This isn't over.

There is gonna be one Helluva fight over this on the state and local levels, are you gonna tell the kids the truth or a pack of lies. Remember the civil war wasn't really about slavery, it was about "states rights", not human rights. They will try to rewrite history and try to bullshit your kids, don't let them, they must own their shame in front of their own children, there are consequences for betraying your country and these a mild.
Hoping your reference to the ‘states rights’ shit is an example of the fight over who tells the story, ‘cause *that* particular fight still goes on every day. The brainwashed absolutely infect their children. This isn’t over: it isn’t even new.
Hoping your reference to the ‘states rights’ shit is an example of the fight over who tells the story, ‘cause *that* particular fight still goes on every day. The brainwashed absolutely infect their children. This isn’t over: it isn’t even new.
The difference is we have the video, not that it will make any difference, the fight at school boards will be intense, so I'll tell ya what, let's let a history professor tell the story... Teaching false history to children is child abuse and should be a federal crime, only the truly guilty racists will be busted, make it a 5 year mandatory minimum. Make the law clear and unambiguous, provide warnings and individual fines, third time around and it's prison. If they want to teach a lie, then they must defend the lie in a court of law and teach the jury as well, that's perjury as well. The lies could kill a half million Americans and almost destroyed the country, so yeah it's worth the law. No the 1st amendment does not apply to public school teachers deliberately abusing children, there are limits on the first amendment, child abuse is one of them.
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It all starts with education. Young minds are very malleable.
Make sure kids get the whole truth. Not just so called facts that are pure propaganda.
Totally agree. Just as long as you don't consider 'people say' a actual fact with nothing credible to back it up.
People will riot and strike if Trump tries to stay. Come on Georgia get out and vote.
Need to win the Senate .
People would do a lot more than that if Trump tried to stay, who ever supported him would be fucked, one way or another. Any moves by legislatures to illegally disenfranchise a clear majority of voters in their states is just cause for civil war. They failed at the ballot and they failed in the courts, there is no ambiguity in this situation, the out come was clear. Donald can't generate enough smoke or twist enough arms to cover his failure, he can convince millions of morons, but there are probably ten or twenty million fewer morons than who voted for him.
History will remember Trump as a huge joke and the GOP should suffer for decades.
He is a racist, loves to divide and distract from real issues.
They will hold historic reenactments, like the civil war ones where the mostly southerners refight the battles of old, apparently blue coats are hard to come by in these organizations. Yep I can see it now, the crowds of future MAGA red hats at rallies they hold every summer, reunions, reliving hate's greatest lies, they will have a robodonald on the stage, spouting the old lies, from the database of 30,000. The church or Trump will be represented there too along with the Qnon crowd, it will be a celebration of stupidity, sponsored by those who want to own morons with out the expense of feeding them.