things i have learned from republicans this week

How could any one be stupid enough to support Hillary? After all in the last few years she
has proven to be both corrupt and inept with a scandal around every corner. I hope she
runs. It would be fun watching her get held accountable for her lies.

I am curious how they ( Campaign managers) are going to downplay the Benghazi incident.
simple, no one but repubs care about bengazi, and they're all going to be voting for what ever joke they elect anyhoo's... :D

Hilary was secretary of state during BenghaziGate. If the Democraps nominate her to run for president, she will have to explain herself...
Hilary was secretary of state during BenghaziGate. If the Democraps nominate her to run for president, she will have to explain herself...

She already did. She also took responsibility.
Question is though. Why didnt Issa release the video of the interview with Mcmullen and Pickering?

Oh wait. That totally destroyed every accusation Issa the insurance fraud gangsta from California has tried to assert

"The interagency response was timely and appropriate, but there simply was not enough time for armed U.S. military assets to have made a difference," Pickering and Mullen's accountability report concluded. - See more at:
She already did. She also took responsibility.
Question is though. Why didnt Issa release the video of the interview with Mcmullen and Pickering?

Oh wait. That totally destroyed every accusation Issa the insurance fraud gangsta from California has tried to assert

"The interagency response was timely and appropriate, but there simply was not enough time for armed U.S. military assets to have made a difference," Pickering and Mullen's accountability report concluded. - See more at:
Your copy and paste from cns news just won't cut it. Hillary still hasn't given her accounts as to what happened that night. Why was our ambassador killed? Who is to blame? And since attacking Americans on American soil is an act of war, how come we are not going after those responsible? Instead, we seem to be focused on bombs over Damascus. What's your angle?
#5. Benghazi Is the Secret Gay Wedding Chapel Where Obama Had His Secret Gay Wedding
Look Issa, you and I and the faithful readers of World Net Daily already know that Obama is secretly Muslim, secretly gay, and secretly gay-married to a guy. But I bet you didn’t realize that Benghazi was where the secret gay military chapel that performed his secret gay wedding was located did you? Why do you think the administration is covering up Ben Gozzi so hard, Darrell?! They didn’t want any evidence of Obama’s secret gay life getting out, so they planned the attack themselves, and this was all a false flag operation to destroy evidence of Obama’s secret gay-ocity! Makes total sense to me.
#4. Benghazi Is Where They Filmed the Moon Landing
You and I both know the moon landing was a liberal conspiracy cooked up by John F. Kennedy to keep his family in power. You and I both know that they shot that “moon landing” footage somewhere in a far off land so that no American could see the footage being faked. You and I both know Neil Armstrong was actually a very tall chimpanzee in a Neil Armstrong costume. And you and I both know Obama ordered the consulate in Benghazi attacked so that evidence of all of this could be wiped out.
We know all this, right Darrell?!?
#3. Hillary Clinton Ordered the Attack on Benghazi to Cover Up More Vince Foster Evidence
2016 isn’t that far away, Darrell. We need to start undermining Hillary in a big way. I saw we trot out the old Vince Foster canard and spice it up by tying in Benghazi. What if the filing cabinets at the outpost in Benghazi is where Hillary had all the secret murder evidence against her and Bill moved to, and the attack had to be carried out to make it look plausible that a bunch of documents were stolen? No, of course I don’t have any evidence of either a connection to the Fosters and Clinton or that anything speaking to that was in the consulate building, but if telling the truth about shit is what Republicans did anymore, none of us would be in office, would we?
#2. During the Attack, President Obama Was Playing “Candy Crush Saga” On His iPhone
Now, Darrell, I have it on good authority that President Obama may not have ordered a stand down, but he was definitely playing some kind of game on his iPhone, and we believe it was Candy Crush. Oh wait. Sorry, I’m being told that it was video poker, and it was actually Senator John McCain who was caught playing it. During a Senate hearing on a possible military strike in Syria. Two weeks ago.
Well, no one has to know that do they?
#1. Blah Blah Blah OBAMA!
You and I both know it doesn’t matter what we make up about Benghazi as long as we say the words “Obama,” “Hillary” and “failure of leadership” enough times, that’s all our base cares about. So let’s just keep making sure that no matter what happens we find some way, any way to pin it on Obama and/or Hillary. Then as long as we keep gerrymandering districts our party will always have a place at the table. Go us!
- See more at:
How could any one be stupid enough to support Hillary? After all in the last few years she
has proven to be both corrupt and inept with a scandal around every corner. I hope she
runs. It would be fun watching her get held accountable for her lies.
as well as ted cruz' lies? this guys a dick even for a pubster..even dickier than paul ryan at his most dicky..imo

tell me are all about small government..LOW do you plan on paying for this little trillion dollar shutdown soiree?

