These are the woods they will grow up in... svchop889 2010 outdoors:

hey svchop, man thats looking awesome. are you using native soil? or amended?
I think what I'm going to do is dig the holes deep like 3ft and amend the bottom foot with composted manure mixed with a lot of perlite and probably use a ratio of about 1 part manure 2parts native soil 3 parts perlite. That will be the bottom foot of soil the rest I will fill with the mix my plants are already in which contains some of the native soil and a lot of other things I just included the native soil in the mix because I wanted them to be used to the elements that where already going to be there you know.

And thanks for stopping by all of you I really do appreciate it.
Nice spot dude, is this thread going to be your journal?
Yeah pretty much man I just enjoy the public input you know. I thought abotu doing a proper journal on here but I read some and It just seems Like I would be talking to myself, I like doing it this way because I like being able to answer peoples specific questions and I'm still learning myself so help is welcomed and so are you so stick around pull up a chair make yourself comfortable.
fishing line works great for discuraging deer.string it through the woods near your crop at all different hights.cours youll have to walk through it too.but if it helps i say its worth the trouble.good luck and happy growing.
ya i guess thats true. but to be honest and this is my opinion also i have zero experience growing MJ outdoors, but native soil tends to be high in things we tend not the want. if i were you i would have used grow bags and buried them and have them filled with good, amended soil with dolomite lime, EW castings, lots of perlite, some topsoil and then compost and manure. maybe some humic acid, fulvic acid, CaMg, you know the works, oh and some silica :mrgreen:

you know the drill haha. that way you know what is in your soil and can account for those variables when trying to diagnose problems. although KISS is a good philosophy, and should be followed, you cant ignore the fact to be more scientific, to expand and increase our results and grows. thus taking out variables by knowing exactly whats in one of the most important things you use, especially outdoors. but hey, this is outwards basically a high and opinionated ramble haha. but either way im excited and i know you will grow some monsters

I went to the dollar store and bought a pack of 3 bars of soap and im going to cut slivers around my grow spots to keep deer away. piss around the area too when you go see your ladies - they wont mind haha
Yeah I've heard about the fishing line trick but with as difficult as it is to get to some of these spots I'm afraid that if I add anything to the mix like fishing line I'll be the only thing that ends up getting tangled up in it. I mean I'm literally Limboing through thorn bushes and shit. If the moth balls, Irish spring, and dog hair don't work I will implement the fishing line death trap.

Alex I bought a two pack for $1.38 I think and that's basically what I'm doing I cut 1 bar into 6 pieces and put 2 pieces with each plant
The spaces above and in between.
Looks like a perfect spot from all the pics I've seen. Should get a lot of light and still be very stealthy. I think I will try out the soap, dog hair and fishing line around my spot (oh and I'll piss around the area everytime I go out, just for the heck of it). I really like the fishing line idea, I want the deer traffic to have to go around my spot and not trample any plants. I'll be watching your grow, again good luck.
I'm not trying to exploit your location, but I'm thinking your in Georgia? Or some southeastern state. Because by the look of the way the trees are coming in, its looking offly similar to my trees. Lol. But other than that, nice grow. I look forward to it. :)
I'm not trying to exploit your location, but I'm thinking your in Georgia? Or some southeastern state. Because by the look of the way the trees are coming in, its looking offly similar to my trees. Lol. But other than that, nice grow. I look forward to it. :)
Nope I'm in the northern states but good guess my soil does look like its from Georgia with the red clay and all, I've been to Georgia its nice county.

Thanks for stopping in everyone :)
I was thinking you were down south here too. I'm in NC and the soil looks a lot like that.
I'm north of Illinois and Kentucky. It could still get cold here at night lowest temp in the forecast is 45 at night on Monday that's why there still in pots. I should probably bring them in for that night right? Its not quite freezing but they have never seen temps lower that 58.
I would bring them in. The other night it got down in the upper 30's here and there were frost warnings everywhere. I'm hoping its the last frost of the season. Ive heard your region is pretty good for growing.
I would bring them in. The other night it got down in the upper 30's here and there were frost warnings everywhere. I'm hoping its the last frost of the season. Ive heard your region is pretty good for growing.
Yeah that's what they say, season is a little shorter than I would like and the weather can be pretty unpredictable but its decent. I would like to grow some massive sativas but I would be pretty difficult unless I started them indoors in march and put them out on the 21st of june as the days get shorter. But the way things have been warming up early this year I think were going to have a long summer, it feels like its going to be a good year we will see.
Yeah, I had some Thai Super Skunk freebies growing outdoors last year. Things seemed like almost pure sativa. The things got about 10 feet tall and still probably needed another 2 months to finish flowering by the time it got too cold in November.
That's a beautiful growing spot! Do you have a nearby water source?
Yes it is very beautiful thank you. Its a bit like paradise you can just forget about all the rest of the crazy shit while your out there. about the only downfall off this place is there isn't a water source close by but its only about 200 yards walk from where I stay, I'm young and fit I don't mind carrying a couple 5 gallon buckets full of water out to my girls once and a while when it gets dry. The native soil is full of clay so the moisture retention is insane I will probably only need to water late July through mid august. September and October cool off a bit and it get rainy again summer shouldn't be too rough. I'm just worried about these temps lately it got to 84F yesterday and its 75F today and its only the first of May.

Yeah tropical I like the high of sativas and how you can just keep smoking and you keep getting higher, but they just take so loooong its ridiculous. I hear one of the new ajans hazes only grow to about 5' and finish in 9-10 weeks I think is ajan's haze #2 but I'm not sure.
is lemon an actual strain?(haven't heard of one but there are too many strains to count) i would think he found a few random plants that had the lemon taste and uplifting high he was looking for and is breading them to have more consistent phenotypes...

De Sjamaan has a strain that is called Lemon .. just Lemon .. not Lemon something or another like others, just Lemon. It won the 1st Place Hydro Cup in the 2007 HighLife Cannabis Cup.

That is not a commercial or endorsement for the strain … or if it is very lemon-like or not. Its just a little bit of trivia since the question was raised if there is a strain named Lemon.

I have to give the guy credit for not fearing taking on a daunting task. If it were me I would had to have sampled various genetics known for a lemon or at least citric flavor and or odor and then started with the best I could find and gather together.

Beginning with unknown genetics, and if I am not wrong about this, a rather limited variance of genetics to begin with, well .. to me I would think about it and figure that it would be easier to shoot a bullet out of the air using a smaller bullet, firing from the back of a horse at full gallop that you are riding backwards than starting with something like that and being able to achieve any specific objective.
I just put my baby in the ground and of course its overcast with 95% humidity. Atleast its warm though because its been a lil' chilli for a few days. But I'll be keeping up with this grow. :)