Things to Know About Lighting


Well-Known Member
You can pull a small plant off with that if your expectations aren't that high, but no 3x3 area.. And 2' height isn't alot even for a small plant.. You'll need to control it..
You're talking only 20W of small cfl per sqft (smaller are less efficient, they create more heat/light).. Probably only equivalent to 8-10W hps/sqft.. I wouldn't even think about going less than 40W cfl per sqft, and when I budgeted for that I'd realize that hid is actually the cheapest light to buy..
One of the 400W hps setups I picked up a while back at Westburne Electric for $55 would cover that area sweetly if you had more height..


Active Member
hello everyone dudes what does everyone think about the duel ark thousand watt bulbs 600 watts hps 400 watts mh in one bulb i love them so far any feedback would be great i know there not for a budget grower for sure


Active Member
I have been doing a lot of research about how many lumens per square foot are necessary. I have read that 2000-4000 is best and also 8000 - 10000. How much light can a plant take in without just wasting unnecessary lumens/electricity?


Well-Known Member
Lumens at what wavelength?? Plants measure light in photosynthetically active photons, and that correlate to lumens VERY poorly..
HPS lumens you want atleast 6000/sqft.. MH lumens perhaps 8000/sqft.. CFL spectrums and output efficiencies are too variable to say with confidence..


Well-Known Member
I have a few extra ballasts aaround a nd my flowering hood has room to put another mogal socket oposite the one installed. Its a 400hps and was thinking of adding a 400mh to it for flowering. I could even time the bulbs at different times. Like adding 6 hrs of mh during the middle the 12 hr flower cycle. Any thoughts? Thanks


Active Member
is a 1000 watt lamp way too much for a 4x4x6 space?!?!?! lets say I can make ventilation 100% efficient will it still be too much heat and kill my plants if I use a 1000w in a box that will fit only about 6 plants?!?


Well-Known Member
What up fellas... I just ordered two Procyon 100 for my grow room, reading grest things sbout those...but I was wondering about those expensive $2000 300w and 600w Led panels like Growl Mastiff... Has anyone experimented with those type of LEDs???? Are they worth they money?????


Well-Known Member
It may very well be the way of the future, but we live in the present.. Building your own HID kits is the best way to go as of April 2009..


Well-Known Member
It may very well be the way of the future, but we live in the present.. Building your own HID kits is the best way to go as of April 2009..

Bingo! With 150w HPS light and ballast kits for $20 you can't really beat that.

Though I've been watching the miniaturization of plasma halide lamps (not your typical sulfur lamps,) and they're getting VERY close to beating out HPS in output with better spectrum, watt for watt.

Now if they'd only fix the output maintenance and drop the price a grand or so, and I'd be down to use tic-tac sized HID lamps with a flashlight-sized ballast.


Well-Known Member
I know, I'm not positive LED's will be next at all really.. There is some cool ass lighting tech out there that just isn't feasible yet..
Another possibility would be light via LED type physics, but not exactly LED, like HV band-gap emmision.. One thing worth noting is that as efficient as LEDs are, the transforming mains to the voltage they work at is going to cost a considerable portion of that efficiency..


Active Member
What is the distance the light travels from the light generator to the pool?)
these are things the installer should know. Ask the installer to show you