This is what happen when u elected anyone else but Ron Paul!!!!


Well-Known Member
I thought Ron Paul was the only REAL republican that still goes by the republican rules....Remember the hole reason republicans came about was for anti-war and prohibition so erm.....What da fuck man?!?!


Well-Known Member
I thought Ron Paul was the only REAL republican that still goes by the republican rules....Remember the hole reason republicans came about was for anti-war and prohibition so erm.....What da fuck man?!?!
dont know what go wrong either....:-|


Well-Known Member
Ive got one of those hats he even made it right shiny side up..It bounces the aliens mind lasers in to space.:-|


New Member
The problem Ron Paul has is that he espouses liberty. The average American wouldn't know liberty if it hit him/her in the face. In fact, the ideas of liberty and freedom scares the crap out of most Americans. I mean, taking personal responsibility for one's actions? Are you kidding me? :roll:



New Member
The problem Ron Paul has is that he espouses liberty. The average American wouldn't know liberty if it hit him/her in the face. In fact, the ideas of liberty and freedom scares the crap out of most Americans. I mean, taking personal responsibility for one's actions? Are you kidding me? :roll:

Anarchy is what you espouse. The problem with freedom is there are a lot of badass motherfuckers that would take your freedom and your possessions if your glorious freedom agenda ever came to fruition. Like me, you may have an arsenal, but if 20 guys broke down your front door, you'd not get them all before they got you, that's what anarchy is all about. Freedom my ass.


Well-Known Member
Your half right.

[quote/]He would be a lameduck his entire term. He does is not a true republican so he will not get their support, and he sure as hell won't get shit passed through the democrats, so all his bills would be stuck in Congress. You have to understand, unless you change Congress, getting a president like Ron Paul would do nothing. He would be more worthless than Jimmy Carter.
there is a difference. Right now we have a war going on. Even Nixon didn't need congress to end the VietNam war. As commander in chief, Ron Paul would not need congress to close foriegn military bases, you simple order them all home. That eliminates the need for the illegal income tax, without firing a shot anywhere. VV:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
there is a difference. Right now we have a war going on. Even Nixon didn't need congress to end the VietNam war. As commander in chief, Ron Paul would not need congress to close foriegn military bases, you simple order them all home. That eliminates the need for the illegal income tax, without firing a shot anywhere. VV:blsmoke:
First off, what war? There hasn't been a war in 5 years.

All that Iraq is nothing but an occupation. The media loves to call it a "war" because that throws in every negative thing associated with that term. If you call the last 5 years in Iraq a "war" then it has been by far the lowest casualty rate war we have been in. That said-

I have posted earlier my thought on his troop removal plan, and it is beyond ridiculous.


New Member
First off, what war? There hasn't been a war in 5 years.

All that Iraq is nothing but an occupation. The media loves to call it a "war" because that throws in every negative thing associated with that term. If you call the last 5 years in Iraq a "war" then it has been by far the lowest casualty rate war we have been in. That said-

I have posted earlier my thought on his troop removal plan, and it is beyond ridiculous.
I'd venture to say if it was your (pathetic) ass on IED patrol in Bagdad, you'd pretty much consider it a war.


Well-Known Member
First off, what war? There hasn't been a war in 5 years.

All that Iraq is nothing but an occupation. The media loves to call it a "war" because that throws in every negative thing associated with that term. If you call the last 5 years in Iraq a "war" then it has been by far the lowest casualty rate war we have been in. That said-

I have posted earlier my thought on his troop removal plan, and it is beyond ridiculous.
Yeah well ive had buddys die over there with in the past couple years so.......Explain to their familys we are not at war please......Death count went up after "The War" was over...90% of american deaths where AFTER "The War" was over.....Im the last to beleive propaganda but im not blind to notice we are in a war we cant win and I dare say we are not at war when ive lost friends over there...They should have been in tokyo getting there dick sucked but they got killed in a desert fighting for what people like you beleive in....Respect please?

And you cant compare a war with a ant to a war with a lion.......Iraq is little and has hardly any weapons for war anyways we have better weapons then the opposing army so yeah we would have lesser deaths then previous wars...I dont see how you can compare vietnam or any of the World wars with this one but go on and make your self look stupid.


Well-Known Member
Yeah well ive had buddys die over there with in the past couple years so.......Explain to their familys we are not at war please......Death count went up after "The War" was over...90% of american deaths where AFTER "The War" was over.....Im the last to beleive propaganda but im not blind to notice we are in a war we cant win and I dare say we are not at war when ive lost friends over there...They should have been in tokyo getting there dick sucked but they got killed in a desert fighting for what people like you beleive in....Respect please?

