this does not look good! help!


hey guys so this is what i got

strain:4 white widow clones
lighting:150watt hps
growing medium: foxfarms ocean forest
growspace:4x4 closet grow
temp:stable 80F
cycle: 18/6 they are in vegPhoto-0108.jpgPhoto-0115(1).jpgPhoto-0112.jpgPhoto-0116.jpg

these clones where doing fine growing like crazy
i tested the ph of my tap its at 7.0 really high so i went out and bought Poland spring water tested the ph on that and it was perfect 6.6
i watered all of them with Poland spring just enough so the water dripped out the bottom a little. the next morning one started curling down making like a fist, so i thought it was something with the pots so i transplanted all of them in to 5 gallon pots. now all of them are starting to droop and curl down i have no clue what it is i did some reading and people say its over watering some say under watering some say a toxicity, so right now i have stopped watering them to see if it is over watering any advice would help alot so please put your 2 cents in


Active Member
Since when is a pH of 7.0 "really high"?????? So just to get this straight you were using your tap water and they were fine but you switched to a bottled water brand and this happened? Using logic here, what do YOU think happened to the plants?


Yea man, shouldn't drink water from water bottles, you have no idea how long its been in that plastic. Water is called the universal solvent for a reason, especially if they have been warm at all, there is definitely some plastic in the water, also tap water has trace elements some of which can help both you and your plants. Basically fuck bottled water all together….

And don't water them for some days (until the pots are noticeably lighter), let them get adjusted to the new pots, see what happens. I'm sorry to say, may have to try again, sad to see it happen...


Well-Known Member
Don't panic yet......let them dry out GOOD, then resume your watering as before going back to your tap water.

Are you really using FFOF straight up? Not a good idea, it's known to be pretty hot as is. Next time try 40% FFOF, 40% Happy Frog and 20% perlite, plus a little dolomite lime. Your plants will thank you.