this is a felony.

reasonable doesnt not mean objevtive...thats whay you want it to flash its the defendants views of reasonable , not yours, that would be in question... they obvously are very fragile... but yes stalk my post and sing your siren song of disagreement...

Your efforts please me

The charge came with a recommendation of a diversion program
Yeah I heard and I'm not surprised in the least. What I said was what I hoped would happen to them. Someone in here said it early on in the thread. They are upper middle class white people and being so will likely be treated as heros that support our so called leader. It is sad but it is the reality in our world currently, sure hope it changes but I'm not willing to hold my breath on it... In the meantime we can all do what we can by being the best that we can be to each other. Conversation creates unity, well maybe not here but it can prove as a meaningful way of actually creating change. Speak to your neighbor, spouse or family, people should not be living in fear of each other.
In summary:

according to @Samwell Seed Well

If a pudgy short old white man and beyond pudgy pasty faced old white woman look out the window and see a herd of black people on the sidewalk outside their home. They may go outside, brandish guns, wave them in the faces of the people who were engaged in peaceful protest then they may shoot said people and claim they were scared. Castle doctrine applies.

The prosecutor said they may not but what does he know? @Samwell Seed Well will get angry at you if you disagree with him. He may claim castle doctrine if you disagree because that makes him scared and if a person gets scared they may shoot to kill.

The end.
Imagine if a working-class black man and woman came out on their lawn to point guns at protest marchers. Does anyone here think they would get treated as heroes? Offered a diversion program? Gun safety classes? Fuck no, they'd be dead. That is the american reality.
It's the same all over. 1A is a white entitlement. I look at pictures of what went down in Michigan, when gun toting whites flooded the state capitol and even stormed the statehouse with legislators in session. Protesters shouting in the faces of the cops. It was like, we're good :bigjoint:. Cops and 1A Republican whites are like hand in glove. Or hand in hand.

There is a good reason you don't see guns in BLM protests or at Portland recently. The cops would mow that crowd down.
Why Bill Barr Faces A Reckoning If Trump Loses | The Beat With Ari Melber | MSNBC

MSNBC’s Chief Legal Correspondent Ari Melber delivers a special report on Attorney General Barr’s controversial meddling in the criminal cases of former Trump associates, Michael Flynn and Roger Stone. Now, Trump’s former personal lawyer Michael Cohen is suing the President, alleging the DOJ is trying to deploy an illegal plot to silence his tell-all book before the election. Barr now being seen more as the President's personal lawyer, then as the real Attorney General. His actions in stark contrast with statements he made in 1991, when he talked about the importance of Presidents not having political breaks during his confirmation hearing.
Only inside the actual house in Ca, not jus ton your property. Don’t know about states with more liberal gun laws. Ca sucks for gun owners, but what she is doing is definitely not covered by castle law Here.
Actually that’s not completely right as two high profile cases ended in acquittal over a car or truck theft.... no where near the house. We do not have a clear law in this regard and if you shoot at or near someone you’ll be tried by a jury as to wether or not it was reasonable cause. Your actions are supposed to be based on reasonable force re was your life in danger at the time. One case did get the homeowner a year in jail after he shot over the head of two teens stealing trout from a pond....... fucking idiot. Explain why Canada sucks for gun owners, I’m curious as to why you feel that way?
People did enter their property ... did it happen before or after they came.out, did it happen before or after they brought guns out..

Stop with your boogie man shit, it only weakens your case
You're an idiot.

That is the street that winds through the entire community. They were walking down that street to go to the mayor's house. It is a gated community but the gates were open at the time.

The gate they talked about being broken was a small gate onto their yard that they broke themselves after they found out they were in trouble.
Actually that’s not completely right as two high profile cases ended in acquittal over a car or truck theft.... no where near the house. We do not have a clear law in this regard and if you shoot at or near someone you’ll be tried by a jury as to wether or not it was reasonable cause. Your actions are supposed to be based on reasonable force re was your life in danger at the time. One case did get the homeowner a year in jail after he shot over the head of two teens stealing trout from a pond....... fucking idiot. Explain why Canada sucks for gun owners, I’m curious as to why you feel that way?
His profile says Los Angeles. I think he meant California. Which doesn't really suck for gun owners either. There is a ban on certain kinds of guns that other states don't have. I think he's crying because he can't have a mass murder machine and parade it in the streets like they do in Michigan. Gun nuts in the US no longer deserve a voice in politics. I don't mean all, just the 2A types.

BTW, I meant 2A in my earlier post. 2A is a white privilege
His profile says Los Angeles. I think he meant California. Which doesn't really suck for gun owners either. There is a ban on certain kinds of guns that other states don't have. I think he's crying because he can't have a mass murder machine and parade it in the streets like they do in Michigan. Gun nuts in the US no longer deserve a voice in politics. I don't mean all, just the 2A types.

BTW, I meant 2A in my earlier post. 2A is a white privilege
Yes I figured California after I typed that reply :(. We just banned a whole gaggle of assault style weapons ..... funny I don’t feel any different since that.
Yes I figured California after I typed that reply :(. We just banned a whole gaggle of assault style weapons ..... funny I don’t feel any different since that.
Some people on this forum think you just gave up your freedom with those bans.

You don't feel less free now either is my guess.
Some people on this forum think you just gave up your freedom with those bans.

You don't feel less free now either is my guess.
No but I’m not getting ready for an armed resurrection either ;). I am a gun owner but don’t feel the need to own an assault style weapon or handgun. I’m sure I would enjoy shooting a handgun at the range but the bullshit that comes with that right re gun crime is not worth it IMO.
Are you sure it was "the" sidewalk and not "some persons" owned sidewalk ? I heard the protesters were on private property, was that bad info?

HOA property is not their property, it's community property..places like that have guards n the gate house..wonder where they were?