This is our message, Love one another and Love God

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Well-Known Member
I come to you to tell you why we exist, it is to spread love in all we do and have faith and love for our Creator Elohim and His son Jesus.

When we die, God will judge us for everything we do, and for every time we choose to Love one another we will be richly rewarded.

We will go over our entire lives, every action and every deed, but the only achievements that will really matter are the times we chose to love.

John 13:34-35

New International Version (NIV)

[SUP]34 [/SUP]“A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. [SUP]35 [/SUP]By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.”

Another boring spammy scripture thread with YT music vids? Is this a trend? Like there's not enough of these here already. I smell a mod close coming...
Tyler you would spam any thread i started no matter what it's content was. We are all clear on your anti-Christian views. Please allow me to share my thoughts and feelings as well, as they are just as valid as anyone elses.

Loving you, Brennan.
Do you believe there is anyone here who doesn't know the christian story and message? Love god and jesus, they love you so much. You better love them back and do as the bible says or you're going to hell. We get it, and there are several active threads with the same message already in case anyone forgets and needs a refresher. You see that as loving, many see it as monstrous, now matter what your view it is extremely repetitive and boring. Maybe if you had something original to contribute...

If you don't like my threads then don't read them. Spreading hate and discontentment isn't going to lead to anything good.
Thread closed. There are plenty of threads available for discussion of these issues. Please feel free to share your opinions in one of those.

OldGrowth420, if you want to avoid having your threads closed in the future, make them distinct from one another.
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