The Affordable Care Act is LAW and not going away..get OVER IT or opt out for $95!

#5. Benghazi Is the Secret Gay Wedding Chapel Where Obama Had His Secret Gay Wedding
Look Issa, you and I and the faithful readers of World Net Daily already know that Obama is secretly Muslim, secretly gay, and secretly gay-married to a guy. But I bet you didn’t realize that Benghazi was where the secret gay military chapel that performed his secret gay wedding was located did you? Why do you think the administration is covering up Ben Gozzi so hard, Darrell?! They didn’t want any evidence of Obama’s secret gay life getting out, so they planned the attack themselves, and this was all a false flag operation to destroy evidence of Obama’s secret gay-ocity! Makes total sense to me.
#4. Benghazi Is Where They Filmed the Moon Landing
You and I both know the moon landing was a liberal conspiracy cooked up by John F. Kennedy to keep his family in power. You and I both know that they shot that “moon landing” footage somewhere in a far off land so that no American could see the footage being faked. You and I both know Neil Armstrong was actually a very tall chimpanzee in a Neil Armstrong costume. And you and I both know Obama ordered the consulate in Benghazi attacked so that evidence of all of this could be wiped out.
We know all this, right Darrell?!?
#3. Hillary Clinton Ordered the Attack on Benghazi to Cover Up More Vince Foster Evidence
2016 isn’t that far away, Darrell. We need to start undermining Hillary in a big way. I saw we trot out the old Vince Foster canard and spice it up by tying in Benghazi. What if the filing cabinets at the outpost in Benghazi is where Hillary had all the secret murder evidence against her and Bill moved to, and the attack had to be carried out to make it look plausible that a bunch of documents were stolen? No, of course I don’t have any evidence of either a connection to the Fosters and Clinton or that anything speaking to that was in the consulate building, but if telling the truth about shit is what Republicans did anymore, none of us would be in office, would we?
#2. During the Attack, President Obama Was Playing “Candy Crush Saga” On His iPhone
Now, Darrell, I have it on good authority that President Obama may not have ordered a stand down, but he was definitely playing some kind of game on his iPhone, and we believe it was Candy Crush. Oh wait. Sorry, I’m being told that it was video poker, and it was actually Senator John McCain who was caught playing it. During a Senate hearing on a possible military strike in Syria. Two weeks ago.
Well, no one has to know that do they?
#1. Blah Blah Blah OBAMA!
You and I both know it doesn’t matter what we make up about Benghazi as long as we say the words “Obama,” “Hillary” and “failure of leadership” enough times, that’s all our base cares about. So let’s just keep making sure that no matter what happens we find some way, any way to pin it on Obama and/or Hillary. Then as long as we keep gerrymandering districts our party will always have a place at the table. Go us!
- See more at:

nice post!:clap:
as well as ted cruz' lies? this guys a dick even for a pubster..even dickier than paul ryan at his most dicky..imo

tell me are all about small government..LOW do you plan on paying for this little trillion dollar shutdown soiree?

The Affordable Care Act is LAW and not going away..get OVER IT or opt out for $95!

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It will only take one Christian Scientist to do this :finger: to the PPACA and the hole ponzi scheme collapses.
and i rest my case:lol:

So you hate the constitution? PPACA is a violation of church and state. Why is it ok to overturn banning gay marriage in CA? Who are you to say a religous nutbar is bad and big daddy government should smote the religous nutabar who thinks the same about you? You only accept what doesn't affect you. The moment it affects you or the current "oppressed" group, you cry foul. Otherwise you lol. I bet you think those 1,000+ plant growers are evil and you're oppressed.
So you hate the constitution? PPACA is a violation of church and state. Why is it ok to overturn banning gay marriage in CA? Who are you to say a religous nutbar is bad and big daddy government should smote the religous nutabar who thinks the same about you? You only accept what doesn't affect you. The moment it affects you or the current "oppressed" group, you cry foul. Otherwise you lol. I bet you think those 1,000+ plant growers are evil and you're oppressed.

So are you a big fan of witholding life saving treatment for religous reasons?