Thinking of R.O. water? You may want to think again.


New Member
What part of this thread didn't you understand? The thing is that 200 ppm is pretty good. Problem is that assholes all over the net and in hydro stores are telling people that they need R.O. with 200ppm.

Bob Smith

Well-Known Member I cant help myself...

...and if you have a fast car there is no need to take the bus! Genius.

Also, if your tap water is magically infused with the perfect amount of H&G nutes (like mine is), YOU NEVER NEED TO BUY NUTES!!!

I'm gonna go start a thread, "Thinking of nutes? You may want to think again."


Well-Known Member
What part of this thread didn't you understand? The thing is that 200 ppm is pretty good. Problem is that assholes all over the net and in hydro stores are telling people that they need R.O. with 200ppm.
There really is no problem...I have never been told by a hydro store on-line or in person that I need to buy an RO filter. As a matter of local hydro store (at the coast and not really convenient or affordable) told me to use tap...and I did...lesson learned.
The other hydro store has never once tried to sell me anything....Just more of my worthless 40 years of experience living.



Well-Known Member
Yeah, hydro store people never try to sell shit.
Look I only speak from my own experience...usually people already have it in their mind what they's not like they were out doing the grocery shopping...picking up the dry cleaning...and the kids from school...and hey what's this hydroponic thing...come on kids lets go ask the salesperson....

Both shops near me are always busy...there is always a line...the employees always look a little high...and just say "what can I help you with?"...but really I should get out more.



New Member
The reason for this thread is because I've talked to a lot of people who were convinced by others they needed R.O., it's just to let them know that people get by without fine.


Well-Known Member
I grew in aero for 5 years. Long story short, if you have good tap water R.O. is a waste of money.
I agree. I used to buy RO 0ppm for my AeroFlo 36. Then I did what you did, I checked the public records for my water and noticed there was nothing really awful in my water. My water is 175-200 out of the tap so it's not a big issue. Hey, I grow killer top shelf nugs for a local despensery. I use the Lucas method, no additives very few water changes and spend about under $20.00 every 8 to 10 weeks on nutes.



New Member
Wow scary. Actually not very scary. I can find studies that show that the air we breath is killing us, I'm going to keep on breathing though.


Some of us really have no choice but to use R/O water depending on which part of the country you live in.. I live in the desert tap water here sucks no one drinks it its R/O water at home and in my garden. Good rule of thumb though if you arent drinking it then dont let your plants drink it...
Agreed, the city I'm in the water is so hard when people around here hear that Jesus Christ walked on water they are like "Yeah so"?


Well-Known Member
ok so i found my city report, can someone interpret the general impact of the following levels of shit that stood out to me.

sodium. 17mg per litter. kinda sounds like a lot compared with some waters and such that we are told not to use due to the sodium content.
floride. 1ppm. seems insignificant.
barium. .05 ppm. also small, no idea what it is.\
trihlmethides (chlorine byproduct) 9 ppb(yes billion) small enough?
the other chlorine byproduct was 14ppb

anyways it seems this is not a full report(just contaminants) as all listed does not equal a fraction of total read ppm. so im missing pages here, but im already convinced as with my lowish ppm (180 or so) i imagine it will do fine, needs to be phd though


Active Member
For almost a decade now people on pot boards and in hydro stores have been trying to convince people that they need R.O. water to grow and that they will have a superior product if they do.

First thing that people need to know is that the nutes you buy have been formulated to work with tap water, not R.O. This means that you will have to put back a lot of what you take out, which is one of the reason the people in the hydro store highly recommend R.O. because they have an app for that. :mrgreen:

This doesn't mean that some people don't truly need an R.O. filter, just that the majority of people don't, and a lot of people who don't need it use it.

Personally I wouldn't ever buy a R.O. filter for any tap water under 300ppm and up to 500ppm I would at least try a grow before spending big bucks on an R.O. filter and the cost associated with it (cal-mag, wasted water down the drain).

I often hear people who come out in support of R.O. filters say stuff like "god knows what's in there." Actually there's this thing called the net, took me about 10 seconds to find last months water analysis for Boston tap. Took a look through and it looks pretty good to me, even has Silica in there which is cool because people spend big bucks on Silica.

So my advice to new grower thinking about R.O. is don't let people convince you need it, or even that you don't need it. Find out for yourself, get your water report, find out your ppm and even try a grow. Remember there are far more growers making more weed with tap than there will ever be with R.O.

i dunnnnooo..... i used regular tap water for almost a year in a hydro veg room and a aero flower room....... all readings dont jump around nearly as much with r.o. water..... not to mention all the small parcticles in tap water that it removes through the filters


New Member
i dunnnnooo..... i used regular tap water for almost a year in a hydro veg room and a aero flower room....... all readings dont jump around nearly as much with r.o. water..... not to mention all the small parcticles in tap water that it removes through the filters
Well I don't know anything about your tap water. My pH had a slight drift over the course of it's useful life (up to a month) but it was easy to maintain and I actually think preferable to set your pH on the low end and let it drift up but a lot depends on your water. If you grow with tap and have problems up the yazoo by all means try R.O..


What do you guys think about

San Diego Tap Water vs. RO

My tap water looks pretty horrid, but I really don't know much about this.

sry if this ends up being a double/triplicate post, but it didn't seem like my previous replies were working
I give free r/o or tap water to anyone with there own container, If you need a container, I have 55 gal food grade drums for $40
so, anyone in socal orange county come on by.

robert 14617

Well-Known Member
karr you want to look at the PH of the water or the total dissolved solids mine is at 524 with a ph of 7.6 my water is some relay bad stuff