This isn't over.

I can see Trump vetoing the bills to mak himself feel like a king and the GOP finally saying no to his demands with the government shutting down and no relief checks for people. Over Christmas holidays it won't mater too much and then only three weeks until Biden. It would be the best thing for the GOP to use this as a way to rid themselves of Trump.
He didn't veto the relief bill. That's the stupid part. He simply made that little speech and then left town. Congress called a vote for a 2000 dollar check amendment to the bill and of course republicans shot it down.

So right now nobody really knows where we are with that bill, if he'll wind up signing it or vetoing it.

But that's what Trump wants now. Being the spoiled little brat that he is he's just going to screw over everybody he can and go to his home in Florida and play golf while the nation burns.

At least he doesn't play the violin.
The GOP is screwed.

They're going to have a slew of batshit crazy Trump wanna-be's come out of the woodwork to fill Trump's shoes, each one wanting to go further off the deep end than the other in order to "win".

Old world conservatives are only going to have three choices:
  • Bite the bullet and go along with them and hope they can work things out later.
  • Start their own party.
  • Join the democratic party to bury the present batshit crazy GOP, then start all over once they're completely driven out of government at every level.
I wouldn't mind it if a third party were formed by Reagan conservatives. Their problem is that their theories have been proven wrong.

Trickle down economics
Government is the problem, not the solution
Regulation does more harm than good
Seen one tree, seen 'em all (policies to protect the environment are bad)
USA is number 1
HIV is God's punishment of gay people (being gay is a choice and a sin)
wonder if he's going to get to the real bad boys like Ted K. and El Chapo.
I'm waiting for the Kylie Rittenhouse and Dylan Roof pardons, they will be wildly popular among the base. Also that father son duo who murdered that black guy out for a jog. Of course I await the coup de grace, the pardon of the cops who murdered George Floyd and perhaps pardons for all the cops who murdered black people, a special gift to the hardcore base. The trouble is that could help Mitch in Georgia and send the base to the polls in joyful excitement.
What wonderful topics of discussion for a Christmas eve in Trump's America...

Donald is also eager to start a war with Iran and his finger is itching to push the nuclear button on them and nuke Tehran. Yep, a major crime against humanity and trillions in reparations to Iran before anybody on the planet would consider trading with you or allowing you into their country. American assets would be seized in every western country including Canada and China would be eager to take everything they could. That will be the price for using nuclear weapons in an unprovoked attack, oh and forget about the US dollar as a medium for international trade. It wouldn't matter who the American president was on Jan21st either, you would still have to pay trillions to Iran or have the super rich's assets seized. Mitch will make sure you pay and they don't though.

Looks like Donald will shut the lights off on his way out the door
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Thoughts and prayers, live by the sword, die by the sword. He is NOT an innocent victim, he is also a party to mass murder and his own suicide. I will save my sympathy for the real victims of covid and NOT for racist republican traitors like him. All the best though, hope he makes it, but he won't cross the floor and sit with the democrats, if he does, but will support starving his fellow Americans to death and denying them healthcare. I'm also sure Jesus is his best friend and will take care of him.
What wonderful topics of discussion for a Christmas eve in Trump's America...

Donald is also eager to start a war with Iran and his finger is itching to push the nuclear button on them and nuke Tehran. Yep, a major crime against humanity and trillions in reparations to Iran before anybody on the planet would consider trading with you or allowing you into their country. American assets would be seized in every western country including Canada and China would be eager to take everything they could. That will be the price for using nuclear weapons in an unprovoked attack, oh and forget about the US dollar as a medium for international trade. It wouldn't matter who the American president was on Jan21st either, you would still have to pay trillions to Iran or have the super rich's assets seized. Mitch will make sure you pay and they don't though.

Looks like Donald will shut the lights off on his way out the door

A rather pessimistic view but yet a horrifying possibility as well.

Lucky he doesn't have a big red button on his desk to launch those those things. A lot of steps to go thru before he can do something so stupid.

The man has obviously lost what little was left of his mind. Isn't there an amendment to use in cases like this? #25 or something? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

His base is still refusing to accept the truth and is digging their heels in even harder. I just hope it all ends peacefully.

A rather pessimistic view but yet a horrifying possibility as well.

Lucky he doesn't have a big red button on his desk to launch those those things. A lot of steps to go thru before he can do something so stupid.

The man has obviously lost what little was left of his mind. Isn't there an amendment to use in cases like this? #25 or something? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

His base is still refusing to accept the truth and is digging their heels in even harder. I just hope it all ends peacefully.

It might cost generals their careers and perhaps Trump's syncopates in the pentagon their lives as they are shot between the eyes by the chief of staff personally, or most likely kept tied up and gagged in a closet for 30 days. These people are not stupid, even if Trump and those around him are, it might cost them their careers though. Even if Joe reinstates them the republicans in the senate will raise a stink about insubordination, even if the order was illegal on several levels.
The GOP is screwed.

They're going to have a slew of batshit crazy Trump wanna-be's come out of the woodwork to fill Trump's shoes, each one wanting to go further off the deep end than the other in order to "win".

