this is a felony.

Any responsible gun owner knows you don’t aim a loaded weapon at unarmed people

Responsible people will fully support charges against this irresponsible gun brandisher

When I first saw memes about this fiasco, I pointed out the lack of trigger discipline depicted. That either shows outright malice and willingness to fire, or complete lack of firearm responsibility.

Either way, she's pointing a (presumably) loaded firearm with her finger on the trigger at someone who is unarmed.
Funny thing is...even "proud Boys" didn't put their fingers on the trigger when they invaded our state capital

Proud Boys are violent assholes. A snipers nest on the roof of a multistory parking garage is as good as the finger on the trigger.

Members of the right-wing group Patriot Prayer stationed themselves on a downtown Portland rooftop with a cache of guns prior to a summer protest, city officials announced for the first time Monday – the same day Mayor Ted Wheeler learned about it, his aides said.

That shocking revelation came Monday as Portland officials scrambled to find a way to end the repeated violent clashes between dueling political factions downtown.

Our fascist cops let them leave with their guns. Imagine them doing the same if the snipers weren't their racist brothers in arms. It would have been a SWAT team bloodbath.

What people don't seem to realize is that Portland's Antifa were formed to protect us and oppose Portland's fascist police force. Since 2007, Antifa kept up the mostly peaceful struggle and took more than a few blows from our very own fascist militarized police. It's because of their and BLM sacrifices that the Portland electorate was ready to get behind defunding the police. Defund the Police is something they can't fire rubber bullets at and make it go away. I have no doubt that Trump's goons are here to try to stifle the Defund the police initiative.

Idiots like that couple rely on their white middle class aspect and probably didn't even consider pointing their guns at peaceful protesters to be wrong, much less a crime. Its all part of the white conservative zeitgeist -- they consider themselves to be the good guys and the cops pretty much agree. As that dinosaur poster would say, "maybe it was an accident" if she had let go with a round at a critical moment.
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But breaking down a gate to enter private property is not? Ok, got it.
They had every right to protect their property. Guaranteed they will not be convicted. It will be the other way around. They will win a lawsuit for false arrest.

Oh yeah, What happens when you point a loaded weapon at a cop on your property ? I'll save you the thinking time, They get Shot DEAD and then the cop goes on with life as normal. Nothing happens. The people that pointed a loaded weapon at the cop on their own Property ends up dead and it then becomes the cop had every right to shoot and kill them.
Oh yeah, What happens when you point a loaded weapon at a cop on your property ? I'll save you the thinking time, They get Shot DEAD and then the cop goes on with life as normal. Nothing happens. The people that pointed a loaded weapon at the cop on their own Property ends up dead and it then becomes the cop had every right to shoot and kill them.
when i first saw the photos of this i said that the protestors had every right to shoot them dead.
They are more then likely going to prove they had a right to brandish...and tbh they are probably right. The min we start eroding property rights alongnwith the 2nd amendment things are going to get real draconian real quick
1. The marchers were not on their property
2. Missouri law is pretty clear on the illegality of threatening with a firearm.

This is far from a 2nd Amendment argument, and their lawyers surely know better than to try to make it one.
I'm trashy but those are not my heroes :D
I can't believe she has her finger on the trigger

pretty fvcking scary isn't it..? what happens if she 'slipped', 'sneezed' or 'coughed'? what happens if/when the Secret Police hurts someone more than a broken hand on a Navy Vet who reminds them of their 'oath'?

Trumpy* is looking for excuse since a few folks got killed in Chi-Town? how about the 142k from the Trump-Plague?

'all trespassers will be removed from white house property on 1/21' -joe biden
A game of Cowboys and Liberals sounds fun to me!
I'm a well-armed liberal. Not all of us are anti-gun, but those of us who support the 2nd amendment understand the awesome responsibility of such a potentially dangerous amendment. When we see people like this with guns, we cringe at the thought of what might happen to our rights. Having a right to bear arms doesnt mean you get to do everything short of killing someone and most states have laws that recognize that fact. Including Missouri.
1. The marchers were not on their property
2. Missouri law is pretty clear on the illegality of threatening with a firearm.

This is far from a 2nd Amendment argument, and their lawyers surely know better than to try to make it one.
They were on property that the entire neighborhood is responsible for and in which they are the closest lot.

The law that you need to worry about in their defense is the castle doctrine which in Missouri is petty broad and vague... they dont have to prove the protesters were aggressing...all they have to prove is that the defendants felt reasonable fear.

" reasonable..." comes up a lot in definitions the of castle doctrine for Missouri... gonna be a toss up depending on jury or judge
when i first saw the photos of this i said that the protestors had every right to shoot them dead.

I almost wish they would have, but then the cry babies would be saying just the other. Second Amendment this, Trump did that, all the Bullshit they spew is just to start a fight with anyone who don't see things their way when they know it's wrong.

They like to call liberals Sheep and snowflakes. I believe they should look in the mirror and go, BAHHHH BAHHH, I am melting.