These fuckin pigs won’t let me live


Active Member
From about 15 I was trappin, I’m 25 now. I got arrested in 2019 and released they seized some cars didn’t find no drugs they got a phone that could’ve had some shit on it. It’s been fuckin ages and just before Xmas they emailed my lawyer to do a “voluntary interview”. Meaning they got new evidence or they can’t be bothered to look for me again so they want me to come in to remand me or maybe jus charge me and give me a court date. I stopped literally jus after I got arrested and since then I’ve been a beautiful journey started growin weed developed a deep relationship with my girl even started a college course and have been lookin to try legit work for the first time in my whole life. These cunt pigs will know I’m not doin anything like that anymore if they was doin there job and following me and all that they would’ve seen me change my whole life the same squad usually arrest and charge people pretty quick so I kinda thought I might’ve gotten away with it. I got away with it for fuckin years and I knew it was always a possibility but I would rather get arrested and then have all the evidence layed out in front of me so I know I’m goin jail and can jus ride my time instead of this time goin by me growing as a person for the shit to come back years later I might not even get sentenced till nex year if this lockdown bullshit continues. Fuck man why can’t these fuckers jus leave me alone. This weren’t a question jus a rant in my life I have to be brave for me and all my people around me to not deflate the energy but inside I can’t lie I feel weird I been prison before but I was on my gang shit then jus want a normalish life now wanna grow weed and work and not have these long sentences and treacherous lifestyle around me but it’s like it wants to pull me back
From about 15 I was trappin, I’m 25 now. I got arrested in 2019 and released they seized some cars didn’t find no drugs they got a phone that could’ve had some shit on it. It’s been fuckin ages and just before Xmas they emailed my lawyer to do a “voluntary interview”. Meaning they got new evidence or they can’t be bothered to look for me again so they want me to come in to remand me or maybe jus charge me and give me a court date. I stopped literally jus after I got arrested and since then I’ve been a beautiful journey started growin weed developed a deep relationship with my girl even started a college course and have been lookin to try legit work for the first time in my whole life. These cunt pigs will know I’m not doin anything like that anymore if they was doin there job and following me and all that they would’ve seen me change my whole life the same squad usually arrest and charge people pretty quick so I kinda thought I might’ve gotten away with it. I got away with it for fuckin years and I knew it was always a possibility but I would rather get arrested and then have all the evidence layed out in front of me so I know I’m goin jail and can jus ride my time instead of this time goin by me growing as a person for the shit to come back years later I might not even get sentenced till nex year if this lockdown bullshit continues. Fuck man why can’t these fuckers jus leave me alone. This weren’t a question jus a rant in my life I have to be brave for me and all my people around me to not deflate the energy but inside I can’t lie I feel weird I been prison before but I was on my gang shit then jus want a normalish life now wanna grow weed and work and not have these long sentences and treacherous lifestyle around me but it’s like it wants to pull me back
Honestly as presented and read?

You have no civil means of inter acting or conversing. Display disregard blatantly towards authority or even civility. And a contempt or resentment we all are subjected to. Take the time out you earned. Look at what life really is and come back without the baggage. No one notices you when you are civil. Best regards. Sucks and been in jail. Didn't help. But altered my path for the better.
Go and see a doctor and get diagnosed with mental health problems. They will be forced to either wave things or go very lenient on you. May even go into a quiet hospital instead of jail. Even if the cause of the mental health problems is this savage fucking wait. They must be enjoying knowing it's fucking with people heads making them wait.

I do feel for you man! Especially changing your life and getting close to your bird. Fucking off gangs and all that bollocks.

When I was a security guard years ago these 2 women blagged 2 trolleys with £100's of worth of shit in each. Electrical items, food, all sorts of shit.

They just blatantly walked out. Whilst we were waiting for the police they said to me I was waisting my time and the police would let them go without even a fine.

They were right. The police told me there is nothing they can do as they suffer with mental health problems. They walked with a verbal ban :lol:

I have mental health problems and have friends that suffer with mental health. Had a brake down and flashbacks of being abused at a boarding school. I have complex ptsd and emotionally unstable disorder linked to child sex abuse suffered.

I literally couldn't give a single fucking turd about the police, laws and all that shit! I have come home to a police riot van in my parking space staring at me as I parked and walked into my flat.

