They finally obtained a Trump Tax Return!

Your choice for a hero is troubling and reflects your ignorance.
Did you know that Al Capone died of untreated syphilis? It went from his dick to his brain.
Al Capone had a very low IQ but he was not stupid.
Agreed. I remember when I thought Al Capone was an inspiration and a pretty good guy that was painted badly by history.

Then I finished the fifth grade.
By what metric? He sat in prison for not paying his taxes while his brain turned to mush; in the 30's. It must not be that hard to avoid taxes, seeing as our president does a fine job of it, and I could imagine in the days when the "adding machine" was all the rage, it was even easier.

If you mean he is smart because he ran the Windy and surrounding areas, that's also false. Very easy to maintain your rule when you kill all your competitors.
They tried to get him on everything they could not catch him to save their lives the Feds then came up with the some bullshit law the first man to be charged with tax evasion. The country was free at one time but that all changed with the Volstead Act.

We live in a fascist nation under Obama and all nobody has changed that.
They tried to get him on everything they could not catch him to save their lives the Feds then came up with the some bullshit law the first man to be charged with tax evasion. The country was free at one time but that all changed with the Volstead Act.

We live in a fascist nation under Obama and all nobody has changed that.

how many guys cocks have you secretly sucked?

you can tell me, i set this thread to private.
Al Capone is the reason you can go to the store and buy a beer or some whisky.
That's like saying The Cartels are the reason Washington has legal marijuana.

Or, if that wasn't asinine enough, I could call you gay like everyone else.
They tried to get him on everything they could not catch him to save their lives the Feds then came up with the some bullshit law the first man to be charged with tax evasion. The country was free at one time but that all changed with the Volstead Act.

We live in a fascist nation under Obama and all nobody has changed that.
Tax evasion is bullshit, eh? Ok. I bet you think volunteering is "for fags".

America was free before Volstead? Yeah, slavery was no biggie. That one who beat the other slave to death in Django got to have a beer when he was done, so he was free, right? Does the Indian's love of fire water somehow excuse our governments past systematic genocide and displacement? According to Tamponee!

Also, as much as I am embittered against the Chump, I still accept his presidency. I figured you were living in the past, at least ideologically, but I never would I have figured you were within this millennium.

Surprise me again by saying something that I wouldn't hear as I pass by a classroom full of the mentally handicapped.
I don't exactly go looking for periods and question marks when I'm reading it doesn't make any difference to me I still have to read all the words whether there is a period or not to understand the content but I'm not trying to attack him over this I honestly don't care it's not that important and I'm far too stoned to care about punctuation or grammar.
So, according to cool2bum, punctuation is useless. Fascinating.
Actually not one bit, it was all fill in the blank online.

Let me get this straight. You were in the US military for 15 years, fought in Afghanistan, then came back only to staunchly hate half of Americans and mooch off of the American taxpayer? Why join a government military when you hate the government and supposedly go risk your life for the "freedom" of people you actively hate and wish harm?