this is a felony.

they were trespassing on the sidewalk!
I may be responsible for the sidewalk next to my house if a tree root cracks it but if someone comes up and parks on it I don't have the right to go out and be a dick to them. I can ask them not to park there and not to come up off the sidewalk towards my home but till they do so I don't have many rights on my side. I'd likely do something to defend my home but it sure isn't gonna be with a gun standing in my lawn. Guns kill people period. This isn't a video game. We have weapons now that were never dreamed of when our Constitution was written. I'm for gun rights, totally for... but I feel that those weapons should consist of the weapons closer to what was around back in 1787 but with slight safety and performance upgrades. I don't feel that the world needs weapons like a barret M95 available to people wishing to hunt elk.
Lol, those two fucks likely won't even see the inside of a courtroom. Their lawyer will make that shit a misdemeanor in one afternoon on the golf course. These are well to do professionals with clean records, they get fines, sensitivity training and maybe make a public apology. They'll have some lame, unprovable story from the past and claim PTSD and the stress of the pandemic as justification, with a bought and paid for psycologist to back it up.
Hah you have you make shit up...they never shot anyone you child...yall weak as fuck haha
I'm just trying to understand what you are failing to communicate.

So, I looked at your pictures. yawn Not nearly as convincing as the reports and videos of he situation.

You can just admit you were triggered by the idea of a crowd of black people on your street and said some dumb stuff. We all do that now and then. Especially those suffering from the unreasonable fear of black people.

I will understand.
I may be responsible for the sidewalk next to my house if a tree root cracks it but if someone comes up and parks on it I don't have the right to go out and be a dick to them. I can ask them not to park there and not to come up off the sidewalk towards my home but till they do so I don't have many rights on my side. I'd likely do something to defend my home but it sure isn't gonna be with a gun standing in my lawn. Guns kill people period. This isn't a video game. We have weapons now that were never dreamed of when our Constitution was written. I'm for gun rights, totally for... but I feel that those weapons should consist of the weapons closer to what was around back in 1787 but with slight safety and performance upgrades. I don't feel that the world needs weapons like a barret M95 available to people wishing to hunt elk.
You keep forgetting the fragility of some white people.
I'm just trying to understand what you are failing to communicate.

So, I looked at your pictures. yawn Not nearly as convincing as the reports and videos of he situation.

You can just admit you were triggered by the idea of a crowd of black people on your street and said some dumb stuff. We all do that now and then. Especially those suffering from the unreasonable fear of black people.

I will understand.
You are so far off base, its actually comical. You sir played yourself.
Lol, those two fucks likely won't even see the inside of a courtroom. Their lawyer will make that shit a misdemeanor in one afternoon on the golf course. These are well to do professionals with clean records, they get fines, sensitivity training and maybe make a public apology. They'll have some lame, unprovable story from the past and claim PTSD and the stress of the pandemic as justification, with a bought and paid for psycologist to back it up.
they were literally offered a diversion program already

do we all have to be sinister for no reason?
Lol, those two fucks likely won't even see the inside of a courtroom. Their lawyer will make that shit a misdemeanor in one afternoon on the golf course. These are well to do professionals with clean records, they get fines, sensitivity training and maybe make a public apology. They'll have some lame, unprovable story from the past and claim PTSD and the stress of the pandemic as justification, with a bought and paid for psycologist to back it up.
Yup, reality
Lol, those two fucks likely won't even see the inside of a courtroom. Their lawyer will make that shit a misdemeanor in one afternoon on the golf course. These are well to do professionals with clean records, they get fines, sensitivity training and maybe make a public apology. They'll have some lame, unprovable story from the past and claim PTSD and the stress of the pandemic as justification, with a bought and paid for psycologist to back it up.
A least they deserve to be disbarred and be banned from ever working in the legal field or as a lobbyist of any sort.... Scum should wash streets and feed the homeless.
did you not read that the prosecutor already offered them a diversion program or did your brain just short circuit and go directly into explaining why its ok for whites to wave guns at unarmed black people on the sidewalk
Lol, they offer diversions to most cases to avoid costing taxpayers money..ffs weak shit not asserting or infering anything the prosecuters are saying, yall are
Ohhhh, so the sidewalk is on their property. Okay now.

So, that's why they could just go out the door and point loaded guns in black people's faces.

Got it.

So clear now.


There are kids playing in the street outside. Gonna go and test this assertion IRL.
You have been confused at whay exactly you are responding to tbis entire time, count your homeruns at T ball
You have been confused at whay exactly you are responding to tbis entire time, count your homeruns at T ball
I thank you so much for this edcudation into my 1st amendment (wait is it 2nd amendment?) (so confusing) rights

I'm about to go outside and test this, so let me be clear.

If somebody is on my sidewalk.
If I get scared, like if a kid screams while playing a game and it startles me.
I can wave a loaded gun in their face.

Did I get it right? That's the castle doctrine?

Do I get double bonus points if it's a black kid?