Think I might get high for the first time tonight


Well-Known Member
A dime will be fine. if you have extra just do whatever... put it in a bag, jar, medical bottle any of those will be fine.
I assume you know how to roll a cigar? Maybe you can pick up a cigar you enjoy, split it and replace the tabacco with ground up Cannabis. You can smoke it leisurly while spending time with your woman, before you get down to business.
No need to hold it in for like 10 seconds, that is nonsense and will only be uncomfortable. A few seconds will be fine.

Make sure your relaxed and in the mood to try new things. Just because you have the weed doesnt mean you have to use it if your not feeling in the mood.

GOod luck, sex will be amazing with it, this I guarantee!

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
As a woman, I'd like to say, yes,pot helps you relax and can make sex more enjoyable that way.But if it's the first time smoking for ya both,Just forget the sex and focus on how the pot makes you feel.Some folks get kinda panicky the first few times...this is not conducive to good sex. I don't know exactly what your issues are...but if you are having major relationship trouble, pot can't fix have to. If it's sexual...I may be able to offer some advice or insight.


Well-Known Member
I was panicky my first 2 times, it didn't help that I was a young teen with medical quality bud either.
The above post makes sense.