Things to do while you trim?

after 20 yrs it dont matter...trimming sucks ....i hire the work out 15 a hr plus some free smoke

20 + years here as well , should have Carpel effects by now lol .. Trimming sucks and my crew is sick this week ! Fuck I say , its only a few pounds but it will still take me at least a few hours ;p
I listen to music and play "Oh you're pretty, you're going in the special pile" and I also play "you're not pretty, you're going in the not special pile". Towards the end it seems the "not special pile" really stacks up. :leaf:
After years of trimming wet , I came to the conclusion that I like to hang the plant whole after removing shades .. Then after a few days I will cut the branches and hang them whole for at least another few days .. I usually get a weeks time to prep and assemble my patients before the final trim is to be done ..

It seems like no mater how its broken up or done , that it sucks ass in the end and is the worst part of growing in my humble opinion .. Sure its fun to trim my prized tops , but anything other than them is agony for me ..

I tend to follow to a friends advice from long ago and it applies to a larger harvest than a small one . And that is , throw everything under a gumball size into the trim pile for processing hash and other usable products . It sure beats trimming the lowers and less desired bud ..
I too do the audio books or music, don't see how you can watch TV and trim at the same time. I know I would be snipping of buds!
20 + years here as well , should have Carpel effects by now lol .. Trimming sucks and my crew is sick this week ! Fuck I say , its only a few pounds but it will still take me at least a few hours ;p
I have two pairs of fiskars in case my first pair wears out, what time do I start?
I listen to music, grab a soda or a coffee and smoke some scissor hash.

Recently I have had episodes of a show on syfy channel called dark matters twisted but true (I think) recorded on my DVR, so I have been watching them while I trim. It's nice because they are informative and interesting stories and you don't have to really watch it to follow along-you can just listen.

i rikey scissor hash! and music while im trimin of course. usually reggae