This isn't over.

I'm looking foward to it.
I hate chainsaw/hack them up shit, but classic ghost stories I love.
Edgar Allan Poe is one of my top 10 authors, followed by Mary Shelly & Bram Stoker (Frankenstein/Dracula respectively)
Don't forget Alfred Hitchcock, the master of psychological thrillers.
There is one person more despicable than trump.

rudy needs to stop buying that discount hair color.


Someone said something the other day about this reporter. She does a really good job tearing apart Giuliani's and Trump's nonsense.
I love her.
Trump is building an audience for his new con, media. He’s gonna say he’s the alternative to msm, in my humble opinion.
He’s a tv guy from the jump. Failed real estate. Failed marriages. Failed as a father. I mean what else is left for him? I feel the republicans are afraid to be spotlighted in a new episode every week.
At least when I wake up I know he’s not president.
Then again, I don’t really get your lionizing of Harry, or monarchy, for that matter:
Me neither. There was so much tongue in my cheek while I wrote that post that I caught a glimpse of what it’s like to be gay. The most welfaring monarchies aren’t really monarchies anymore. As in not absolute but constitutional monarchies.

But yes the tough part is of course finding and selecting the philospher king/president with the golden soul. Pretty much all the traits you’d want in a good leader, and Trump lacks. Things like honor, compassion, altruism, bravery, and integrity go a very long way. Selecting that king by asking everyone, including all the idiots and brainwashable sheep to vote is something almost 2500 years ago the greek knew would lead to demagoguery. As magats show, they can be brainwashed into willingly voting against their own best interest and are not qualified to vote.

If you were heading out on a journey by sea, asks Socrates, who would you ideally want deciding who was in charge of the vessel? Just anyone or people educated in the rules and demands of seafaring? The latter of course, says Adeimantus, so why then, responds Socrates, do we keep thinking that any old person should be fit to judge who should be a ruler of a country?

Socrates considered voting a skill that should be taught and learned. As in make a rational choice based on facts. Magats don’t care about facts. Actually preventing magats from voting isn’t practical either.

Maybe just accept the occasional demagogues as an inherent downside of this democratic system and take comfort in the knowledge the whole Trump situation is embarrassing but inevitable, nothing new, and not an american invention. If the US were to go full tyranny a new champion would rise, someone who would unite the people against the tyran. an ally of the light, someone with a soul of gold. And then... then the matrix reboots and this shit starts all over again.
Me neither. There was so much tongue in my cheek while I wrote that post that I caught a glimpse of what it’s like to be gay. The most welfaring monarchies aren’t really monarchies anymore. As in not absolute but constitutional monarchies.

But yes the tough part is of course finding and selecting the philospher king/president with the golden soul. Pretty much all the traits you’d want in a good leader, and Trump lacks. Things like honor, compassion, altruism, bravery, and integrity go a very long way. Selecting that king by asking everyone, including all the idiots and brainwashable sheep to vote is something almost 2500 years ago the greek knew would lead to demagoguery. As magats show, they can be brainwashed into willingly voting against their own best interest and are not qualified to vote.

If you were heading out on a journey by sea, asks Socrates, who would you ideally want deciding who was in charge of the vessel? Just anyone or people educated in the rules and demands of seafaring? The latter of course, says Adeimantus, so why then, responds Socrates, do we keep thinking that any old person should be fit to judge who should be a ruler of a country?

Socrates considered voting a skill that should be taught and learned. As in make a rational choice based on facts. Magats don’t care about facts. Actually preventing magats from voting isn’t practical either.

Maybe just accept the occasional demagogues as an inherent downside of this democratic system and take comfort in the knowledge the whole Trump situation is embarrassing but inevitable, nothing new, and not an american invention. If the US were to go full tyranny a new champion would rise, someone who would unite the people against the tyran. an ally of the light, someone with a soul of gold. And then... then the matrix reboots and this shit starts all over again.
As I recall they made him drink hemlock, Socrates lacked shall we say the social graces, and proving people to be idiots to their faces in the streets and symposiums of Athens was not popular...
Socrates considered voting a skill that should be taught and learned. As in make a rational choice based on facts. Magats don’t care about facts. Actually preventing magats from voting isn’t practical either.

Actually they are fans of facts. Alternative facts that is. Ones that need no questioning.
Several monarchies survived because they gave up the power to the people, not cause people want the fascist shit more commonly the result in republics in modern times. Nazi germany, fascist italy, china a republic, 22 of them in russian federation, venezuela a republic, Spain went from republic to fascist dictatorship back to monarchy, North Korea is officially the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, and... Trump. You’re confused with autocratic republics.

Ok, it’s not working too well for the Saudies, but look at it this way: you let the majority of the country pick the most powerful person every four year, hoping it’s a good pheno. Considering in most countries more than half the people are idiots maybe not a good idea. They might pick a runt lacking all the qualities a good king should have. In monarchies we spent hundreds of years breeding royals, creating stable lines, and than hybridize with other royals families, slaugthering the ones we didn’t like. And then stripped them from actual power in a constitution and let the people decide what the king must do. Denmark, UK, Canada, Australia, NL, Sweden, Luxembourgh, are typically in the top when it comes to standard of living and economically.