Old world conservatives are only going to have three choices:
  • Bite the bullet and go along with them and hope they can work things out later.
  • Start their own party.
  • Join the democratic party to bury the present batshit crazy GOP, then start all over once they're completely driven out of government at every level.
Extra marks for using bullet points.

If they go with option one, nothing changes.
To all you Americans who are spending the holidays with your Trumper relatives:
Don't wanna talk politics and spoil the family Christmas? Of course they shouldn't have to answer for their vote and support, that would just ruin that Christmas spirit wouldn't it? The pardons can be sluffed off and those stimulus checks are not really required, why think of all the money that will be saved with the government shut down. Then there's the fake media Russia hack and attack on America hoax, it was really China you know. There's also the covid hoax, it was suppose to disappear after the election, but don't mention that FFS. Of course some will say, I didn't vote for Trump, but... Boy he sure did get them brown folks and trigger the libs though, so it's all worth it.

"You do know the election was stolen from Trump don't you"... As you finger the knife and contemplate carving more than the fucking turkey! :lol: Merry Fucking Christmas!
I'm waiting for the Kylie Rittenhouse and Dylan Roof pardons, they will be wildly popular among the base. Also that father son duo who murdered that black guy out for a jog. Of course I await the coup de grace, the pardon of the cops who murdered George Floyd and perhaps pardons for all the cops who murdered black people, a special gift to the hardcore base. The trouble is that could help Mitch in Georgia and send the base to the polls in joyful excitement.
45 can only pardon federal crimes.
I'm on here tonight because I don't keep Christmas, give or receive gifts either, I'm not a Christian so why keep the holiday. I do some charity for poor kids though, it's was a special time for me as a kid too and I help in other ways. I know more poor people than wealthy, but I know a few of those too. Today I visited friends and family and I'll forgo the turkey dinner tomorrow. I'm not unhappy or sad in the slightest and if you visited my home there are no Christmas decorations. If there was a child present, things would be much different of course, I'd go the whole nine yards.

I don't give or receive presents (children being the exception) or get the Christmas "spirit". I have the spirit of generosity with me constantly and give all the time, not just things either. I have my vices as do all people, but greed is not one of them. I don't need a list of values or rules, others first is the only rule I need, and compassion is my guide. It doesn't mean allowing others to walk over you though, it means a balance. Like most men I can be kind and I can be cruel, but only when required, kindness is my default position.

Courage is the queen of all virtues and you need a lot less of it if you live in a liberal democracy. Lose that liberal democracy and you might be forced to commit atrocities you can't live with. Your freedom is worth fighting for and if you should lose it you will understand why it is so important. You always lose it to someone like Trump, but usually they are a lot smarter and have a plan, their base of support is always the same though, those driven by hate and fear who are dealing with a perceived threat or someone who is just different.
I'm on here tonight because I don't keep Christmas, give or receive gifts either, I'm not a Christian so why keep the holiday.

WTF does Christmas have to do with being Christian? It's the time Santa comes down the chimney to deliver presents all around the world. I've always tried to stay up and catch him in the act, but sadly always fall asleep. I blame Ms. Indica for that.

Both neighbours living directly beside me left something for me on the step today for for Christmas, a bottle of 2017 Chateau Grand Jean reserve, and a bottle of McClelland's Single Malt. It's not that they think I'm an alcoholic lol, it's because I gift my neighbours weed throughout the year, and they know something to drink of quality would cost me money and I probably wouldn't buy for myself.
WTF does Christmas have to do with being Christian? It's the time Santa comes down the chimney to deliver presents all around the world. I've always tried to stay up and catch him in the act, but sadly always fall asleep. I blame Ms. Indica for that.

Both neighbours living directly beside me left something for me on the step today for for Christmas, a bottle of 2017 Chateau Grand Jean reserve, and a bottle of McClelland's Single Malt. It's not that they think I'm an alcoholic lol, it's because I gift my neighbours weed throughout the year, and they know something to drink of quality would cost me money and I probably wouldn't buy for myself.
I quit smoking pot over a month ago to get into my meditation practice more and I've got a half dozen very potent brownies in the freezer. I'm pretty dried out right now, so a quarter brownie sometime after super tomorrow should pretty well fuck me. I don't drink much and the bottle of wine I bought for the American election (I'm into blood sports :lol: ) is still in the fridge half full. There is a quart of rum and a case of real (Canadian) beer for guests. The people who I give bags of dope to bought me Tim Hortons or McDonald's :???: gift cards. I do give out bags of pot for Christmas, but I give them away at other times too, I grow far more than I need or want.
WTF does Christmas have to do with being Christian? It's the time Santa comes down the chimney to deliver presents all around the world. I've always tried to stay up and catch him in the act, but sadly always fall asleep. I blame Ms. Indica for that.

Both neighbours living directly beside me left something for me on the step today for for Christmas, a bottle of 2017 Chateau Grand Jean reserve, and a bottle of McClelland's Single Malt. It's not that they think I'm an alcoholic lol, it's because I gift my neighbours weed throughout the year, and they know something to drink of quality would cost me money and I probably wouldn't buy for myself.
The guy across the street who I give bags to regularly is determined to run over a turkey dinner tomorrow though! :lol: