Things I hate about Christmas

Personally I think it sucks so many things are stacked up at the end of the year, Halloween, Thanksgiving, Birthday, Christmas and New years. I'm over it by the new year.

Christmas starts in October and doesn't end until February. They have Christmas goodies on the shelves before Halloween. Then people leave their lights up for another month after and there's Christmas sales running through January.
Wasted electricity so people can power all the silly lights

All of the packaging that ends up in landfills.

When I worked in an office environment I hated being forced to participate in the gift giving. Secret Santa etc...


Just to name a few.

I used to have fun with the gift trading. I had one year I bought a bottle of Fat Bastard wine for a gift exchange that allowed stealing. My supervisor got the bottle of Fat Bastard at the end of the exchange. He was 6'2" and over 300 lbs. Man, did I laugh !!! The guy went on a very successful diet shortly after that.

All the kids and grandkids get money which may end up in landfills. One of the grandkids got a Lego set and wanted help. The Lego sets have really good instructions. "Can you help me?" was answered with "You have to RTFM." (Read the F'n Manual). My son watched the exchange and couldn't stop laughing for a while.

I like the silly lights but refuse to pay for them or electricity to power them. Fruit cake is wonderful in small doses. Egg Nogg that doesn't have to be refrigerated is to be avoided since it smacks of a treat that makes you glow in the dark.

Christmas is not all good, but it's not all bad either.