Anyway... Trump supporters are in a cult, their desires no longer match what’s good for them. according to experts it takes about 2 years for cultist to snap out of it once they left the cult or the leader dies.

You are at the verge of Plato’s 5th stage of a republic, Tyranny.

Democracy then degenerates into tyranny where no one has discipline and society exists in chaos. Democracy is taken over by the longing for freedom. Power must be seized to maintain order. A champion will come along and experience power, which will cause him to become a tyrant. The people will start to hate him and eventually try to remove him but will realize they are not able.

The tyrannical man is the son of the democratic man. He is the worst form of man due to his being the most unjust and thus the furthest removed from any joy of the true kind. He is consumed by lawless desires which cause him to do many terrible things such as murdering and plundering. He comes closest to complete lawlessness. The idea of moderation does not exist to him. He is consumed by the basest pleasures in life, and being granted these pleasures at a whim destroys the type of pleasure only attainable through knowing pain. If he spends all of his money and becomes poor, the tyrant will steal and conquer to satiate his desires, but will eventually overreach and force unto himself a fear of those around him, effectively limiting his own freedom. The tyrant always runs the risk of being killed in revenge for all the unjust things he has done. He becomes afraid to leave his own home and becomes trapped inside. Therefore, his lawlessness leads to his own self-imprisonment.

“Champion” in the eye of the beholder of course, but isn’t it fascinating Plato predicted Trumps nearly 2400 years ago already. Down to becoming bunkerboy.

Maybe, maybe the whole independence war wasn’t such a bright idea after all. I know that’s blasphemy in the US but think about it, if it weren’t for those damn French and their neverending desire to meddle in other countries, you could have been like Canada. Or maybe even like Australia or New Zealand, where common sense is still horse sense.

Now there happens to be a royal line available at the right time. Harry, Prince Harry, Duke of Sussex, a fine specimen with what Plato refers to as a soul of gold. Harry is close with Obama and Jill Biden, people with silver souls. The United Kingdom of the Americas. You could even include South Korea as a colony like a proper european monarchy.
We'll see if the constitution holds. I don't think Trump is going to last much longer. Jan 20, Biden will be prez and there is no resemblance between the ingoing and outgoing leaders. Perhaps we ARE in a downward trend. I think we are seeing turmoil due to an unprecedented change in demographics and it's going to be a dynamic decade but by the end of the 20's, things will be different, more settled.

Lulz at the idea we should adopt Prince Harry as our monarch. Thanks for that.
Me neither. There was so much tongue in my cheek while I wrote that post that I caught a glimpse of what it’s like to be gay. The most welfaring monarchies aren’t really monarchies anymore. As in not absolute but constitutional monarchies.

But yes the tough part is of course finding and selecting the philospher king/president with the golden soul. Pretty much all the traits you’d want in a good leader, and Trump lacks. Things like honor, compassion, altruism, bravery, and integrity go a very long way. Selecting that king by asking everyone, including all the idiots and brainwashable sheep to vote is something almost 2500 years ago the greek knew would lead to demagoguery. As magats show, they can be brainwashed into willingly voting against their own best interest and are not qualified to vote.

If you were heading out on a journey by sea, asks Socrates, who would you ideally want deciding who was in charge of the vessel? Just anyone or people educated in the rules and demands of seafaring? The latter of course, says Adeimantus, so why then, responds Socrates, do we keep thinking that any old person should be fit to judge who should be a ruler of a country?

Socrates considered voting a skill that should be taught and learned. As in make a rational choice based on facts. Magats don’t care about facts. Actually preventing magats from voting isn’t practical either.

Maybe just accept the occasional demagogues as an inherent downside of this democratic system and take comfort in the knowledge the whole Trump situation is embarrassing but inevitable, nothing new, and not an american invention. If the US were to go full tyranny a new champion would rise, someone who would unite the people against the tyran. an ally of the light, someone with a soul of gold. And then... then the matrix reboots and this shit starts all over again.
Plato was *never* a fan of Athenian democracy: his teacher and mentor, Socrates, was instrumental in several of the Peleponnesian city-states being taken over by tyrants - his *students* as it turned out. Socrates was maybe the first master of “fake news”: He was executed for using his personal free speech to undermine the value of free speech itself, and for thereby making himself - and his students - existential threats to Athens itself. I highly recommend “The Trial of Socrates” by IF Stone for a genuinely in-depth look at how Socrates came to be sentenced to death. He was the Fox News, the Sean Hannity, the Rush Limbaugh of the time, and presented a loving breathing crisis to Greek civilization.Plato was his apologist, his amanuensis, his water-carrier...too bad he was not seen through by the founding fathers when they were looking for a term way than monarchy.

There’s another aspect to all this - one that gets no shrift at all in “Christian” America, and that is sacred kingship: a head of state embodies a symbolic role that goes virtually unrecognized today; the idea that the king and the land are one, and that the head of state is a moral and ethical center that ties a nation together, allows it to weather crises and remain intact. The many volumes of Sir James Fraser’s “Golden Bough” goes into great depth and detail the topic; by that light, the presidency of DJT represents the fundamental moral corruption of us as a people, requiring a symbolic and actual purging of the threads that brought him to power, and to the destruction his time in power has wrought on us as a nation and a people.

getting deep...better quit....