facing north sout(I think it either that or other way round) and one grave east west. now its normal for dila lamas when they die to have there feet cast and placed as a head stone sort of thing. the one north south has normal feet and the one east west has holes or these deformed sort of middles to his feet, of both feet where place over one another the holes would line up. there not really hole more wounds wiith dents... anyhow sorry for any spelling and there was a jesus, he was a man taught by buddists to try to teach there ways. in my view buddisum is really the one true religion which all other have stolen from. Im not reliogus but just telling you facts.
Take it easy...


Well-Known Member
who was the guy in the bible that lived in a whale for like a month or something?? someone explain that scientifically please?
also if you think about it he could of lived in the skeleton of a whale on the beach,,, like they used bones in skarper brae in scotland. so of the oldest houses, and on the east caost of africa some trides still use washed up whale bones for there shelters. bones are light, easy to tool into a shape, strong and great for building with.(way back when,, im going with 3000yr BC, as in iraq there was that first city,I think thats about right.
the bbc has a great series called ancient worlds, the first one is a great one about the first 'civilation'.
anyhow take it easy


Well-Known Member
Sorry, I didn't see "Religulous". I don't get my information from a stand-up comedian and failed actor with an agenda.
Classic ad hominem attack.

I simply believe that the universe is just too perfect to have happened by accident. That is my belief and there is nothing that can shake my Faith.
Argument from Personal Incredulity - I cannot explain or understand this, therefore it cannot be true.

Evolution is not random, it does not happen by accident. Mutations and deviations may happen randomly, but the filter they go through is very specific, survival of the fittest. Saying nothing can shake your faith is the same as saying, I give myself permission to remain ignorant on this subject. Science never ignores evidence in favor of prejudice.


Well-Known Member
Christian science is infallible.:roll:
Lol yeah Edward Current is hilarious. But so many people don't understand satire, they think he's for real..
But I always say, you don't need to make fun of creationists. They make fun of themselves.


Well-Known Member
"Two hands working can accomplish more than a thousand clasped in prayer" - Heisenberg

very thought provoking sig there my friend


What about the people born without hands?? DAMN GOD:( he made it so some people can't pray!!! he is mean!


Active Member

So he just does not like the God of the bible but still admits that he thinks there is a god. hmmmm.


Well-Known Member
Dude, crackerboy. You just keep spamming videos, can I please have some evidence now? You Claim there is science behind a creator. You claim it can be proven, lets see it. Please we are all waiting..


Active Member
Dude, crackerboy. You just keep spamming videos, can I please have some evidence now? You Claim there is science behind a creator. You claim it can be proven, lets see it. Please we are all waiting..

If you don't like my thread don't visit.