As crazy as I am years ago I thought it would be best to just tell the police I grow, so I did, so even if they look me up it just says on my file I'm mentally ill and I grow weed.

When I told them they said you do realise we can raid your address just from what you said. I just looked her in the eye and told her it's my medicine, they won't get a warrant for me. I don't mix with the criminal element, I just grow my own meds and some for friends.

That was over 5 years. So when they look me up they realise it's a waste of time.

You sound like you have had a hard life too. Prison etc.

Anyway. Take it easy dude
I don't have that growers paranoid thoughts anymore about my door going in because I did that. When I was so stressed that my mind could no longer hold everything in, I just got everything off my chest. Including telling the fuzz I grow.

I was in survival mode to reduce stress before it killed me. Now things are much better
If they had you it wouldn't be voluntary, their trying their luck to see what you say ! That's it ! Go no comment and make them prove everything, it will go no where !
Stop trying to out-think the police and get a criminal lawyer
What you really need to be doing is finding a police station accredited lawyer to advise you before you go to the police station. This is because you are not being asked for a “chat”. The police suspect you have committed a crime – and they are building a case against YOU.

By instructing a police station lawyer before you go to the police station, you can tell your them what happened – and they can advise you whether you should talk, not talk, give a prepared statement or not go to the interview at all.

By “police station lawyer”, I mean Criminal law solicitor – or someone who has achieved the police station adviser accreditation.

(I’m sometimes asked if I can be a person’s police station lawyer. Barristers are prohibited from advising at the police station unless they get this additional qualification. Because I am a trial lawyer, I do not advise people at police stations – but, as a trial lawyer, I cannot emphasise enough how important it is to get advice before you speak to the police.)

What if you don’t hire a lawyer before you go to the police station?
You are playing high stakes poker and don’t even realise it. See my previous post, “Should I go no comment at my police station interview” for a glimpse into how these interviews are a minefield. Legal advice at this critical stage can mean the difference between being charged for a crime v no further action being taken.

If you do not hire a lawyer before going to the police station, ask for the Duty Solicitor as soon as you get to the police station. The Duty Solicitor is not the police’s lawyer. They are defence solicitors on a police station free legal advice rota. It’s free legal advice and there is no reason why you shouldn’t take it.

My simple tip

Ask for the Duty Solicitor. Even if the police make it sound like their chat is no big deal. Even if it will take an hour for a Duty Solicitor to arrive. Even if you are innocent. You need a lawyer.

OPs question was January 2021. He never made anymore remarks.

He was last seen Feb 2021.
Pro tip #1.
You can still be charged for a crime you did in the past regardless of how long ago it was.

Pro tip #2.
Act like a criminal, talk like a criminal, get treated like a criminal.

Pro tip #3.
Don't be a criminal.
Pro tip #1.
You can still be charged for a crime you did in the past regardless of how long ago it was.

Not true. Most states have a statute of limitations of 3-7 years except for murder, terrorism, and a couple other crimes.

A few states have no statute of limitations.

50 State Felony Statute of Limitation (Drug Crime, Debt ...
Pro tip #1.
You can still be charged for a crime you did in the past regardless of how long ago it was.

Not true. Most states have a statute of limitations of 3-7 years except for murder, terrorism, and a couple other crimes.

A few states have no statute of limitations.

50 State Felony Statute of Limitation (Drug Crime, Debt ...
I just looked at that link and more states than I would have guessed have no limitations for drug trafficking.
Yeah, theres a few of them. I live in one of them. Kentucky.

Come here on vacation, and leave on probation.

I got 15 months felony conviction in 89 for having 7 grams of weed in 2 different baggies. 2x 1/8oz...They convicted me of possession with intent to sell within 1000 yards of a school. It was 2 different kinds of weed, and I didnt want to mix them. It was personal stash....I had lived in the place I was at for 31 years. My great grandfather built it in 1904. It was only 300 feet from a school. It wasnt like I moved there to sell to kids.
I caught my exgirlfriend cheating on me in a bar, kicked her out, and she told the cops I had weed in my house. They came at 6am and had a whole swat team. 20 cops with m16s. Thery also blocked off both ends of the street.
I did 12 months with good time. I was going to school to be a physical therapist at the time, and that fucked that up.
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