This is an auto flower journal plues another grow with in


Well-Known Member
yeah im going to use the spidermite contol read more bout it in growell catalog lol can use it right upto 2weeks befor ropin so i can use it for abit longer well week or 2 lol but yeah im goin to get some lady bugs i think keep them pesty mites away like plants are loving the heat wave where havin here lol gona go nuke these spidermites then lol


Well-Known Member
heat wave huh. it hotter than shit here, i around the dfw area, in tx. and seems to be that way for a couple of months. yea put your plants out side will help in getting rid of them as for there are alot of perditors out there that will eat them little basterds, if your i veg, but in flower they cant go out side and stay for more than 12 hours. but yea hate the little things


Well-Known Member
yeep thats what they call it here its soo funny lol its only been 25c its ment to be in the 30s weekend lol i must live in the shitest country for growin weed under the sun lol im amazzed thats its only rained once this week lol but yeah if your wounderin why im missing the ccc off words its cause the butons sticking lol well used the spidermite controll works really well lol watched a few drain or what ever you would call it lol lil basterds lol one of my afghan kush's is really doing well looks soo nice its proper porn lol really stinks too :) lol cant wait for a smoke lol


Well-Known Member
yea watching the news, and wather man says it going to be in the 100's here. dont know why he has to tell us that, if were me i would just say, its going to be hot today, and to morrow its going to be hotter, as for the week, just going to be hot as shit so get fucking use to it damit, would some one please turn on the dam ac, it hot in here. cheep ass boss. lol


Well-Known Member
lol yeah just pull up a char an roll a phat one lol yeah its stupid over here too like dont go to work if you dont have too its too windy an its raining too hard what a joke lol but makes a change over here for it too be sunny though its normley more sunny in winter over here lol just pisses it down raining all time so loving the sun really here lol but yeah start germing more seeds tomorrow cant wait lol hopefully the wether will keep it up but will give it ago lol


Well-Known Member
Man it's 105 outside today here in Vegas. Had to run and get a new soil pH meter today, I ride a motorcycle and I swear it was like driving through fire.


Well-Known Member
no the feelin bro! its hot here in tx to. and when i gets that way i drive truck just for the ac, but like driving with the heater on all the time
Man it's 105 outside today here in Vegas. Had to run and get a new soil pH meter today, I ride a motorcycle and I swear it was like driving through fire.


Well-Known Member
lol send me some of that cutman lol just spent £100 on me new seeds lol vat's gone up so evrythin was more not good. you not takin pain killers mate? i was after me crash was pilled up to the sky for a month lol off work in bed lol fukin loved it lol payed n off work great lol


Well-Known Member
took my bike into the shop this morning, get it later on today looking all pretty again. had to replace the right side faring and brake lever. dude you never know how much you use your ribs, untill you hurt them. as far as pain killer gos got a few from friends, so that helps. i only take a half of one every time to make them last. i dont like the way they make me feel. but they do help.
ok this is some of the autos that got bagged up. will put them in vacumed packed bag later.



Well-Known Member
Cutman I know what you mean, when I first got my bike I went down pretty hard, fucked me up for almost a month.

I need to buy a car haha. I just use my fiances when I don't ride.