These are the woods they will grow up in... svchop889 2010 outdoors:

Nor the mothballs, they helped until all the rain hit and kept the smell out of the air. I still have all three for now I put the one that got dug up back into the dirt it still has roots and it wasn't all wilted so I could make it still. the one that was battered by rain should still pull through Its just missing branches. I also have a fourth that was unmentioned until now because I wasn't going to include it as part of my project. I also have 13 seedling as back ups there still inside for now. My bet is squirrels or raccoons nothing has eaten the plants themselves except some bugs slugs are a problem too.

I am sure you will get it worked out. I've got faith in ya. I kinda figured you had a back-up

yeah squirels fucking suck. they will watch you and come did where you were diggin. ive heard of the copper wire thing once before from my old uncle and he is a fuckin OD Grow Pro. Good luck man with the Reboot. just keep pushin you will get it.
I am sure you will get it worked out. I've got faith in ya. I kinda figured you had a back-up

Thanks man, I hope it works out too. always have a plan C because plans A and B usually never work out in this game especially in my state with the weather the way it is. example tonight I have to journey out into the woods and carry all four of them back one at a time and place them in my tool shed because its going to reach 32F tonight and its been raining all day even though last week it was 80F during the day and 72F at night. T keep the temperatures up in the shed I'm filling gallon jugs with hot water and putting them under a tarp along with the plants, then I get up at 6:45am and haul them all back into the woods.
There going to be watching me shoot them in the face with a .22 here soon, I want blood for this. your probably right too because the two that got fucked with were the ones that I dug the holes out for recently.
fukin go to war. I had temp issues here too when i got started. Im in Eastern Europe and it still gets kinda chilly at night. I germed march 1st and we got snow on the 8th. but all my strains i started with are norhtern strains so that worked out for me ok. I got a little stunted but they are shooting now. Its Dark on my side of the world so i will post new pic in the AM.
Thanks man, I hope it works out too. always have a plan C because plans A and B usually never work out in this game especially in my state with the weather the way it is. example tonight I have to journey out into the woods and carry all four of them back one at a time and place them in my tool shed because its going to reach 32F tonight and its been raining all day even though last week it was 80F during the day and 72F at night. T keep the temperatures up in the shed I'm filling gallon jugs with hot water and putting them under a tarp along with the plants, then I get up at 6:45am and haul them all back into the woods.

I here ya about the weather. It got down to 18 two nights ago! What the fuck is that about. It's May for christ sake. Last week it hit 72 and today its in the high 40's with another chance of snow and rain. Glad I didn't plant the garden yet. Was hopin to get it in by next weekend but the weather is supposed to be shitty for the next ten days. As for those damn squirells! Pop a cap in there ass is what I say. Between my Border Collie and my pit, squirells don't dare ventur into my yard. Already threw away 3 carcases this spring. lol Did I mention my dogs climb trees?

Anyway, keep it up! I'm pullin for ya.


I here ya about the weather. It got down to 18 two nights ago! What the fuck is that about. It's May for christ sake. Last week it hit 72 and today its in the high 40's with another chance of snow and rain. Glad I didn't plant the garden yet. Was hopin to get it in by next weekend but the weather is supposed to be shitty for the next ten days. As for those damn squirells! Pop a cap in there ass is what I say. Between my Border Collie and my pit, squirells don't dare ventur into my yard. Already threw away 3 carcases this spring. lol Did I mention my dogs climb trees?

Anyway, keep it up! I'm pullin for ya.


I have a border collie but hes 12 and doesn't climb trees, he certainly hates squirrels though but isn't fast enough to catch one anymore.
Well I decided I would put them in the cab of my old truck its better insulated I put 3 2L bottles of scalding hot water in there with them so the temps should stay above freezing not by much im sure, but its my only option after tonight I will know if this actually works or not.
Hey man, just been reading through this thread, sounds like you've put in so so much effort for this. i'm impressed.

I have absolutely no experience in growing (indoors or out) but i'm trying to start now, so unfortunately no wise experience to share with you

Looking forward to updates on this, good luck :)
chop the hot water was a pretty good idea. they sell those hand warmers for a buck a pair. u coulda grabbed a handful of those too.
chop the hot water was a pretty good idea. they sell those hand warmers for a buck a pair. u coulda grabbed a handful of those too.
But I would have to pay for it then. Besides the hot water in bottles worked its supposed to get down to 28F tonight so I'm filling more bottles tonight probably 6 total. the one that got pulled up a few days back is not looking like it going to pull through.

The rest there doing fine.

Maybe the hand warmers will stay warm longer, you could fill a coffee can with sand and put the warmer in the sand, that would stay warm for ages. I think I,ll do an experiment.
If they were in the ground already you could probably get away with covering them with a trash bag and surrounding it with news paper and put a 2L bottle of hot water in there with it an it should stay toasty for hours.
drive four 3 foot stakes into the ground to make a square-

make the square as big and tall as you nee too house your seedling, allowing room to grow of course
staple a piece of visqine around and the over the stakes, voila, mini removable green house
i took the visqine and stapled the stakes to it before hand and then rolled it up so i could just set them, cover the top, then go too the next
drive four 3 foot stakes into the ground to make a square-

make the square as big and tall as you nee too house your seedling, allowing room to grow of course
staple a piece of visqine around and the over the stakes, voila, mini removable green house
i took the visqine and stapled the stakes to it before hand and then rolled it up so I could just set them, cover the top, then go too the next

Nice Idea I might use that on a small scale for seedlings after it warms up some. stealth is an issue so It makes it hard to use this on my larger plants.
Sweet, dude! I'm in!*subbed*

Those sticker bushes look like a good and safe home, brah. have you considered some chicken wired tomato cages like mine, for physical rodent repellents? You've seen them before...


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Sweet, dude! I'm in!*subbed*

Those sticker bushes look like a good and safe home, brah. have you considered some chicken wired tomato cages like mine, for physical rodent repellents? You've seen them before...
Making some of those cages you got there today actually.
They are finally planted firmly In good ole Michigan dirt and my own mix of course. Here are some pictures from today

heading out Into the woods:

damn rodents:

They better realize I'm not fucking around..

Now here Is the ladies the first one is a replacement for the one that got dug up and knawed down.

