things i have learned from republicans this week

just a wrap up...

*forest fires cause global warming, which is not happening. the earth is cooling.

*public education is comparable to being sold away from your family as a child slave.

*GOP leaders were not invited to the 50th anniversary of the march on washington.

*alberta is located domestically, within the united states.

*50 cal sniper rifles have civilian uses.

*global warming is maybe caused by the radiant heat of 7 billion human bodies.

*the 50th anniversary of the march on washington is comparable to a ku klux klan rally.

*white privilege does not exist in stockton, CA.
Dear god...

How have I not stumbled across this thread yet.

We truly have some retards on here.
do you hear that, pie?

by recognizing the mental retardation of the republicans, you are now the chief retarded republican.

i think this has something to do with reagan's 11th. sorry.
Hell I'm not a Republican, I'm non-partisan.

But Flaming Gay above seems to be mad and thusly I've no idea what they're capable of.
Hell I'm not a Republican, I'm non-partisan.

But Flaming Gay above seems to be mad and thusly I've no idea what they're capable of.

"they" are capable of:

highly educated business men and women who typically earn in excess of 100k
believe in marriage and family
believe in and are an active part of their community
loyalty and friendship above and beyond their hetero counterparts

"they" are capable of:

highly educated business men and women who typically earn in excess of 100k
believe in marriage and family
believe in and are an active part of their community
loyalty and friendship above and beyond their hetero counterparts

Lol, are you dumb?

"They are" and "they're" mean the same thing, window licker.

The thing I learned today is a reaffirmation of Republican stupidity. What was up with Cruz, did he think he was Mr. Smith? What an asshole, and it figures that he is one of the rising stars in the Republican party. I would love one of the staunch conservative people on this website to defend that morons theatrics, seeing as he one of 2 likely candidates for a run in the next presidential campaign. And the hope to beat Clinton. All I can say is keep it coming, and make the 2016 election a slam dunk with Democrats taking control of the House and the Senate and the White House. All the Democrats have to do is sit back , and laugh.Peace
How could any one be stupid enough to support Hillary? After all in the last few years she
has proven to be both corrupt and inept with a scandal around every corner. I hope she
runs. It would be fun watching her get held accountable for her lies.
How could any one be stupid enough to support Hillary? After all in the last few years she
has proven to be both corrupt and inept with a scandal around every corner. I hope she
runs. It would be fun watching her get held accountable for her lies.
It'd be good to see Possum-head run against her too, I think he makes her cry when she's in private with some of those hearing questions.