This is the South.


Well-Known Member

In “The Centrality of Effective Education for All” the report introduces the irony of Wayne County being the home of Charles B. Aycock, the education governor while at the same time being the white supremacist governor of North Carolina. Nichol and Hunt captured that this kind of duality has persisted and affects poor people’s access to education in Wayne County and Goldsboro from Shirley Edwards. She surmised that while the schools are present that quality education was never the goal or outcome for poor people in the county. “Entrenched poverty” were in her words the product of this purposeful policy.

This, of course, has tremendous implications for those who live in the city. Patricia Yates, former director of Literacy Connections of Wayne County, believes that the lack of literacy is just one of the outcomes of a school system that remains uncommitted to serving all. Yates argues that one in ten adults in Goldsboro is completely illiterate while 25% reads below a third-grade level and almost 60% read below a high school level. This by extension bounds a certain percentage of the population to life prospects that should not be acceptable for any community.

greg nr

Well-Known Member
the united states of america would be competing with european nations in terms of upward mobility and quality of life if not for the fucking american south.
Civil War era southeners actually had a very good excuse for their lazy, backward ways; Ring Worm.

Seriously. It was an unknown epidemic that wasn't discovered until after the war as the government was looking for ways to solve what seemed like an epidemic of lazyness and slow thinking.

What they found formed the basis for modern day deep latrines and burial sites. It seems ringworms can climb about 4 feet before they die of old age, and 6 foot deep latrines broke the cycle of infection.

Nowadays, who knows.


Well-Known Member
Its sad but real. The education system here is sabotaged to keep poor whites and minorities down. The rich treat people like shit because they know the working class are 1 strike away from poverty.