And you cant compare a war with a ant to a war with a lion.......Iraq is little and has hardly any weapons for war anyways we have better weapons then the opposing army so yeah we would have lesser deaths then previous wars...I dont see how you can compare vietnam or any of the World wars with this one but go on and make your self look stupid.
And to you. Don't be playing this card on me, if you were current on my Iraq standing you would know that I have my family over there and I have lost a good friend there as well, so don't go there.

And your right, we lost more troops to friendly fire than actual deaths by the enemy during the war in Iraq. And you can compare Vietnam to other wars dipshit, because you had the entire country and its leaders as your enemy, here in Iraq, its a small group of radical extremist using every cowardly tactic in the book. Keep calling it a war, make yourself look stupid.


Well-Known Member
And your right, we lost more troops to friendly fire than actual deaths by the enemy during the war in Iraq. And you can compare Vietnam to other wars dipshit, because you had the entire country and its leaders as your enemy, here in Iraq, its a small group of radical extremist using every cowardly tactic in the book. Keep calling it a war, make yourself look stupid.
How can you compare this war to vietnam? You cant compare THIS WAR to vietnam or any World War because its not even close....Its pointless what are they achiving? What have we done to consider the 1000s of lives worth it? Your a sick individual....There is no tactic in war god damnit its fucking war!! It is no longer by the fucking books!! There is no rules to war!! I mean you really think they are gonna give us a call on when and where they are gonna attack to make it a "By the books" so you call it war?

Dont get offended answer the questions.......Dont rant about what YOU say is right give me answers....If you cant give me answers Mr.Bush then please go suck off the government.....


Well-Known Member
How can you compare this war to vietnam? You cant compare THIS WAR to vietnam or any World War because its not even close....Its pointless what are they achiving? What have we done to consider the 1000s of lives worth it? Your a sick individual....There is no tactic in war god damnit its fucking war!! It is no longer by the fucking books!! There is no rules to war!! I mean you really think they are gonna give us a call on when and where they are gonna attack to make it a "By the books" so you call it war?

Dont get offended answer the questions.......Dont rant about what YOU say is right give me answers....If you cant give me answers Mr.Bush then please go suck off the government.....
What? You made 0 sense.

When did I compare Iraq to Vietnam?

There are thousands of tactics in war..

When did I say that wars should be fought by the books?

What the hell are you talking about? You are a dumb. You must have skimmed my posts and gathered enough key words to make some assumption to what my post was about. Next time, read my posts before you prove to everyone that you are under 18 and have a single digit I.Q.


Well-Known Member
Thats right, Ron Paul's laughable foreign policy is his biggest downfall. I love Bush, sorry if I don't jump on the I H8 BUSH bandwagon that everyone else boarded. I'm going to bet you don't know shit about politics, only what other people tell you. Stupid cunt.
laughable foreign policy? so u mean the guys who trying to enforce the constitution is laughable?....A guy who want to get u ur rights back is laughable i dont see any laughing point at all...and please point out the flaws in his flawless logic...
and who say RP dont have a chance watch this and tell me y they cut this out when they re-air the debate...
YouTube - Ron Paul Electibility Question


Vote 4 me 4 Prez in 2012
I believe I will begin to chime in here.

We are occupying Iraq. War has not been authorized and it is illegal as it has not been through any constitutional process. There can be no war on terrorism, terrorism is a tactic and you cannot have a war against a tactic. Just like you cannot have a war on poverty, or drugs, or anything but another sovereign nation or group occupying a definable space. So all the patriotic soldiers there are occupying a nation and are not at war with it.

You can compare Iraq and Vietnam, you can compare apples and oranges, contrary to popular belief. Comparisons help to come to quantifiable conclusions.

None of it matters though as long as money is created through interest. That was why Ron Paul kicked ass...because it is all about the money.


Well-Known Member
laughable foreign policy? so u mean the guys who trying to enforce the constitution is laughable?....A guy who want to get u ur rights back is laughable i dont see any laughing point at all...and please point out the flaws in his flawless logic...
and who say RP dont have a chance watch this and tell me y they cut this out when they re-air the debate...
YouTube - Ron Paul Electibility Question
I told you to read my posts and the link I had, I guess you didn't do it so that is why you have these questions.

I answered why his I disagree with his foreign policy, you should read it.

This is the last time I'm going to respond to you about a question already answered earlier.
This is the only aspect of his foreign policy I agree with, I believe we should be more isolationist, the "talk quiet and carry a big stick" philosophy. However, his Iraq Troop Removal plan is absolutely flawed. If I remember correctly, he wanted the immediate U.S. force removal from Iraq with his entry to the White House, they are not ready yet, if we leave, Iraq will be cast into civil war, and more than likely, Iran will move in and occupy it, now we have an enemy of our country doubling in size.

They are almost ready, notice on how the Media isn't all over Iraq right now? Isn't it strange, thats because it has greatly improved there. Their police and infrastructure is almost self-sustaining. Just a little bit more and we can all go home, but if we leave now, it will do more harm than anything we could have done to that country.